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Question 1:

Identify the ethical dilemmas. Explain why they are ethical dilemmas and explain how you

would handle them. Include your thoughts and impressions as well as your actions


There were numerous ethical dilemmas that happened in this duration. The first one occurred in

about reaching the patients home and the partners concern for monetary backing. The next one

happened when the patient was treated and it can be said that the potential tone and the regular

impatience. It can also be observed that the improper answer to the situational questions posed

by the patients and harassing the patient by calling her a drama queen was the best all over above

scenario. It can further be said that the potential reason for ignoring the patient and nominally

taking about other things when the patient had to be discussed was the primary concern here. So

basically there were a lot of ethical dilemmas and no matter how small or how much diluted they

are these are the concerns that are the primary concerns to the patient. Overall it can be seen that

there were six points where ethical dilemmas were created. And in doing so it can also be

observed that I was constantly the observer and thus it was a mishap that I did not intervene, this

too is an ethical dilemma as well.

Question 2:

Which points on the NAEMT code of ethics were violated? Explain how it was violated.


When observing the code along with the ethical dilemmas, it can be considered that there are 12

codes that are to be taken care of. The first one of conserving life was violated on the event of
non-availability of equal medical facilitation. In the second part it is said to be a compassionate

individual and to show respect to the patients regardless of their social status. This was also

violated as due to her social condition the codes were broken. The clause of professionalism was

also violated when the seriousness of the patients condition was violated and competence clause

was violated in an aspect that passion was not provided. And at last the violation was done in

assuming responsibility for judgement as the partner never tried not to judge the patient in her

current state of suffering. There were a lot of violations and it is said to be a bad case for the

partner as he was least interested in his job and more interested in the potential reasoning of his

own attitude.

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