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Imaging In Acute Appendicitis: A Review


Ind J Radiol Imag 2006 16:4:523-532

Key words : Acute appendicitis, Xray, USG, CT


Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of The vermiform appendix, a blind-ending tubular structure,
emergency abdominal surgery (1). While the diagnosis arises from the posteromedial aspect the cecum inferior
of acute appendicitis is still largely thought to be a clinical to the ileocecal junction. It varies considerably in length
one, a meaningful number of patients are found to have and circumference, the average length being between 7.5
normal appendices at surgery. The erroneous diagnosis and 10 cms. The position of the base of the appendix is
of this acute condition has led to a high rate (8-30%) of essentially constant, being found at the confluence of
inappropriate removal of the normal appendix. This high the three taeniae coli of the cecum, which lies deep to
rate needs to be balanced with the problem of being over the Mc Burney's point. The free end of the appendix is
restrictive in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, which however found in variety of locations. (Fig.1). The difference
may allow uncomplicated appendices to progress to in appendiceal position influences clinical findings
perforation and peritonitis (2). considerably (4). In unusual cases of malrotation of the
gut, or failure of decent of cecum, the appendix is not in
However the incidence of acute appendicitis requiring the right lower quadrant (5).
appendectomy has significantly decreased over the past
three or four decade, and the trend appears to continue. The appendix has its own mesentry, the mesoappendix,
Some of the decrease in the number of appendectomies arising from the inferior part of the mesentry of the terminal
is attributable to better diagnosis (3). With the availability ileum, which attaches to the cecum and proximal part of
of high-resolution sonography and spiral CT it is possible the appendix. The mesoappendix contains the
to bring down these high rates of false positivity appendicular artery, a branch of the ileocolic artery.
significantly. Venous drainage of the appendix is via the ileocolic veins
and the right colic vein into the portal system. The
lymphatic drainage occurs to the ileocolic nodes along
the course of the superior mesenteric artery to the celiac
nodes and cisterna chyli. The afferent nerve fibers from
the appendix accompany the sympathetic nerves to the
T10 segment of the spinal cord, which explains why in
appendicitis is sometimes referred to the periumbilical

On histology, the submucosa contains numerous

lymphatic aggregations or follicles. There is a rough
parallel between the amount of lymphoid tissue in the
appendix and the incidence of acute appendicitis, the
peak for both occurring the mid teens (3).


Fig.1: Different positions of the appendix Appendicitis is commonly associated with obstruction of
the appendiceal lumen due to fecalith. Obstruction may
also be secondary to hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue,

From the Department of Radiology, Quadra Medical Services Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata. India.

Request for Reprints: Ranjit Kumar Jain, Quadra Medical Services Pvt. Ltd. 41, Hazra Road, Kolkata 700019. India.

Received 21 May 2006; Accepted 10 August 2006

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524 RK Jain et al IJRI, 16:4, November 2006

inspissated barium, gallstones, worms (ascaris), foreign Unrelenting tissue ischemia results in appendiceal
bodies, or tumor. infarction and perforation. Rupture of the appendix with
spillage of pus into the peritoneal cavity results in localized
Following obstruction of the appendiceal lumen, continued or generalized peritonitis. More commonly, inflamed or
mucus secretion and inflammatory exudation leads to perforated appendix can be walled off by the adjacent
distension, mucosal edema and mucosal ulceration along greater omentum and loops of small bowel resulting in
with translocation of bacteria to the submucosa. The phlegmonous mass or paracecal abscess.
swelling of appendix stimulates the nerve endings of
visceral afferent fibers and the patient perceives visceral This sequence is not inevitable and some episodes of
periumbilical or epigastric pain. acute appendicitis may resolve spontaneously if the
obstruction is relieved. Rarely, appendiceal inflammation
With increasing intraluminal pressures, further distension resolves leaving a distended mucus-filled organ termed
results in obstructed lymphatic and venous drainage and mucocele of the appendix.(Fig.2.)
allows vascular congestion of the appendix. The
inflammatory process soon involves the serosa. When CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
the inflamed serosa of the appendix comes in contact
with the parietal peritoneum, patients typically experience Appendicitis occurs in all age groups. It is rare in infants
the classic shift of pain to the right lower quadrant. but becomes increasingly common in childhood and
Intramural venous and arterial thromboses ensue, resulting reaches peak incidence in the late teenage years and
in gangrenous appendicitis. early twenties. Sex ratio is equal before puberty and male-
to-female ratio is 3:2 in teenagers and young adults. The
ratio again equalizes by the time patients reach their
midthirties. No racial predilection exists for appendicitis.
A diagnosis of appendicitis usually can be made on the
basis of history and physical examination.


Pain is the prime symptom of appendicitis and initially is

located in the lower epigastrium or periumbilical area.
The pain subsequently localizes to the right lower quadrant,
where it becomes progressively more severe. This classic
pain sequence is usual but not invariable. The difference
in appendiceal position, age of the patient, and degree of
inflammation, accounts for variations in the clinical

Anorexia nearly always accompanies appendicitis.

Nausea, vomiting, and low-grade fever are common.
Uncommonly, diarrhea or constipation may be seen. The
sequence of appearance of symptom that is anorexia
followed by pain and then vomiting has great differential
diagnostic significance 3. If vomiting precedes the onset
of pain, the diagnosis should be questioned.


The cardinal features of acute appendicitis are localized

abdominal tenderness, rigidity, muscle guarding, pain on
percussion, and rebound tenderness. Pain in right lower
quadrant with palpation of the left lower quadrant (Rovsing
sign) is helpful in supporting a clinical diagnosis. Asking
the patient to cough will elicit a sharp pain in the right
lower quadrant (positive cough sign).
Fig. 2. Mucocele of the appendix. (a) Sonogram of the right
lower quadrant obtained with a linear 10-6-MHz probe, shows
well defined tubular cystic structure with some low- level With a retrocecal appendix the anterior abdominal findings
luminal echogenicity. (b) Transverse CT scan in another
patient obtained with oral contrast material reveals cystic
lesion in relation to the cecum suggestive of mucocele.
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IJRI, 16:4, November 2006 Imaging in Acute Appendicitis 525

are less striking and tenderness may be more marked in & CT in patients with equivocal clinical findings results in
the flank. Pain in right lower quadrant with hyperextension lower false-negative appendectomy rates (4).
of the right hip (psoas sign) demonstrates nearby
inflammation when stretching the ileopsoas. Pain in the Conventional Radiography
right lower quadrant with passive internal rotation of the
flexed right hip (obturator sign) indicates that an inflamed Though plain films are reported to reveal abnormalities in
appendix is contact with the obturator internus. 50% of patients with appendicitis (9), they are not specific,
not cost effective, and can be misleading (8). Plain films
Laboratory findings: are indicated for the evaluation of a patient with suspected
appendicitis only when other diagnostic probabilities (e.g.,
High level of C-reactive protein (>0.8 mg/dL) with perforation, intestinal obstruction, ureteral calculus) are
leukocytosis and neutrophilia are the most important also considered (8,10).
laboratory findings 6.
The various plain film findings that have been described
IMAGING in appendicitis are as follows: (8-11)
" Appendicolith.
The clinical presentation of appendicitis is variable. While " Right lower quadrant gas
the clinical diagnosis may be straightforward in patients " Increased soft tissue density of the right lower
who present with classic signs and symptoms, atypical quadrant
presentations may result in diagnostic confusion and delay " Separation of the cecum from right extraperitoneal
in treatment 4. Clinical diagnosis is more confusing in fat planes
young and elderly patients. In addition, many other clinical " Deformity of the cecal and ascending colon gas
disorders present with symptoms similar to those of shadow occurring due to adjacent inflammatory mass
appendicitis and the differential diagnosis 3includes the " Localized ileus with gas in the cecum, ascending
following: colon and terminal ileum
" Effacement of the right extraperitoneal fat line
Acute Mesenteric Adenitis " Gas in peritoneum and retroperitoneum
Acute gastroenteritis " Gas filled appendix
Meckel's Diverticulitis
Intussusception Barium enema examination may be helpful in selected
Crohn's disease patients. Barium enema is performed on an unprepared
Perforated peptic ulcer bowel gently without any external pressure. Complete
Diverticulitis filling of a normal appendix effectively excludes the
Epiploic appendagitis diagnosis of appendicitis. Nonfilling or incomplete filling
Urinary tract infection of the appendix along with mass effect on the cecum
Ureteric stone suggests appendicitis(8), the mass effect being due to
Primary peritonitis abscess/ inflammatory reactions surrounding the inflamed
Henoch-Schonlein purpura appendix. The terminal ileum may be displaced or
Yersiniosis narrowed by the adjacent inflammatory mass and there
Diseases of the Male: Testicular torsion may be thickening of the mucosal folds of the terminal
Epididymitis ileum. However, non-filling of appendix may be seen in as
Seminal vesciculitis many as 10-20% of normal patients.
Gynecologic disorders: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Ovarian cyst or torsion It has been shown by Sehey that appendix fills in 92% of
Endometriosis normal children and hence failure of the appendix to fill in
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy symptomatic children is a significant finding.
Rectus sheath hematoma
Cholecystitis Barium enema examination may also be useful in
evaluating complex colonic abnormalities detected with
Since accurate clinical diagnosis of appendicitis is difficult, cross-sectional imaging (4).
negative appendectomy rate7 can be as high as 20%.
Unnecessary surgery for suspected appendicitis exposes Ultrasonography
patients to increased risks, morbidity, and expense 8.
Radiological examination can reduce the number of Ultrasonography (US) is valuable in the diagnosis of
misdiagnoses and negative laparotomies and help in doubtful cases of appendicitis and is a cost-efficient
treatment of appendiceal abscesses and in postoperative adjunct to the clinical evaluation(12). US is inexpensive,
complications. Judicious use of graded compression US
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526 RK Jain et al IJRI, 16:4, November 2006

safe, and widely available. Because US involves no Recently Baldisserotto et al (14) has described the use
ionizing radiation and excels in the depiction of acute of the noncompressive technique before the graded
gynecologic conditions, it is recommended as the initial compression study. This may successfully establish the
imaging study in children, in young women, and during diagnosis in some cases, thereby avoiding compression
pregnancy8. It has reported sensitivities of 75%-90%, in patients with abdominal pain. Change of the patient's
specificities of 86%-100%, accuracies of 87%-96%, position to displace the bowel gas may also help in
positive predictive values of 91%-94%, and negative visualization of the appendix deeply set in the abdominal
predictive values of 89%-97% for the diagnosis of acute cavity without compression. Compression study is
appendicitis (4). Use of preoperative ultrasonography is however, useful in identifying the cases of appendicitis
also associated with overall lower negative appendectomy not visualized at the noncompressive examination.
rate (12).

Fig. 4. Appendicitis with appendicolith. (a) Long-axis and (b)

Fig.3.Acute appendicitis in a 37-year-old man with right-lower cross sectional US image of the right lower quadrant,
quadrant pain. (a) Long axis and (b) cross sectional US obtained with a linear 10-6-MHz probe in a 35 year old woman,
images show inflamed appendix as a blind-ended, shows the inflamed appendix with an echogenic luminal
noncompressible tubular structure filled with fluid and focus (between the calipers) with distal shadowing.
surrounded by a hypoechoic mass representing phlegmon. It is very important to standardize the examination
technique for identification of appendix and thereby
Graded compression technique described by Puylaert
avoiding false negative diagnosis. Baldisserotto has
(13) is the standard method for sonographic evaluation
suggested an excellent routine for the actual US
of acute appendicitis. Graded compression US, with slow
examination of the right lower quadrant, which we have
and gentle maintained pressure, allows for a lengthy and
found very useful in our daily practice. The US examination
successful evaluation of the area of interest and shows
of the right lower quadrant should start in the transverse
obstructed appendix as a noncompressible loop of gut
plane from the tip of the liver and proceed towards the
pelvic brim. The ascending colon usually is appreciated
by its gas content and haustral pattern. In the region of
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IJRI, 16:4, November 2006 Imaging in Acute Appendicitis 527

the cecum, careful attention should be paid to inflammatory The ovoid shape15 of appendix in transverse section on
changes in the perienteric fat and the appendix itself. US over the entire appendiceal length reliably rules out
Sagittal and oblique images should then be obtained until acute appendicitis while in acute inflammation the
the entire region of interest has been scanned. Detailed appendiceal wall thickening causes an increase of the
images are obtained of the appendix, if it is seen. The outer appendiceal diameter and a rounding of the shape.
examination is generally begun with a curvilinear In early acute appendicitis (catarrhal stage) five layers
transducer appropriate for the patient: a 3.5-MHz can be identified- (Fig. 5.)
transducer for large patients and a 5-MHz transducer for
thin patients. The linear transducer is used latter for more 1. central, thin hyperechoic line representing the
detailed study. The retrocecal appendicitis is best studied collapsed lumen and superficial lining of the mucosa
by the examination through the right flank (14). of the appendix,
2. hypoechoic layer (2-3mms) representing edematous
The inflamed appendix is seen as a blind-ended, lamina propria and muscularis mucosa.
aperistaltic, noncompressible, tubular structure that arises 3. hyperechoic submucosa (2-3 mms).
from the base of the cecum having a diameter greater 4. hypoechoic muscular layer (2-3-mms).
than 6 mms.(Fig.3.) Presence of a fecalith (Fig.4) may 5. outer thin hyperechoic line representing the serosa.
aid in arriving at a positive diagnosis.
In late (suppurative) stage the lumen of the appendix is
distended with pus/ fluid and there is increased thickening
of the submucosa and muscular wall in the range of 3-6

Circumferential color in the wall of the inflamed appendix

on color Doppler US images is strongly supportive
evidence of active inflammation (4). (Fig 6.)

Fig.6. Cross-sectional Color Doppler US image obtained

through the base of thick walled appendix in a 74 year old
male presenting with right lower quadrant abdominal pain
shows virtually circumferential flow in the wall of the inflamed
Loculated pericecal fluid, phlegmon or abscess,
prominent pericecal fat and circumferential loss of the
submucosal layer of appendix are associated with
appendiceal perforation 16. (Fig 7.)
Fig.5. Classic features of acute appendicitis at US in a 26
year-old man with right lower quadrant pain. (a) Long-axis A significant disadvantage of sonography is that it is
and (b) cross-sectional US images of the right lower operator dependent. Difficulties with ultrasonography also
quadrant obtained with a linear 10-6 MHz transducer show include the fact that a normal appendix must be identified
an 8-mm-diameter, blind-ended, tubular structure with a to rule out acute appendicitis. Visualization of a normal
laminated wall. The appendix was not compressible and
showed no peristalsis. appendix is more difficult in patients with a large body
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528 RK Jain et al IJRI, 16:4, November 2006

habitus and when there is an associated ileus, which of appendiceal perforation.(17,18)

produces shadowing secondary to overlying gas-filled
loops of bowel. It may also be not possible on US to Disadvantages of CT include possible iodinated-contrast
differentiate between appendiceal phlegmon from an media allergy, patient discomfort from administration of
abscess and CT may be helpful in this setting. contrast media (especially if rectal contrast media is
used), exposure to ionizing radiation, and cost. However,
the cost is considerably less than that of removing a normal
appendix or hospital observation.(8)

Technique- there is no consensus on the ideal CT

technique for studying appendix. There are different CT
protocols depending upon the generation of CT scanners
used as well as varying from center to center. While
nonfocused CT performed for entire abdomen and pelvis
with intravenous and oral contrast material is the most
popular approach(4,17), CT evaluation of appendicitis
without the use of intravenously administered contrast
material is also a growing trend (2,19,21). Opacification
of the terminal ileum and cecum with oral and/or rectal
contrast material alone or in combination has been
advocated4. However lane et al19 do not recommend the
use of any contrast material. Weltman et al20 has shown
that the use of thin-section (5mms) CT significantly
improves the diagnosis of acute appendicitis compared
to 10 mm sections. We at our clinic prefer to opacify the
bowel using oral and / or rectal contrast along with IV
contrast, and use thinner sections.

Image interpretation- the evaluation starts with the

identification of appendix. Since the position of the cecum
and ascending colon is highly variable, identification of
the fatty lips of the ileocecal valve is helpful. Careful
scrutiny of the entire cecum then frequently allows
identification of the appendix as it arises from the
posteromedial border. The appendix is frequently seen
draped over the right external iliac artery and vein. The
right common and external iliac artery and vein are
therefore carefully evaluated from their origins at the
bifurcation of the aorta into the femoral canal to identify
Fig. 7. Acute appendicitis with perforation in a 17-year-old the overlying appendix. This usually helps to avoid the
boy presenting with right lower quadrant pain and
tenderness. (a) Long-axis and (b) cross sectional US
pitfall of not seeing a pelvic appendix.
image, obtained through the right lower quadrant with a
linear 10-6-MHz probe, shows the perforated appendix, with Once the appendix is identified, it is evaluated for sign of
discontinuity of its wall and surrounded by an abscess. acute appendicitis as described to confirm or exclude
Computed Tomography the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Once the appendiceal
region is cleared, the cecum and ascending colon are
CT has become increasingly popular as an effective cross- carefully examined for potential involvement by cecal
sectional imaging technique for diagnosing and staging neoplasm (Fig.8), cecal diverticulitis, typhlitis, or
acute appendicitis. It is a quick and accurate examination segmental colitis. Diseases that involve primarily the
that is operator-independent, is relatively easy to perform pericolonic fat, such as primary epiploic appendagitis and
and provides images that are easy to interpret.(4, 17) omental infarction, are then excluded.
Helical CT has reported sensitivities of 90%-100%,
specificities of 91%-99%, accuracies of 94%-98%, positive Focus is then turned to the terminal ileum and its
predictive values of 92%-98%, and negative predictive subtended mesentery. Gastrointestinal diseases to
values of 95%-100% for the diagnosis of acute consider in this anatomic location include acute terminal
appendicitis.(4) Its use has decreased the rate of negative ileitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, Crohn's disease and
appendectomies and has decreased the number of cases
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IJRI, 16:4, November 2006 Imaging in Acute Appendicitis 529

tuberculosis. Genitourinary disease then should be Imaging findings- the normal appendix appears as a
excluded, including acute pyelonephritis, ureteral tubular or ringlike pericecal structure that is either totally
obstruction, complications of ovarian cysts and masses, collapsed or partially filled with fluid, contrast material, or
and acute postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis. In adult air. The normal appendix has a thickness of 3 mms or
patients, one must also consider acute cholecystitis less and a diameter of 6mms or less(14,21). The
(which may mimic acute appendicitis if the enlarged periappendiceal fat should appear homogeneous, although
gallbladder extends into the right-lower quadrant), a thin mesoappendix may be present. The finding of a
pancreatitis, sigmoid diverticulitis, bowel ischemia, and normal appendix with no fluid in its lumen, normal
bowel obstruction. periappendiceal fat, and no calcified appendicolith
indicates that the appendix is not inflamed.

The main CT criteria for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis

include identification of a thickened appendix with a two-
wall diameter greater than 6.0-7.0 mm, periappendiceal
inflammatory changes, and a calcified
appendicolith(21).(Fig. 9 a). Alobaidi et al(22) has
recommended the use of bone window settings for
detecting appendicoliths when evaluating patients for acute
appendicitis, particularly patients in whom evidence of
appendicitis is equivocal.

Fig. 8. Cecal mass with appendicitis. Coronal reformatted Fig. 9. Classic CT findings of acute appendicitis in a 48
CT scan shows lobulated heterogenous mass of cecum year-old woman who presented with right lower quadrant
with involvement of the base of the appendix. pain and tenderness. (a) Transverse CT scan obtained with
oral contrast material and with 5-mm collimation reveals
an obstructing appendicolith within the distended appendix.
(b) Caudal helical CT image reveals periappendiceal
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530 RK Jain et al IJRI, 16:4, November 2006

The size criterion to diagnose appendicitis is especially of the appendix(23,24). Inflammatory changes associated
important in the absence of periappendiceal inflammation. with acute appendicitis can cause focal cecal apical
Benjaminov et al(21) observed that an upper limit of 6.0 thickening, which allows contrast material to assume the
mm for normal appendiceal thickness can be used reliably configuration of an arrowhead as it funnels at the cecal
at CT only if the luminal content is visualized because in apex to the point of the obstructed appendiceal orifice.
the absence of periappendiceal inflammatory changes, it Because the sign is formed by the extension of
is not possible to differentiate a noncollapsed appendix inflammation from the appendix to the cecum, the
filled with fluid of the same attenuation as the wall from a arrowhead sign may allow for placement of patients with
thick inflamed appendix if the content is not visualized. appendicitis into two surgical groups(24): those who likely
They suggested 10.0 mm as the upper limit of normal if will do well with standard ligation (arrowhead sign not
the luminal content is not visualized and extraappendiceal present) and those who may require partial cecectomy
inflammatory changes are not present. Patients with an (arrowhead sign present).
appendiceal thickness of 6.0-10.0 mm should therefore
undergo further examination with rectally or intravenously Complications- Perforated appendicitis is usually
administered contrast material or with US to visualize accompanied by pericecal phlegmon or abscess
the wall and thus prevent a false-positive diagnosis of formation. Associated findings include extraluminal air,
appendicitis. (Fig. 11) marked ileocecal thickening, localized
lymphadenopathy, peritonitis, and small-bowel
In early or mild appendicitis the CT findings are very subtle. obstruction.
The appendix may appear minimally distended associated
with a hazy, ill-defined increase in CT attenuation in the
fat immediately surrounding the appendix. However most
patients who undergo CT demonstrate greater degrees of
luminal distention and evidence of transmural
inflammation. Circumferential and symmetric wall
thickening is nearly always present and is best
demonstrated on images obtained with intravenous
contrast material enhancement. Periappendiceal
inflammation (Fig. 9b) is present in 98% of patients with
acute appendicitis.

Fig. 10. Transverse CT scan obtained with oral contrast

material and with 5-mm collimation in a 13 year old child
with acute appendicitis demonstrates the arrow head sign
consisting of a triangle-shaped contrast collection between
the thickened cecal apical walls. Surgical exploration
revealed perforated appendicitis.
Other important findings include focal cecal apical Fig. 11a and b. Transverse CT scan obtained with oral
thickening and the arrowhead sign,(Fig. 10) which is seen contrast material and with 5-mm collimation in a 32 year old
woman with acute appendicitis demonstrates an enlarged
as an arrowhead-shaped collection of contrast medium thick-walled appendix with an associated cecal apical
localized to the upper part of the cecum near the orifice thickening and infiltration of surrounding fat. Extraluminal air
pocket suggests perforation.
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IJRI, 16:4, November 2006 Imaging in Acute Appendicitis 531

If the abnormal appendix is not seen, a specific diagnosis causing appendiceal wall enhancement to be obscured
of appendicitis can be made by identifying an by mesenteric fat.
appendicolith within a periappendiceal abscess or

Although a pericecal phlegmon or abscess is strongly

suggestive of appendicitis, these are nonspecific findings
that may be seen with other disease entities. If substantial
inflammation is present within the right lower quadrant, it
may be difficult to differentiate primary appendicitis with
secondary inflammation of the cecum and terminal ileum
from ileocolitis with secondary inflammation of the

CT is of considerable value in the treatment of patients

who present with a periappendiceal mass and can be
used to accurately stage the extent of periappendiceal
inflammation and to reliably differentiate periappendiceal
abscess from phlegmon, which is of critical importance
to the surgeon. Many surgeons believe that there is little
value in attempting to drain a nonliquefied phlegmon and
prefer initial nonsurgical treatment with antibiotic therapy
in such cases. Patients with well-defined and well-
localized periappendiceal abscesses typically benefit from
CT-directed percutaneous catheter drainage.(4,17)
Patients with extensive and poorly defined collections
usually require immediate surgical exploration and
abscess drainage.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI may also be used in the diagnosis of appendicitis in

cases where either CT is contraindicated like in pregnancy
or in children where it is advisable to avoid radiation. T1
weighted and T2-weighted turbo spin-echo sequences and
fat-suppressed inversion recovery turbo spin-echo
Fig.12. Axial T2 (a) and T1 (b) weighted images through right
sequences as well as post contrast T1 weighted lower quadrant in a 23 year old man presenting with acute
sequences can be used. On T2-weighted images, abdomen shows enlarged thick walled inflamed appendix
inflamed appendix show markedly hyperintense center with periappendiceal inflammation
and a slightly hyperintense thickened wall with markedly
hyperintense periappendiceal tissue.(Fig. 12) On post
contrast study, intense contrast enhancement of the Fat-suppressed gadolinium enhanced MRI images are
inflamed appendiceal wall indicates the presence of sensitive (97%) and accurate (95%) in the detection of
appendicitis. There is also significant enhancement of acute appendicitis25.
surrounding fat on gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted fat-
suppressed spin-echo images. Mild enhancement can Incesu, et al (25) found MR imaging superior to
however be seen in the normal appendix and gut. Using sonography in revealing appendicitis. Despite some
fat-saturation technique, contrast differences between disadvantage, MR imaging can also be used after
the inflamed appendix and the surrounding fat is better suboptimal or nondiagnostic sonography in cases of
appreciated. However, MRI has inherent limitation in suspected acute appendicitis.
detecting appendicolith.
Inflammatory diseases of the gut, such as ileal diverticulitis
and Crohn's disease may mimic appendicitis and may Although rare in infants, appendicitis is common in human
be cause for false-positive diagnosis of acute appendicitis. population. It is one of the most common cause of acute
False-negative results usually depend on technique- right lower quadrant abdominal pain and in majority of
related limitations, such as inefficient fat saturation cases diagnosis of acute appendicitis can largely be
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532 RK Jain et al IJRI, 16:4, November 2006

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