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Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists, 9th Edition

Answers to Challenge Questions

Chapter 1: Concepts of Radiologic Science

1. a. The ability to do work or physically influence surroundings because of position,

chemical state, or nuclear state
b. E = mc2, where E is energy expressed in joules, m is mass expressed in kilograms, and
c is the speed of light expressed in meters per second
c. Any electromagnetic or particulate radiation that has sufficient energy to remove an
electron from an atom
d. 1/1000 of a rad, where the rad (radiation absorbed dose) is 100 ergs of energy absorbed
per gram of tissue
e. Approximately 300 mrad/yr
f. The first heated filament x-ray tube was developed by a physicist, William Coolidge, in
g. The production of continuous x-ray images in real time using a special x-ray imaging
system, the fluoroscope, with continuous low mA. The fluoroscope was first
demonstrated by Thomas Edison in 1898.
h. The procedure of confining the x-ray beam to the area of anatomic interest to limit
patient radiation dose
i. Biochemistry
j. A phosphor that glows when excited with x-rays. This is the phosphor with which
Roentgen was experimenting when he discovered x-rays.
2. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
3. Weight is determined by the force of gravity. Weight changes in value with position in a
gravitational field such as that of the Earth or the moon. Mass is constant. It is
independent of position and is determined by the objects energy equivalence.
4. X-rays, gamma rays, visible light, radio waves (also microwaves, infrared radiation,
ultraviolet radiation)
5. X-rays interact at the electron level or nuclear level, ionizing an atom or ejecting a nuclear
particle, respectively. Lower-energy electromagnetic radiation interacts with molecules,
cells, and larger objects in a way that will usually elevate the temperature of the object.
6. To keep low energy x-rays from reaching the patient. Such x-rays do not reach the image
receptor. Filtration results in lower patient radiation dose.
7. An x-ray, for instance, interacts with an orbital electron of an atom of tissue. The electron
absorbs some energy from the x-ray and is released from the atom. The electron (negative
ion) and resulting atom (positive ion) are called an ion pair.
8. 39 mrem 360 mrem 100% = 11%
9. It was a casual and unexpected finding; in fact, others had produced x-rays before
Roentgen, but because they were focused on a known area of physics, the x-ray findings
were ignored.
10. Because occupational radiation exposure is so low. The average annual dose to a
radiologic technologist is 50 mrem (0.5 mSv), which is much less than received from
natural sources.

Elsevier items and derived items 2009 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Answers to Challenge Questions 1-
11. As Low As Reasonably Achievable
12. X-ray beam filtration, x-ray beam collimation, protective apparel and barriers, fluoroscopic
cumulative timer, and the protective tube housing
13. In Roentgens time, glass plates were used. Charles Leonard cut exposure time in half by
exposing two glass plates with emulsion sides together, leading to the development of
double-emulsion film. During World War I, radiologists began to use film, substituting
cellulose nitrate for glass.
14. Cosmic rays, terrestrial radiation, and internally deposited radionuclides
15. Radon 222, a gas
16. The transfer of energy from one area or medium to another
17. Electrons emitted from the filament of an electronic vacuum tubean x-ray tube, for
18. d, b, e, c, a
19. See Box 1-3.
20. Provide instructions to the patient.
Position patient.
Prepare the patient.
Confirm patient identity.
Observe and monitor vital signs.

Elsevier items and derived items 2009 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.

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