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Wednesday, 6 August 2014: Version 1.3.4.

added MIT license
added installer localization
added run as admin option
added wildcards anywhere option
added run date column/sort/search
added support for accessible MSAA
added etp connection history
added recent changes
added run history
added home page
added x64 build
added always ontop option
added %APPDATA% option
added Everything service option
added search history option
added the option to cancel locked queries after one second
added context menu customization
added tooltips for hidden items
added option to not compress database
added custom filters
added hotkey option to toggle search window
added filelists
added folder indexing
added optional diacritical mark matching
added bookmarks
added new search functions and macros
improved performance when renaming/deleting folders
improved ETP/FTP server
improved HTTP server
fixed many bugs
Friday, 13 March 2009: Version
added title customization
added NOT operator (!)
added special case wildcards
added authentication support for QTWeb
added the option to exclude hidden and system files
added a basic text export option
added search only mode for HTTP/FTP servers
added shortcut keys for search options
added special case wildcards
added utf8 support for the FTP server
added keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter to open path
added extension and type columns
added support for external file managers via the ini file
added exclude paths to etp/ftp/http servers
added unicode support
added multiple language support
added removable NTFS volume support
added exclude folder filter
added option to check media on removable volumes (floppy drives are disa
bled by default)
added custom icon support
added optional http server user name and password
added option to use FTP links for ETP connections
added option to choose which drives are included in the installer
added fullscreen mode (F11)
added portability
improved rendering performance
improved search parsing
improved multiple instances option
improved command line parsing
improved option window navigation with keyboard
improved tooltip help for some items
improved searching performance with wildcards by upto 5 times
improved searching performance by upto 30%
improved ETP/FTP/HTTP performance
improved text rendering output and performance
improved rendering performance when updating the UI due to a large amoun
t of changes to the file system.
improved memory usage when database is unload by clearing icon and file
info cache
improved volume management
improved sorting performance
improved ftp command LIST
fixed an issue with HTTP url parsing
fixed default icons for windows 7 beta
fixed user handle leak in context menus
fixed a problem with cut/copy/paste
fixed cut with files and folders in different folders
fixed start menus for Vista
fixed opening a folder that had the same name as an executable
fixed the FTP REST position
fixed unicode IPC queries
fixed sorting by descending size
fixed characters being displayed incorrectly with the HTTP server
fixed copying files and folders in different folders.
fixed drag drop shortcuts
fixed an issue when searching for wildcards with match path enabled
fixed delete for files and folders in different folders
fixed an issue with long file names
fixed the folder and file selection after sorting and changing search pa
fixed folder and file renaming using invalid destination
fixed mouse wheel scrolling using the wrong number of lines to scroll
fixed icons for files with the extension lnk and url
fixed show shell context menus toggle in options window
fixed a problem with menus blocking after a search was started
fixed -filename command line option using the wrong path
fixed new windows inheriting old windows settings
fixed horizontal scroll bar using wrong width
fixed a gdi leak when closing a window
fixed the default large icon
Monday, 29 September 2008: Version
added -search <text> command line option
improved status of servers under the tool menu
changed configuration file to Everything.ini
fixed a bug that prevented hotkeys from being unregistered
Friday, 26 September 2008: Version
added optional new window hotkey
fixed a bug that prevented the listview being drawn for the first time
Thursday, 25 September 2008: Version
improved about dialog
Monday, 15 September 2008: Version
fixed an issue when loading icon and file information cache of visible i
tems when multiple windows were open
Saturday, 13 September 2008: Version
fixed an issue with loading visible icon and file information cache
added Unicode support to IPC
improved support for Windows 95/98
fixed a problem where the listview was not getting drawn when shown
Thursday, 4 September 2008: Version
improved support for corrupt NTFS volumes
improved support for removable NTFS volumes
added Everything IPC
improved icon cache
added optional icon cache size
fixed USN Journal deletion
added database compression
improved database loading speed
fixed a focus issue when opening Everything from a folder context menu
removed uxtheme dependency
added page up / page down from edit will now change focus to the list co
removed annoying popups
Saturday, 2 August 2008: Version
fixed a crash when opening a context menu on a compressed or encrypted f
rewrote file info cache
rewrote icon cache
removed all technical messages and moved them into ErrorLog.txt
fixed a memory leak when closing a context menu
added quick launch shortcut option to installer and options menu
Friday, 6 June 2008: Version
fixed a handle leak when watching drives for changes
fixed a memory leak when refreshing icons and file information
Tuesday, 29 April 2008: Version
added better support for corrupt ntfs drives
Tuesday, 4 March 2008: Version
added wildcards
added regex
added highlighted search terms
added customizable text size
added support for Windows Vista SP1
added help index
added version information to everything.exe header
added version information to installer exe header
added descriptions to installer packages
Saturday, 23 February 2008: Version
fixed a crash when rebuilding the database that had a query with a selec
Saturday, 23 February 2008: Version
added support for removable drives
Friday, 22 February 2008: Version
added start menu shortcuts to options
added desktop shortcuts to options
added option to merge settings using Merge.c
Thursday, 21 February 2008: Version
fixed a bug with reading version.c
Wednesday, 20 February 2008: Version
First official release
new home at

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