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The Great Work

What is the Work?

The Work on oneself is a way to systematically liberate a man-machine from its
condition, and to gradually help the man-machine transform itself and evolve to
its full potential. A man, before he meets a Way is incomplete, a potentiality.
Many qualities that a man attributes to himself such as consciousness, will and
the ability to do, are illusions, and if a man were able to sincerely observe
himself, he would immediately realize that he, in fact, is not free but constantly
pulled around and driven by changing desires, utterly helpless to change
anything, or do anything. And as long as a man holds on to his illusions, he
never realizes the need to change anything. If a man tries to observe himself for
a short while, he will immediately see that he is unable to do so. Partly because it
is nearly impossible to be objective about oneself, and partly because the
mechanical associations in him will soon take him away and he would forget
about having started to observe himself.
More coming up.

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