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Grassy Lake Physical Education Tim Taylor

April 4 2017 Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 6-7 Physical Education (about 22 kids in class)
Unit: Badminton
Lesson Duration: 45 minutes (9:15-10) (let them go at 9:55)
FROM ALBERTA - Be able to toss a Frisbee using your Summative
PROGRAM OF STUDIES legs (transfer of weight) and arm ASSESSMENTS (How
extension. will you know they
A-3 apply and refine non- - Release Frisbee accurately towards met learning
locomotor skills and targets objectives?)
conceptseffort, space and - Fill out participation charts (Observations, Key
relationshipsto perform accurately and with honesty Questions,
and create a variety of Students will: Products/Performances
activities to improve - be able to demonstrate the proper
personal performance putting throw. (feet towards target,
pop the Frisbee up using your legs to S: Journal
gain momentum, arm doesnt do a progress/participation
A-5 apply and refine
full follow through (it stops suddenly (simple 1-5 rating
manipulative skills and
for the accurate release)) charts for Pro/Part + a
conceptseffort, space and
brief description)
relationshipsto perform
and create a variety of
F: Watch the sponge
activities to improve
activity closely to look
personal performance
for where the student
are as a whole
D1 demonstrate a
commitment to an active F: student feedback
lifestyle through during the rapid fire
participation in and out of drill (remember
class sandwich feedback)
Resource #1: Unit Plan
Resource #2: Youtube Videos
- Frisbees golf disks - Hoola Hoops
- Ultimate Frisbee discs - Baskets
Introduction (5 min.):
(hook, pre assessment, connection to curriculum, focus/learning area, expectations, Transition, groupings, overview)
Sponge: Practice your throws with a partner using the ultimate Frisbees Assessment
Call everyone in to talk (Go over what our goal is today)
- Tell them about the unit F: Watch the sponge
We will be doing it for 2 weeks activity closely to look
Im leaving the 12th for where the student are
We will learn how to do these skills and then have a tournament at the end as a whole
The tournament will be like tournaments that happen around Alberta all
summer (prizes for lowest score, longest put, and longest drive)
- Tell them why we are learning about Frisbee golf
Cheap (free course, and $15 discs)
Individual sport that you can practice alone or play with friends
Can play the game your whole life, even when you are old because of the
skills required
- Today we are working on the putt
- Stretch (have them work as a group in unison)
Why are we doing these stretches?
Muscle groups used are much different than other sports (focus on arms and

Grassy Lake Physical Education Tim Taylor
- Trunk rotations
- Hip flexor leg swings
Stretch arms
- Triceps Stretch
The normal arms above your head and pull but then lift arm back up and
drop it down quick and pull further back
- Scissor Stretch
Arms out and cross them in front of your chest
- Pull wrist forward and back trying to go further each time
- Shoulder shrug
Body (30 min.):
Formative & Summative Assessments, Key Content Areas, Game/Activity Rules & Expectations, Specific Learner Considerations: Transitions
Body: Assessment
Demonstrate the putt throw
- Talk through weight transfer F: student feedback
- Grip during the hoola hoop
- Feet position drill (remember sandwich
- Where your arm comes from feedback)
- Where your power comes from
Dry Run F: feedback during the
- Have students practice the throw mechanics without a Frisbee
dry run ensuring
Hoola hoop shot (approach)
- With discs students have the
- Hoola hoops hanging at basket level on the wall proper form
- Have the kids stand about 10ft back and throw trying to hit the middle of the
hoola hoops
- Walk around and tweak individual skills
If there is something I keep repeating have everyone stop and give a class
wide pointer
Basket Practice
- What is the basket?
- Where do you want your disk to land?
- Respect the equipment
Now try and make a relay race
- Everyone stands in a line with two Frisbees at the front of the line
- First person throws
If they make it the Frisbee stays in the basket
If they miss they have to run and pick up their Frisbee and run back to the
line and give it to the next person
- Next person in line throws after the first returns
- First team to get both of their Frisbees in the basket wins
Take a seat when your team has gotten all of theirs
Closure (10 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning, Feedback From Students, Feedback To Students, Transition To Next Lesson
Cool Down: Assessment
- Journal to record progress/participation/1 goal recorded (simple 1-5 rating charts S: Journal
for Pro/Part progress/participation
(simple 1-5 rating charts
for Pro/Part + a brief

Lesson Reflections (After you teach):

What went well:
What can be improved upon:
Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

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