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- You may say I'm a dreamer/but I'm not the only one

- no matter what we breed/we still are made of greed

- be brave
- always
- I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul
- do I dare disturb the universe?
- peter pan
- "Quem pensa pouco, erra muito." (Leonardo da Vinci)
- "Quando voc falar, olha que suas palavras sejam melhores do que o silncio." (Pro
vrbio chins)
- pulvis et umbra sumus
- we all start somewhere, it's where we end up that counts
- Senciente
- porque eu s preciso de ps livres, de mos dadas e de olhos bem abertos
- my heart is something, and everyone else's hearts are something too
- every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind
- freedom is like religion to us
- o many worlds, so much to do/ so little done, such things to be
- Plath, Eliot, Bukowski, Frost, Cummings, tennynson

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