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WebSphere MQ

Getting Started Exercise V1.1

Renate Franken
Channel Technical Sales Germany

17. Apr. 2008 Page 1 of 41

About WebSphere MQ
IBM WebSphere MQ is the market leader messaging middleware. It enables programs to
communicate with each other via network in a heterogeneous environment supporting the major
processors, operating systems, subsystems and communication protocols by using a consistent
application programming interface.

MQ stands for Messaging and Queuing where messaging is used to exchange data as messages
rather than calling each other directly. Queuing stands for placing messages on queues in storage,
allowing programs to run independently of each other, at different speeds and times, in different
locations and without having logical connections.

WebSphere MQ, the result based on these concepts, is a reliable, scalable performing messaging and
queuing system for sending and exchanging data across applications and solutions. This also ensures
asynchronous message delivery in case the partner system is not always available.

Lab Introduction

This lab is designed for anyone who wants to get familiar with the basic functions of WebSphere
MQ. Each step introduces you to a different component or function of WebSphere MQ, showing you
how to create, administrate and use objects as base for more complex environments.
It will help you getting comfortable with the base capabilities available to you in WebSphere MQ.
After completing this lab, you will be able to accomplish the following tasks:

Create objects like Queue Manager, Queues.

Use the MQ API Sample Program to put and get data into a queue

Create a second Queue Manager using the MQ Command line Interface

WMQ intercommunication setup and test

Initial trouble shooting

In the following description, we use WMQ for IBM WebSphere MQ.
This lab was written with WMQ But the exercise in this lab should also work with former or
later WMQ Version. It could only the one or other screen appearance looks different.

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Table of Contents
About WebSphere MQ ......................................................................................................................... 2
Lab Introduction................................................................................................................................ 2
Lab 1: WebSphere MQ Installation.......................................................................................................4
Lab 2: Create WebSphere MQ objects................................................................................................ 11
Lab 3: Use the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser to put and get data into a queue................................ 16
Lab 4: WebSphere MQ intercommunication setup............................................................................. 22
Complete QMA configuration for intercommunication.................................................................. 23
Create Queue Manager QMB and its objects with the WMQ command line interface.................. 29
Lab 5: Test the WebSphere MQ intercommunication.........................................................................32
Put a message on the remote queue using the WMQ Explorer....................................................... 33
Put a message on the remote queue using the WMQ API Exerciser with Advanced options.........35
Summary and more Informations........................................................................................................ 41

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Lab 1: WebSphere MQ Installation

Goal of this lab:

Install WebSphere MQ as a base for the following labs.
If you have WMQ already installed, skip this lab and continue with lab 2.

To run this WebSphere MQ Exercise without a Product Licenses or CD, use the 90 days Trial
Version from here:

(a) Check the System requirements before installation.

They can be found here: http://www-

(b) Start setup.exe to launch the installation. The following installation window should appear.

(c) Click on Software Requirements on the left side to check the Software prerequisites.

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(d) After that we use the WebSphere Eclipse Platform as graphical user interface to create the
WMQ Objects. Therefore install WebSphere Eclipse Platform Version 3.0.1, if not
already installed, by clicking Install from CD ROM.

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(e) Click Network Configuration on the left side.
For our exercise, select No.

No means you have full Administrator rights on your machine and the WMQ Groups are
created on your local machine. Yes means you are in a Window Domain and you have
Administrator rights to create necessary WMQ groups like mqm. This is important for a
production environment. But to keep it simple for this exercise, select No.

(f) Now click WebSphere MQ Installation on the left side.

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(g) Click Launch IBM WebSphere MQ Installer to start the installation.

(h) Select Accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next >

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(i) You can choose between Typical, Compact and Custom installation.
For this exercise Typical should sufficient. The installation path will be
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\

To change the installation path or to add additional components like File Transfer or Java
Extended Transaction Support, select Custom Installation.
If desired, change the installation path to e.g. C:\WMQ6 and accept the other recommended
path by clicking Next > .

(j) On the Features window, you can add additional features like Server File Transfer if
desired. But they are not required or used in the following lab. Selecting all requires about
2053MB Disk Space.

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(k) Click Install on the following Ready to Install WebSphere MQ screen.

(l) Now the installation is started. It takes several minutes. Click Finish on the following screen.

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(m) Click Next > on the following three screens leaving them unchanged and click Finish on the
last one.

After the copy and registration of WebSphere MQ, you can choose to start a default
configuration. A default configuration creates a first Queue Manager with a long name
containing the host name. It's not necessary to select Setup the Default Configuration,
because we will create and use our own Queue Manager in the next lab.

Working with Software Products, it's always advisable to check the Produkt Support Page for
recommended service or fix packs:
At the lab creation time, Fix Pack is the recent version. To use it, download and start
it. At this time, the executable is called WebSphereMQMDV6.0.2.2EnUs.exe. Click Next
and finally start installation through the following screens. This installation take a while.

- Congratulation, you have successful installed WebSphere MQ -

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Lab 2: Create WebSphere MQ objects

Goal of this lab:

Participants will create various WebSphere MQ objects using the WebSphere MQ Explorer.

During these labs it is assumed, that WMQ is already installed and configured, otherwise continue
with lab 1. However, we will do some checks, which are also part of the administration tasks related
to WMQ. The default installation path is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\. In the following
labs, it is assumed that you have changed this default installation path C:\WMQ6\.

(a) Check if the WMQ Service is up and running. Click Start -> Control Panel - ->
Administrative Tools -> Services to start the program. It shows the status and additional
information about all registered Windows Services. Look for the service IBM MQSeries and
confirm that it is Started. If that is not so, start the service manually.

(b) Now start the WebSphere MQ Explorer via Start -> All Programs -> IBM WebSphere MQ ->
WebSphere MQ Explorer. The Explorer GUI has a common look: hierarchy and objects on the
left side; details of the actual object on the main window on the right. But currently, we have no
objects created.

(c) Create a Queue Manager

To exchange messages or data via WMQ, we need queues to put and get them. To create
queues, we need a queue manager. So the first step is to create a queue manager and then the
queues. Only the WebSphere MQ Server Version can have Queue Managers and Queues. A
WebSphere MQ Client Version cannot manage theses objects. It can only access once existing
on a WebSphere MQ Server.

To create a Queue Manager, right click Queue Managers on the left window in the WMQ
explorer. Click New -> Queue Manager...

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(d) Enter QMA aka Queue manager name and click Next >

(e) Click Next > on the following screen.

The next screen should be changed into a production system to write the log on another physical
disk. This directory have to be created before. If you plan to exchange larger messages, you
should increase the Log file size. This can not be changed on an existing Queue Manager
For this exercise we don't need to change it, so leave the defaults.

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(f) Click Next > on the next screen.

(g) On the next screen, you see the settings for listener. The port number must be unique for each
queue manager. The default is 1414.
Enter 1415 as port number. The next queue manager QMB in this lab will be 1416.
Click Finish to create the queue manager.
After creating the queue manager, it should be visible on the left side in the MQ Explorer.

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(h) Click the plus on the left of the queue manager QMA to open the tree. Right click Queues and
select New -> Local Queue...

A Local Queue is a local physical queue. An Alias Queue is comparable to a pointer to an
existing Local Queue. Very useful if you have to change a physical queue name and you want to
leave your application unchanged. A Model Queue is like a queue template. If you have to
create several queues with almost the same setting, you can create a Model Queue and the next
Local Queues AS this Model Queue. A Remote Queue Definition is like an Alias Queue to a
remote queue. Application can access and send messages to this queue as to a local queue. The
properties of this queue contains the queue manager and the queue name of a local queue on a
remote system.

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(i) Enter QLA for local queue name and click Finish.

- Finish lab 2 -

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Lab 3: Use the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser to put and get
data into a queue

Goal of this lab:

Put and Get messages in WMQ using the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser

WMQ has several API's to exchange messages between applications. A message can be any kind of
data. It could be a XML messages, SOAP message, jpeg, video stream or any other kind of bit
streams. The other application can be on an other system and operation system, connected with
WMQ through several communication protocols like TCP/IP. How to connect two queue managers
will be shown in the next lab.
This lab shows how to write and read messages into a queue. To write a message into a queue, you
use the WMQ API MQPUT. To read a message from a Queue, you use the WMQ API MQGET. So
we use the WMQ terminologie put and get in the following description.

How to write or put a message into a queue and read or get messages from a queue will be shown in
this lab. WMQ provides 13 API's to access WMQ in several languages like Java, C, C++, ... .
To test WMQ and avoid to write and compile your own application, WMQ provides a graphical user
interface to run these API's. This program is named WebSphere MQ API Exerciser and can be
found in the <installationroot>\bin directory as amqapi.exe
(a) Start the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser.

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These are the 13 WMQ API's
MQCONN connect to a Queue Manager
MQCONNX - connect to a Queue Manager extended with more connection parameters
MQDISK disconnect from the Queue Manager
MQOPEN open a Queue
MQCLOSE close a Queue
MQPUT put a message on a Queue
MQGET get a message from a Queue
MQPUT1 open a Queue, put a message and close the queue with on API
MQINQ - get the attributes of a WMQ object
MQSET - set the attributes of a WMQ object
for Transactions:
MQBEGIN - begin transaction
MQCMIT - commit transaction
MQBACK - roll back transaction

To put a message into a Queue, you first have to connect to a Queue Manager, open a Queue
where you want to put the message and finally put the message. Therefore you have to
launch MQCONN, MQOPEN and then the MQPUT command.
(b) To connect to the Queue Manager QMA click MQCONN.

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(c) Ensure Completion Code MQCC_OK in the Status window at the bottom.

(d) Switch to the Queues tab, choose QLA as Selected Queue and click MQOPEN.
Check the open Status.

(e) Click MQPUT to put a message on the selected queue QLA. In the following pop-up
window, enter any text like 'My Test' and click OK.

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(f) To see the number of messages in a queue, switch to the MQ Explorer.
Select Queues on the left side. The existing queues are shown on the right side.
In the column Current queue depth should be a 1 for one message in the queue QLA.

(g) To see the content of this message, right click the queue on the right side an click Browse

Browsing is used for displaying a message without deleting it from the queue. This is a
MQGET with a browse option set.
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(h) Double click the shown message, select data on the left side to see the message data.
Click Cancel. On the previous window click Close.

(i) Switch back to the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser and click MQGET. A pop up window
with the message data should appear.
Click OK to close the window.

(j) Switch back to the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer and check the Current queue depth.
The MQGET in the API Exerciser executed a MQGET where the message on the queue was
deleted. So the Current queue depth should be 0. Sometime it's a question of the explorer's
fresh up option. If you still see a 1, click the recycle button for to refresh the MQ Explorer.

(k) Click MQCLOSE on the Queues tab to close the Queue QLA.

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(l) Click MQDISC on the Queue Managers tab to disconnect from the Queue Manager.

- End of lab 2. You should have learnt how to put and get messages -

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Lab 4: WebSphere MQ intercommunication setup

Goal of this lab:

In the previous lab, we have created one Queue Manager QMA and a local queue QLA.
Now we want to setup a second Queue Manager QMB with a local queue QLB to put a message.
Therefore we have to add additional objects to QMA to communicate with QMB.

For applications it is totally transparent whether QMB is on the same system or on another remote
system with a different operating system. The difference is the hostname which we have to specify
later on in our channel definition. In our lab, we create the second Queue Manager on our same
system for this exercise.

First we add the additional objects to QMA with the MQ Explorer. Then we use use the MQ
command line interface to setup QMB and its further objects. Sure we can also use the WMQ
Explorer to setup QMB, but we have some operation systems, e.g. AIX, which has the WMQ
Explorer. But then we still have the command line interface, we can use there.

This is the complete picture of the objects we have to create:

We have already created Queue Manager QMA and the Local Queue QLA.
In addition we have to create within the QMA:
a Local Queue with the option 'Transmission' as Transmission Queue XMITB
a Remote Definition Queue QRB which points to the Local Queue QLB
a Sender Channel 'QMA.QMB'.

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To send messages from QMB to QMA, we also create an Receiver Channel QMB.QMA on
To send a message to another Queue Manager, we need a Transmission Queue (XMITQ) where the
message is reliable stored until it is successfully transferred to QMB. To connect Queue Managers,
we need a channel. Channels are uni-directional. To send a message from QMA to QMB, we need a
Sender Channel on QMA and a Receiver Channel on QMB which has to have exactly the same
name. If we want to send messages back from QMB to QMA, we need a XMITQ on QMB, a Sender
Channel on QMB and a Receiver Channel on QMA.

Then we have to create the following with the WMQ command line interface:
Queue Manager QMB
Local Queue QLB
Receiver Channel QMA.QMB
Transmission Queue XMITA
Sender Channel QMB.QMA

Test the setup with the WMQ Exerciser and put a message on QRB on QMA and check the message
on the local queue QLB on Queue Manager QMB.

Complete QMA configuration for intercommunication

If not already running, start the WebSphere MQ Explorer.

(a) Create a Local Queue with the option 'Transmission' as Transmission Queue XMITB.
In the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer right click Queues and select New -> Local Queue...

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(b) Enter XMITB as name and click Next >.

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(c) Select Transmission as Usage and click Finish.

(d) Click OK on the next screen.

(e) Create the the Sender Channel 'QMA.QMB'.
Right click Channels and click New -> Sender Channel...

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(f) Enter QMA.QMB as Sender Channel Name and click Next >

(g) Enter the Connection name and the Transmission Queue name.
The syntax of the connection name is hostname(portnumber). In our case, we enter
localhost(1416) as Connection name. If you create a Queue Manager on a different system,
you have to specify the hostname of this remote system. The portnumber is the port specified
with the listener on QMB which we do later in this lab. Enter XMITB as Transmission
queue which we have just done. Click Finish.

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(h) To send message from QMB to QMA, we create an receiver channel QMB.QMA on QMA.
Therefore right click Channels again then New -> Receiver Channel...
Enter QMB.QMA. Click Finish.

There is no need to do any additional settings for the Receiver Channel. Only the name must
be exactly the same as the Sender Channel which we will create next for the Queue Manager

(i) Create the remote queue definition QRB. Therefor right click Queues within QMA and click
New->Remote Queue Definition... .

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(j) Enter QRB as Name and click the Next> button.

(k) The QRB is a remote queue definition which points to a the local queue QLB on the queue
manager QMB which we define in the next step. The transmission queue XMITB is used to
transfer the data from queue manager QMA to QMB. So we have now to enter here.
Enter QLB for the Remote queue (which is the local queue on QMB), enter QMB for the
Remote queue manager and enter XMITB as Transmission queue.

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Create Queue Manager QMB and its objects with the WMQ command line

(a) Create the Queue Manager. Therefore open a command promt.

Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt

crtmqm QMB
and press the enter key
(b) Start the Queue Manager QMB
strmqm QMB
and press the enter key
(c) Create the further objects for the Queue Manager QMB. Therefore enter
runmqsc QMB

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(d) Create the local queue QLB. Enter e.g. def and press enter. Then you will see several valid
commands to enter. In our case, enter DEFINE QLOCAL and you will see all possible
options for this command. Now enter DEFINE QLOCAL ('QLB') to create the queue.

(e) Enter DEFINE QLOCAL('XMITA') USAGE(XMITQ) to create the Transmission Queue.

(f) Create the Receiver Channel. Therefor enter DEF CHANNEL to see the valid options.
(g) Create a Sender Channel. Therefor enter:
and press Enter.

Remember that names like the channel name is case sensitive.
(h) All objects are created so far. But we still have to create and start the listener on port 1416
which is not part of the crtmqm command.
Therefore enter the following command:
and the following command to start the listener:
enter end to end the runmqsc command.

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Instead of entering each command on the command line, it is also supported to copy all the
commands into a file, for example mysetup.cfg, and run the runmqsc command in the
following way:
runmqsc < mysetup.cfg

Here a sample for the content of the mysetup.cfg file:

* define the objects for the queue manager QMB
CONNAME('localhost(1415)') +
PORT(1416) +


The parameter REPLACE means that the command will executed even if the object already
exists. The '+' sign at the end of the line can be used to split one long command into several lines.

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Lab 5: Test the WebSphere MQ intercommunication

Goal of this lab:

Participants will use the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser tool to put messages on a Remote Queue

(a) Start the Sender Channels.

We have created a Sender Channel QMA.QMB to send messages from QMA to QMB, but
the sender is currently inactive. To start the channel, right click the Sender Channel in the
IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer and click Start...

The commands for the WMQ objects are asynchronous. So getting a successful message
means that the command was started successful. It can take a few seconds until you see the
running channel. Click the refresh button at the top right of the window to update the view
until you see the Overall channel status: Running.

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(b) Check the Receiver Channel of the queue manager QMB.
The status there should also be Running.

Put a message on the remote queue using the WMQ Explorer

The IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer can be used to put a message on a queue as well.
Start the WMQ Explorer if not already started: Start -> All Programs -> IBM WebSphere MQ ->
WebSphere MQ Explorer.

(a) Right Click the QRB Queue and select Put Test Message...

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(b) Enter some test data on the next screen and click the Put message button. Then click the
Close button.

(c) Check the Queue QLB for an arriving message.

Right click the Local Queue QLB of the Queue Manager QMB and check the Current
queue depth.

If the message has not arrived, check the Current queue depth of the Transmission Queue.
Typical mistakes are: the properties (Queue name and Queue Manger name) of the Remote
Queue Definition are not correct. Another fault is that the channel is not running.
A typical mistake is the syntax of the Connection name of the sender channel.

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Put a message on the remote queue using the WMQ API Exerciser with Advanced

We have already used the WMQ API Exerciser in Lab 3. WMQ has only these 13 APIs but each
API has many options. To enable the Advanced Mode in the WMQ API Exerciser, we see all these
options and can test some of them. They are identical to the options of the programming interface.
(a) Start the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser tool if not already started. Run amqapi.exe.
Enable the Advanced mode by click the check box.

Note the additional tab Attributes which appears after the Advance mode enablement.

(b) Click MQCONN to connect to the Queue Manager QMA.

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(c) Switch to the Queues tab, select the Queue QRB and click MQOPEN.
Through the Advanced mode, an additional window MQOPEN Selectable Options
should appear. Just clicking OK would fail. The default options are not valid for a Remote
Queue Definition. You have to change the following options.
Deselect MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF, select MQOO_OUTPUT and click OK.

(d) Click MQPUT to put a message into the Remote Definition Queue QRB. Take a look at the
additional tabs on the new MQPUT Argument Options window. Before you click OK,
check out the options. Notice that the Message Descriptor tab has 7 pages to which you can
get by click the Next > button.

A WMQ Message contains a WMQ Header (MQMD MQ Message Descriptor) and the
data itself. In the MQMD you can set options like Message ID, Message Format (e.g. String
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MWFMT_STRING), Message Type (Request, Reply, Data, ... ), persistence, expiration
date, ... . Some settings are used by WMQ itself, e.g.:An expired message is deleted by
WMQ from the queue after expiration. Other options have to be handled by the receiving
application, e.g.: If the message is a request, a reply is expected, where the Reply-To-Queue
and the Reply-To-Queue Manager should be specified by the sending application in the

(e) Check the Queue QLB on QMB for a new message.

You can check the Current Queue Depth in the WebSphere MQ Explorer.
Another was is to use the command line interface:
Therefore enter on the command prompt:
runmqsc QMB
dis ql(QLB)

You can see the value of CURDEPTH(2) which means my current queue depth is 2.

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(f) Switch back in the WebSphere MQ API Exerciser close the queue QRB. Therefor click
MQCLOSE. On the next screen leave the defaults and click OK.

(g) Switch to the Queue Manager tab and disconnect from the queue manager QMA. Therefor
click MQDISC.

(h) Select the Local Queue Manager QMB and click MQCONN to connect tot queue manager

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(i) Open the local queue QLB. Select the queue QLB and click MQOPEN.

(j) As you remember, you changed the open options for the QRB open command. With these
options, you can not get the messages from the local queue QLB. So you have to change the
open options back to the previous defaults. Select MQOO_INPUT_As_Q_DEF and
deselect MQOO_OUTPUT.

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(k) Click MQGET to get the message from the Queue.
Click the Execute button on the MQGET Arguments Options window.

(l) The following screen with the message data should appear. Click OK.

(m)Once you are sure that your scenario worked correctly, you can MQGET all messages
from the Queues to clear them of any content.
(n) Now create some additional Queues with names and properties of your choice. Play around
with them and make yourself familiar with the different options! Try, for example, to
inhibit a put and get for a queue. This way it is protected and its contents can not be
modified. Also do administrative tasks, like renaming objects and finally delete these play
Queues again!
(o) Lastly you can delete the Queue Managers QMA and QMB with all their objects!

----- Congratulations !! You have finished all the labs -----

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Summary and more Informations

As you already may have realized, more Queue Manager, Queues and Channels can lead to a name
confusion or conflicts. Therefore it is recommended to think about naming conventions at the
beginning of a project.
On the following page you can find more information about naming conventions:

For more samples and product enhancements check the WMQ SupportPac page first:

For more programming samples check the <WMB installation root>\Tools\ directory.
It contains code samples and executables in several programming languages.

For more information about WMQ errors, check the file AMQERR01.log in the
<WMB installation root>\Qmgrs\<queue manager name>\errors directory.
More information about these message could be found in the WebSphere MQ Messages book:

For further information check out the WebSphere MQ Product side:

Here you can also find links to the support page with recommended fixes, to the library with the
product Publications and Redbooks.

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