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NI SUGAL & DAMANI SHARE BROKERS LTD., MEMBER SUGALE ‘National Stock Exchange of india Ltd, Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd, DAMANI Mex Stock Exchange, Central Depository Services (Indie) Ltd, CIN : LESSOITN 1983 PLC 028228, February 3,2017 To es Conronare Ret arions DeantMenr BouBay Stock EXcuANGr LinirED 1 Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, PJ Towers, (Second Floor), Dalal Street, Mumbai ~400 oot Email: cor Sew Cope: st16s4 Deansins, SUBIECT: UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FoR THE QUARTER AND Nive Mowtas ENDED ‘DECEMBER ST, 2016 In terms ofthe Provisions of Regulation 30 (ead with Past of Schedule III and 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we etelose the following Statements forthe quarteinine months ended December 31,2016, which were approved and akon on ‘record by our Boar of Directors at its meeting eld toy, the February 3.2017 |. Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter’Ning Months Ended December 31, 2016; 2 Limited Review Report forthe Thind Quarter Ended December 31, 2016:and “The Meeting commenced at 11.00 am, and concluded at 12.30 pm. “Thanking you ‘Yours faith, Fonsi 1 & DAMANISHARE BROKERS Livre Paluch Vvcdbes Coury Secxerany os aj Regd. Office : City Centre Plaza, 1st Floor, No, 7, Anna Salal, Chennai -600 002. Ph : 2858 7105 - 108 Fax: + 91-44-42155285 E-mail : Investor Grievance E-mail: SUGAL & DAMANI SHARE BROKERS LTD., MEMBER SUGAL& National Stock Exchange of india Ltd, Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd, DAMANI Mex Stock Exchange, Central Depository Services (India) Ltd, CIN : L8S994TN 1993 PLC 078224 Se oe ne ec io Qari Noi Sa DST FR T ~ ms et gr at venous | Yortad ei lobe ope ssn] | ean] — ios — tat | Pat inseeton en sai] — bear] sere] ase] — enon sm = [ie ae cerca (ome aS 7 a VT oH (oeaeaisetiaee te[ tat] — 28 ase a (6a epee sss] ms| uo) 20 2908 a7 5 mee cst eat 0) ss] seca] mass man] _ 90 ast 7 [isionT ine * ee. wo|es| ve] om] ms 13006 1 ete Hara oy eer ws|s»| sn] imm| ss oat 13 feat yom re pe) wa] se sau [ ioue| san oat 1g pes ran cn Baa SY ee Or ee | ass] ae] 1s] 7 Regd. City Centre Plaza, 1st Floor, No. Ph : 2858 7105 - 108 Fax: + 91-44-42156285 E-mail : Investor Grievance E-mail : [A_ PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING 1 [rte arian Nabe eros] as | eos | aoe] | — os eseinembaes ona fhe a a i ay | | |asiinngefpenoieand ponte) nal ml al | val ny [enn nt al > Noncrambed Nant Se esis] eon] asogen] atsever| aeons] aang cna sae oe orgy tears ott al se pt Lcnecaman noes] nord ruse] rion nuoexl nua Ta oie a GST BaD A OTOETT 2 The Aud Commies bape tne 3 Tecoma een seg heptne Und Rv en iy ry ai. 5 Fig ore cater pond vet pel sol wee ey ine ses of Sind Bing. Acconghy, are an atte ot se Acig St | Dr 2, Magurthan, vio roricn are Chartered AccouBlant Alen, Chet 600608 Phone 2464 0742, 2499 9232 Fox” 2499 9989 Mobile 98410 47064 Email -rmogunh@gmol com Independent Auditor's Review Report tothe Board of Directers of 'SUGAL AND DAMANI SHARE BROKERS LIMITED 4. have reviewed the accompanying statement of un-audited fhancial resus, of UGALAND DAMANT SHARE BROKERS LIMITED (the Company’) for the seer ended 31" December 2016. This siaterent is the responsibly of the Seantenya Management and has ben approved by the Board of Drectors My ceapbrcbiy i to sve a report onthe financial statements basedion my review. 2. | conducted my review in accordance withthe Standard on Review Engagements {GRE 210, “Logagement to Revow of Infrim Financial information parfrmes By Be shacvendent Autor of the Enbiy” issued by the Instiute of Chartered [Recountats of Inia. This standard roquies that | plan and perform the review to Sota moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of ‘mal misstatement. A review |S limited primanly to iqunes of Company cetetnel ae analyteal procedures apolied to financial data and thus provide lest perceange than an auc.” | have not performed an audit and accordingly, | 60 not ‘xpress an aust opinion. 3. Based on my review conducted a8 statod above, nothing has come to my attention {fat causes me To beleve that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial aoa cae tsred in accordance with the Accauning Standards and ather recognized ‘sulle Prcraractces and poleies has not csdosed the information required to be Rigged ir terms of regulation 29 ofthe SEBI (Listing Oaigatons anc Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in which ts tobe disciosed Fee conan any material misstatement, subject (0 non provision of Deferred Tax. if any or GER MugUNTHAN yoann ouamteney Aceoune ve fan Oa No.ct387) Place: Chennai Date: 05/02/2017

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