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Introdution to Cannabis
Energy Medicine Water Infusions

Jamie Lynn Thomas

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In a world where the status o one plant has changed so much, from generation to
generation, the people are left with a mountain of differing views; all of which have merit.
The main issue at the moment is the bureaucracy of all involved which has caused such a
Division in the population, state, and government. What are the compromises that are made
as a midterm solution to this divisional status? What are the repercussions from this huge
Division between state medical and the new FDA proposed Drug Regulation?
The Cannabis debate is widespread; constantly morphing itself with supporters and
non-supporters changing sides as the years pass by. In the progression of the two parties’
interested, a challenge was set forth to gather all information from all realms, i.e. ; personal,
social, political and scientific sources. For the first time since the prohibition of marijuana in
1937, scientists are now allowed to do research that was once forbidden to all except certain
government approved ventures. In this manner, the questions of safety, efficacy, dose and
application can be answered in a methodical manner. Hopefully, the new and upcoming
research will shine some light upon well-founded concerns.
In the following pages, I hope to iluminate a part of this diverse topic in detail, i. e. ,
the Medical applications and usage in a clinical setting. Discussion of many other áreas of
interest i salso included as well as a discussion of the diferences between recreational and
medicinal usage. This is by no means na in-depth analysis on ALL aspects of Cannabis.
However, I do try to give an overview of most the topics associated while offering suggested
readings and other qualified resources at the end of this text. This is done with the intention
that if a reader is interested in a certain topic that they can go to a more experienced source
for that desired information. I would like to thank all the authors who have written about
Cannabis, sharing your thoughts wisdom and expertise; without that this would not have been
possible. I would also like to thank the staff of the Auraria Library and the interlibrary loan
program across the country. I have been diligente with a citation so; refer to this as your
curiosity rumbles...
May you take a deep breath, relax and be open to the many sides presente in the
controversial world of Cannabis Therapeutics.

1. Complete Cannabis Monograph

Plant Family...... Cannabaceae

Parts used:............ Whole plant: Flowers, leaves,root , stem, seeds, and resin.
- “ At low doses, marijuana exerts a euphoric (followed by a sedative effect),
antispamodic, analgesic and apetite stimulating effects. At high doses, it causes confusion

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with possibilities of anxiety and hallucinations. The effects of marijuana vary on na

INDIVIDUAL basis. THC is considered responsible for mosto f the mentioned effects’ (38).
-“ narcotic, hypnotic, sedative, avaricious, astringent, stomach tonic, appetitive,
exhilarant, desiccative (sêmen), anodyne, antispasmodic, melancholic aphrodisiac (in small
doses), stimulant. In large doses euphoric, then intoxication and temporary loss of memory
and narcotism,” (41).
Synergistic or potentiating effects:
- The combination with alcohol can increase or can potentiate the effects of both
drugs (5).
- Tobacco smoke along with Cannabis has shown in a 2008 study, to increase the risk
of dependence and it has been seen that i fone can help the user quit smoking, then the
dependence on Cannabis will also decrease as well (32).
-“ Coffe or caffeinated beverages have been used to counteract the sedative effects of
Cannabis. Calamus is smoked in Ayurvedic medicine to offset some of the effects on the
memory, brain and liver” (5).
Dose: (See Dosing section for more detailed discussion on each preparation).
“ORAL : People typically use 5 to 15 drops of marijuana tincture or 1 to 3 drops of
fluid extract. The prescription product dronabinol (Marinol) is used in doses of 5 to 15mg/m2
every 2 for 4 hours for câncer chemotherapy- induced náusea and vomiting, and 2.5 to 10mg
twice daily for apetite stimulation in people with AIDS.
INHALATION: People typically use 1 to 3 grains (65 to 195 mg) of Cannabis for
smoking. Hashish, the plant resin, is smoked in a dose of up to 1 grain (16 to 65mg). Potency
may vary. The drug deteriorates rapidly, requiring ascending doses to produce its effect” (25).

Caution/ Warnings:
-“ Marijuana has not shown addictive effects or to cause abstinence syndromes.” The
author does note a concern of the possibility that its use could “lead to Strong addictions.”
This is one theory that has yet to be proven os disproven via scientific standards. (38). ( for a
more in-depth discussion of this topic See Herbal Myths section).
-Contraindicated For Those Who experience na increase in anxiety (when
consuming cannabis) especially if they have a mental, emotional disorder. (15). Other options
are better suited to the act of similar self-medication actions may be desired such as relaxants,
nervines, mild adptogens such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, etc. Better suited to see someone
who can tailor a personalized plan that would be better suited for the specific person,
complaints, constituition, and much more...
- Contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation- other cautions:
- -Safety recommendations via the daily updated Complementary natural medicines

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-Potential of interaction with HERBS AND SUPPLEMENTS WITH SEDATIVE

PROPERTIES: “Theoretically, concomitant use of marijuana with supplements that have
sedative properties might increase the risk of excessive drowsiness. Some of these
supplements include 5-HTP, calamus, California poppy, catnip, hops, Jamaican dogwood,
kava, St. John's wort, skullcap, valerian, yerba mansa, and others (25).
- Interactions with Drugs: “BARBITURATES < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA
Interaction Rating = Major Do not take this combination. Severity = High • Occurrence =
Likely • Level of Evidence = D
Marijuana might compete with barbiturate metabolism and increase drug levels when
combined with barbiturates. Some of these sedative medications include pentobarbital
(Nembutal), phenobarbital (Luminal), secobarbital (Seconal), and others.
CNS DEPRESSANTS < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA Interaction Rating =
Major Do not take this combination. Severity = High • Occurrence = Likely • Level of
Evidence = D
Marijuana can have CNS depressant effects. Combining marijuana with other CNS
depressants might result in additive or synergistic effects).
DISULFIRAM (Antabuse) < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA Interaction Rating =
Moderate Be cautious with this combination. Severity = High • Occurrence = Possible •
Level of Evidence = D
Smoking marijuana while taking disulfiram might cause hypomania. In one report, a
reversible hypomanic reaction occurred in a patient who smoked marijuana while taking
FLUOXETINE (Prozac) < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA Interaction Rating =
Moderate Be cautious with this combination. Severity = High • Occurrence = Possible •
Level of Evidence = D
Smoking marijuana while taking fluoxetine might cause hypomania. In one report, a
reversible hypomanic reaction occurred in a patient who smoked marijuana while taking
THEOPHYLLINE < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA Interaction Rating = Major
Do not take this combination. Severity = High • Occurrence = Likely • Level of Evidence = D
Similar to smoking tobacco, smoking marijuana seems to increase the metabolism of
WARFARIN (Coumadin) < < interacts with > > MARIJUANA Interaction Rating =
Minor Be watchful with this combination. Severity = Mild • Occurrence = Possible • Level of
Evidence = D
Concomitant use of marijuana may decrease warfarin metabolism or decrease the
amount of warfarin bound to plasma proteins and increase warfarin effects. In one report,
smoking marijuana 2-2.5 grams in a week resulted in an increase in international normalized
ratio (INR)” (25)

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-Interactions with Foods:

ALCOHOL: Concomitant use of alcohol with dronabinol can have additive or
synergistic CNS effects
- Interactions with Lab Tests:
“INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE: Marijuana smoking reduces intraocular pressure
and test results in some patients with glaucoma “( 25).
-Interactions with Diseases or Conditions:
“CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: Marijuana has the potential to cause
tachycardia and transient hypertension
COMPROMISED IMMUNE FUNCTION: Cannabinoids in marijuana can
decrease immune function, which might reduce resistance to infections, however, new studies
are suggesting this may only be for a portion of users.
RESPIRATORY DISEASES: Long-term use of marijuana can exacerbate
respiratory conditions. Chronic marijuana use has been associated with several cases of an
unusual pattern of bullous emphysema.
SEIZURE DISORDERS: Marijuana might exacerbate, or help control, seizure
disorders in some individuals.
SURGERY: Marijuana has CNS depressant effects. Theoretically, marijuana might
cause additive CNS depression when combined with anesthesia and other medications during
and after surgical procedures. Tell patients to discontinue marijuana at least two weeks before
elective surgical procedures” (25).

-Root- Is poisonous if taken internally. Best applied topically (5).

- There are some questions about the unripe seeds and their potential for poisoning
there have been some references to “the case of a child in whom serious sysptoms of narcotic
poisoning occurred after taking a certain quantity of them. It is probable that some of the fruit
eaten by the child was unripe, as in this state it would be more likely to partake of the
peculiar qualities of the plant” (42).

- Fresh hemp – “Fresh hemp has a peculiar narcotic odor, which is said to be
capable of producing vertigo, headache, and a species of intoxication. It is much less in the
dried tops, which have a feeble bitterish taste”” (42).

- Check for the vitality of product “ the strength of the preparation varies, and
some may be inert. If the precipitate formed when the drug is added to water is olive-green, it
is active; otherwise not” (10)

Primary uses:
- Aerial Plant matter and flowers: “It may be administered in na emulsiono r
mucilaginous mixture, or in water sweetened with sugar. It should be swallowed soon after it

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has been added to the aqueous liquid, as the resin precipitates, and is apt to adhere to the side
of the vessel” (27)
-“Orally, marijuana is used recreationally as a euphoriant. A cannabinoid from
marijuana is used in the prescription-only product dronabinol (Marinol) for the treatment of
anorexia or apetite loss associated with AIDS and for câncer chemotherapy-induced náusea
and vomiting unresponsive to traditional medications. Cannabinoid constituents from
marijuana have also been used orally to treat pain and multiple sclerosis (MS) (25).
- As na inhalant, marijuana is smoked for náusea, glaucoma, apetite stimulation, and
recreationally for altering senses (psychoactivity) and euphoria. Marijuana i salso smoked for
mucous membrane inflammation, leprosy, fever, dandruff, hemorrhoids, obesity, asthma,
urinary tract infections, cough, anorexia associated with weight loss in AIDS patients, pain,
multiple sclerosis and for producing immunosuppression after renal transplantation” (25).
-“Cold and dry in the third order” (41).
- Plant & resin “ It stands alone as a remedy that seems to possess the power of acting
on the soul. It seems to give the idea of vast capabilities for happiness, emotion, and
comprehension, but which lie latente while the body encloses it” (10).
Meridians/ organs affected:
- Tissues affected: mucous membranes
Use in dropper doses, or follow guidelines for specific conditions (See each body
system for more specific dosing, preparation guidelines suggestions, etc.)
- Topical uses of the leaf and flower that were traditionally employed in Mexico and
Central America for swollen joints, inflammation, fever, infection, superficial injuries, burns
and rheumatoid or arthritic conditions. Recent studies in Czechoslovakia found that “juicy
resin from the flowering industrial hemp plants with ripe seeds rich in CB.... which seems to
be a powerful analgesic for burns and antibiotic against bacterial infections that may invade a
wound or the ear, nose or throat” (5).
- Corns – “ A cobination of cannabis, collodion, and salicylic acid has been used to
destroy corns, the extract of the hemp acting as na anodyne (23).
- The root is used topically only!
Internal use is poisonous. In the 1764 New English Dispensatory says to “boil cannabis root
in water and apply directly as a paste to soothe injury and facilitate healing. Also used on
joints pains, inflammations and when mixed with butter made a nice cream for burns and
abrasions (5).

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Biochemical Actions:

-“A resin that contains cannabinoids (delta9 tetrahydrocannabinol =

tetrahydrocannabinol=delta 9 THC = THC = dronabinol, cannabinol, cannabidiol, etc;
depending on the origin and the chemical type. It also contain volatile oil, flavonoids, choline
and trigonelline, among others” (38).
Folklore: ( See History section for more information)

Cannabis Seeds and Oil

- Demulcent, nutritive, laxative (40).
- Has drying properties, and is used in the arts. They contain uncrystallizable sugar
and albumen, and When rubbed with water form na emulsion, which may be used
advantageously for inflammations of the mucous membrane, though without narcotic
properties” (42)
Dose: “1 ounce pounded seed meal os simmered in one quart of water until the liquid
reduces down to a pint. Take this in three doses throughout the day. In formulas, 9-30gms
-The seeds do not produce na intoxicating effect. Used as a healthful peasant food in
Laxative nice in cases of constipation associated with wasting diseases (yin
deficiency), for older people, intestinal, febrile illnesses, prostpartum women and those with
anemia (40).
- “Have been used in the formo f na emulsion as demulcent and anodyne, depending
upon the fixed oil which they contain. They are mostly used as birdseed, however, and for the
extraction of the fixed oil” (35).
-Sweet, neutral (40).
- Plant & resin “ It stands alone as a remedy that seems to possess the power of acting
on the soul. It seems to give the idea of vast capabilities for happiness, emotion, and
comprehension, but which lie latent while the body encloses it” (10).
Meridians/ organs affected: Spleen, stomach, colon (40).
Internal: Nutritive tonic

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Biochemical Actions:
- 19% protein, 31% lipds, choline, trigonelline, zylose, inositol, phytin, enzimes
(lipase, maltase, emulsin, linamarase, amylase, uréase, nucleasse, erepsin, tryptase, catalase).

“OLEUM CANNABIS. – OIL OF HEMP. A greenish fixed oil, becoming lighter
and brownish on exposure, odor hemp like, taste mild. Used as a demulcent and protective.
Neither it nor the seed are thought to have any narcotic action” (35).

Botany & Various Forms of Cultivation:

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A nice botanical description is put forth via the Kings American Dispensatory: “
Cannabis Sativa is a herbaceous anual, growing from 4 to 9 feet high, covered with a very
fine, rough pubescence, scarcely visible to the naked eye. The stem is erect, branched, bright-
green, and angular. The leaves are alternate or opposite, on long, lax petioles, digitate and
scabrous, with linear lancelate, sharply serrated leaflets, tapering into a long, smooth, entire
point; the stipules subulate. The flowers are borne in axillary clusters. With subulate bracts;
the males are lax and drooping, and branched and leafless at the base; the females are erect,
simple, and leafy at the base. The calyx of the male is downy; of the female, covered with
short, brownish glands. The fruit is an ovate, 1 or 2 lines long, without odor, of a sweetish,
oleaginous unpleasant taste, and glossy, and grayish in color (L)” (23).

Where and how it grows-

Cannabis is propagated by different means; some are indoor some outdoor. Some
organic some Hydroponic, Aeroponic it all depends on the grower, time of season and
preference. Instead of wasting time on this subject in this paper I will refer you to the
resources and other suggested reading section at the end of this paper for more authoritative
authors on the subject.
Conditions that may benefit from use:
Many of the below conditions are discussed in various herbal texts, other research,
and clinical applications.
-“The great indication for cannabis (the keynote) is marked nervous depression.....
Great nervous depression; irritation of the genitourinary tract; painful micturition; with
tenesmus; ardor urine, scalding, burning, frequent micturition; low mental conditions;
wakefulness; insomnia, with unpleasant dreams during momentary sleep; spasmodic and
painful conditions, with nervous depressions; mental illusions; menstrual headache;
palpitations of the heart, with sharp stitching pains in the heart; hallucinations; cerebral
anemia, from spasm of cerebral vessels”(23).
-“been found of great benefit in hysteria, chorea, and other nervous affections” (23).
-“Specifically selected for delirium tremens, wakefulness in fevers, neuralgia, gout,
rheumatism, infantile convulsions, low mental conditions, insanity, etc; and in inflammatory
conditions... Acute mania and dementia, epilepsy, hysterical catalepsy, cerebral softening
(with potassium bromide), anemia of the cerebral cortex, paralysis agitans, and senile,
tremors, traumatic or idiopathic tetanus, and irritable reflexes, are among the nervous
disorders in which it exerts a positively beneficial and sothing action... It mitigates whooping-
cough and other convulsive coughs; alleviates palpitation of the heart, with stitching pain in
part; quiets hysterical manifestations, and allays the distressing symptoms of spasmodic
asthma, and periodic hyperaesthetic rhinitis. It is a valuable remedy in senile catarrh, with a
harassing cough and profuses mucous expectoration, it has afforded relief in the painful
cough of consumptives.” (23).

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

-“It has been used mostly as a sedative in painful spasmodic affections. In neuralgia,
sciatica, and chronic rheumatism, it has been found to be quite efficient. In convulsions,
coughs, ashtma, and pertussis, it is said to mitigate the urgent symptoms” (37).
-“diseases of the bladder and prostate gland” (37).
-“ Cannabis is used in medicine to relieve pain, to encourage sleep, and to soothe
restlessness. Its action upon the nerve centers resembles opium, although much less certain,
but it does not have the deleterious effect on the secretions. As a somnifacient, it is rarely
sufficient by itself, but may at times aid the hypnotic effect of other drugs. For its analgesic
action, it is used especially in pains of neuralgic origin, such as a migraine, but is
occasionally of service in other types. As a general nerve sedative, it is used in hysteria,
mental depression, neurasthenia, and the like. It has also been used in some other
conditions, such as tetanus and uterine hemorrhage, but with less evidence of benefit” (42).
- “ A midraine, or sick-headache, - in which it often prevents the recurrence of the
attacks, seeming to act specifically on Ringer’s migraine center.
Neuralgia, - full doses during the attack, smaller doses in the intervals.
Uterine Affections, as chronic metritis, subinvolution, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea,
etc., - its powers as an anodyne and stimulant of the uterine muscular fiber render it a very
efficient agent.
Traumatic Tetanus, Paralysis Agitans, etc; - Large doses required to lower reflex
Delirium Tremens, - if any hypnotic is used, Cannabis is one of the best.
Dysuria and retention of the urine, - are often relieved by it. In a spasm of the
bladder and other painful affections of that organ, it will be found a most efficient remedy if
administered in full doses.
The impotence of functional character, - Cannabis is a very useful remedy and may
be well combined with Ergot and Nux Vomica.
Gonorrhea, - It lessens the discharge, inflammation, burning pain and restlessness,
and allays chordee. The tincture of the American plant is very useful here, being full as
efficient as Copaiba or Sandal, and much more agreeable. It should be prepared from the
fresh plant, and given in 3-5 drop doses 3 or 4 times a day, after the subsidence of the acute
Insomnia, especially that of acute mania, - the annate of Cannabin is recommended
as a powerful hypnotic, but not a dangerous one, neither disturbing the secretions nor leaving
unpleasant after-effects, if used in proper dosage” (30).
- Indications for use: “Nervousness, insomnia, hallucination, illusions of sight and
hearing, stupor, vertigo, pain and burning in the urethra. A menstrual headache and neuralgic
pain in a dysmenorrhea.... It influences the nervous system. We think of it in disordered
mental states, the result of disturbed functions of the nervous system; in melancholy
affections of the brain with nervous vertigo; in wakefulness of senior citizens and restlessness
of nervous exhaustion.

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

A good remedy in involuntary muscular movements, especially if of a distressing

nature. Will relieve to some extent the girdle pain of locomotor ataxia and the distress of
spondylitis, hip joint disease and rickets. Of value in sexual excitement, in hysteria and
emotional excitement at the menstrual period. Claimed to be a good remedy in chronic
alcoholism. In subinvolution of the uterus, it is of benefit. Relieves irritation of the urinary
organs and is therefore of value in crystitis, gonorrhea, and gleet” (28).
- “useful in dysmenorrhea, especially the spasmodic variety and in painful chronic
nephritis. In many cases of uterine cancer, it has either prevented the pain entirely or
satisfactorily allayed it. In anemic headaches, while the anemia is being overcome, the
headache is controlled by this remedy. It is a safe and excellent hypnotic in insomnia.
Where the pain is persistent in dysmenorrhea, a suppository made of the extracts of
cannabis indicate and Belladonna, one grain each with a dram or a dram and one-half of the
oil of the obraoma may be introduced each night, beginning two, three or four nights in
advance (10).
- A cough and pertussis: “a splendid addition to cough mixtures, when arising either
from a tickling, or irritation in the throat, or when of nervous origin. Therefore, it is of value
in whooping cough and bronchial or a laryngeal cough. There is a cough that is met with in
pregnancy that is of reflex or nervous origin in which it seems a specific” (10).
- The specific indications of cannabis indica are: irritation of the urinary organs, with
frequent desire to urinate, and a burning sensation in the urethra, marked nervous depression
with irritability, spasm, or pain, accompanied by neurotic excitement” (10).
Mental disturbances:
“ in mental disturbances, the guides to its use are mental oppression, a dull, drowsy,
or stupid countenance (a dreamy condition), with dizzeness and violent throbbings in the
head and a morbid fear of becoming insane. The patient sometimes has na “exaggerated idea
of time and space. The drug is a useful hypnotic for the insane” (23).
“It ranks among the first; the more spasmodic the pain, the better it acts. The
neuralgic pain of depression are those most quickly relieved. It should be administered in
painful states of the stomach.... The pains attending lientery, after-pains, the passage of renal
and hepatyc calculi, gout, neuralgia of the uterus, câncer, locomotor ataxia, are all met by it,
and, added to purgatives, it mitigates their griping effects.... The pains of chronic
rheumatism, sciatica, spinal meningitis, dysmenorrhea, endometritis, subinvolution, and the
vague pain of amenorrhea, with depression, call for cannabis” (23).
GI conditions:
“ Administered in painful states of the stomach, as gastric neuralgia, nervous
gastralgia, in gastric ulcers, where opium is inadmissible, and in pain due to indigestion. The
pains attending lientery, after-pains, the passage of renal and hepatic calculi, gout, neuralgia
of the uterus, câncer, locomotor ataxia, are all met by it, and, added to purgatives, it mitigates
their griping effects (23).

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Head Pains:
“a Migraine, Nervous headache, facial, and other neuralgias, whether due to
catamenial wrongs or attending the menopause, as well as those depending upon fatigue,are
relieved when nervous depression is the most marked symptom.... Head-pains, due to tumors,
have been asseted to yield to cannabis” (23).
- “ Owing to a special action upon the reproductive apparatus, it is accredited with
averting threatened abortion. It is a prominent remedy for certain spasmodic conditions and
especially in the choreic states of weak women and children (23). (For an in-depth discussion
See the individual section on reproduction either male or female)
- Baby indication: “The special indication for cannabis indica is for crying babies;
peevish, fretful babies. I use it in small doses” (10).

“- The applicable parts of marijuana are the flower and leaf. Marijuana contains
cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, dronabinol), that act on the central
nervous system (CNS). The THC concentration is highest in the flowers and leaves and
lowest in the stems, roots, and seeds. THC can Interact with cell wall lipids or affect
prostaglandina biosysthesis. It can act via cannabinoid receptors in neural tissues or opiate
receptors in the forebrain, leading to indirect inhibition of the emetic center in the medula
- Two types of cannabinoid receptors have been identified in animals: CB1, which is
found predominatly in the CNS and is thought to be responsible for the psychoactive effects,
and CB2 which is found in high levels on imune system cells including leukocytes, and to a
lesser extent in the brain Endogenous substances which bind to these receptors have been
identified. Tetrahydrocannabinol is a partial CB1 receptor agonist and has limited CB2
agonist activity. While short-term inhalation increases bronchodilation and reduces
bronchospasm, long-term use impairs lung function, which can result in constrictive lung
disease. The cannabinoids in marijuana are allergenic in animal models.
-THC is aborbed orally or by inhalation, is rapidly distributed throughout the body,
and has a high affinity for fat tissues. The metabolities appear in the urine for tem days or
more after a single exposure and several weeks after chronic exposure. In na animal modelo f
multiple sclerosis, tetrahydrocannabinol has been reported to reduce tremor and spasticity,
possibly through its activity at CB1 receptors in the brain.
- THC seems to supress the imune function by its action at the cb2 receptors. It
increases the activity of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-4, and other cytokines that inhibit
imune function. This effect might reduce resistance to infections.
- Research on the effect of cannabinoids on Cancer is conflicting.
The effect of THC on IL-10, IL-4 and other cytoines suggests it might promote the
growth of câncer cells. However, cannabinoids seem to inhibit human breast câncer cell

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proliferation in vitro. When THC is infused directly into the tumor mass, it seems to produce
tumor eradication or improvements in survival in animals with experimentally induced
malignant gliomas (a type of brain tumor). THC induces tumor cell apoptosis via CB1 and
CB2 receptors expressed on the glioma cells” (25).
-“disturbance in the digestive tract, affects the nervous system with convulsive
movements and sudden shocks, causes congestion of the brain, confused ideas, exalted
imagination with frequently changing pictures, torpor, and sleep; the cerebral symptom being
more constant, while the others vary to a great extent, sometimes nothing occuring but a few
confused ideas followed by sleep.... anesthetic properties used by the chinese during
surgery... anodyne, hypnotic, antispasmodic , and phrenic, producing sleep even where
morphine has failed, and without impairing the apetite, repressing the secretions, or causing
constipation like opium and its preparations. It frequently allays pain.... it lessens pain,
checks spasmodic action, improves the apetite, causes sleep, exhilaration of spirits, and, in
increased doses, inebriation, with phantasms, catalepsy, illusory delirium, and Strong
aphrodisiac.... indication is irritation of the genito-urinary tract, and the indication is even of
more value when associated with general nervous depression... useful in gonorrhea, chronic
irritation of the bladder, in chronic cystitis, with painful micturition, and in painful urinary
affections generally. It makes no difference whether a urethritis is specific or not, or whether
it is acute or chronic, the irritation is a suficiente guide to the selection of cannabis. Use it in
gonorrhea to relieve the ardor urine, and to prevent urethral spasm and avert chordee, and in
gleet, to relieve the irritation and discharge; employ it also in a spasm of the vesical sphincter,
in dysuria and in strangury, when spasmodic. Burning and scalding in passing urine, with
frequent desire to micturate, are Always relieved by cannabis.... been recommended in
diabetes and hematúria, and in Bright’s disease, with painful voiding of bloody urine, it is
strongly endorsed. By its control over the mental functions, it controls lascivious thoughts,
dreams, and desires, and is, therefore, of some value in nocturnal seminal emissions.
Probably its control over urethral irritation contributes to its value here. In this manner,
impotence is said to have been cured by it” (23).
-“it may be called na exhilarant, inebriante, phantasmatic, hypnotic or soporific, and
stupefacient or narcotic.... is chiefly employed as a medicine, for its hypnotic, anodyne, and
antispasmodic properties; occasionally, also for its mental influence... does not constipate the
bowels, lessen the apetite or create náusea, produce dryness of the tongue, or check the
pulmonar secretion.... hypnotic, I have used it with advantage in spirit-drinkers, and have
succeeded in one or two cases in producing sleep with it where large doses of morphia had
failed. In some hysterical patients, and in cases of chorea, I have occasionally employed it to
induce sleep.... anodyne, it is, I think, in general, decidedly inferior to opium... acute and
subacute rheumatism, in gout, and in neuralgia, it frequently alleviates the pain....
antispasmodic. Malignant cholera, chorea, and infantile convulsions... phrenic.... use as a
nervine stimulant, in removing languor and anxiety, and raising the pulse and spirits” (27).
“nercotic, anodyne, antispasmodic, sedative, and aphrodisiac” (37).
-“Powerful narcotic. The primary effect of the drug is that of exhilaration,
intoxication, stimulating the imagination, etc. This is followed by depression, drowsiness, and
stupor, the heart becomes weak and slow, and the pupil dilated (35).

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- “ antispasmodic, analgesic, anethetic and narcotic, a cerebrospinal stimulant, and a

poweful aphrodisiac. It increases intelectual and motor tivity, stimulantes the vaso-motor
nerves, raising the arterial tension, and depressões sensation” (30).

- Sedative, narcotic, anodyne, and antispasmodic properties. Its narcotic and

antispasmodic properties are limited, and they are best exhibited when administered with
other remedies of the same class” (10).

Side Effects:
Toxicity & other side effects:
Dose dependant Reactions:
“ Large Doses cause a pleasurable intoxication, during which the traits peculiar to the
individual are exalted; the ideas follow each other so rapidly as to produce a sense of great
prolongation of time, minutes seeming as if hours or even days. With this occurs increased
sexual desire, great muscular activity, and sensations of double consciousness and enormous
dimensions; the sight and hearing are exalted, the pipuls dilated, anestesia sets in, the reflexes
are lowered by stimulation of inhibition (Setchenow’s centre?); and if the dose be a heavy
one a cataleptic state is induced. Sleep or coma follows, according to the size of the dose, but
death has never been caused by this drug.
After-effects are dullness, heaviness, vertigo, headache, and confused thought but no
náusea, no vital depression, or constipation. Repeated use of the drug produces mental
weakness and impotence, the result of over-stimulation. It causes a ravenous appetite, and
increases the energy of the uterine muscular fiber, but has no power to initiate uterine
contractions” (Potter, S.O.L. (1902). A compend of matéria medica, therapeutics
and prescription writing, with especial reference to the physiological action of
Large doses:”sedative effect” (10).
Poisonous doses: “ it acts chiefly on the mind by producing forgetfulness. Time and
distance are immensely exaggerated, a few seconds, years; an object near at hand, miles
away. Imagines he hears music, shuts his eyes, and is lost in delicious thought. His speech
will be incoherent; he will have uncontrollable laughter until his faces becomes purple, and
his back aches. There is an intensive headache with a feeling as if the head opened and shut.
Also, there is a sensation as if of a ball in the rectum and urethra, during and after urination,
with copious, colorless urine (10).
-“ The symptoms of acute poisoning vary greatly, probably owing to the uncertain
character of the drug employed. Collapse, unconsciouness, stupor, catalepsy, extreme
debility, irresponsive pupils, cold, clammy skin, spasms, and convulsions are among its toxic
effects” (23).
Small doses: “ stimulating and exciting” (10).

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Overdose: Acute Treatment:

There are a loto f differing views on the exact means to help get one out of an
overdose. It seems prudente to take into account the person and their constitution and
personal reaction to the preparation whether it be tincture, resin, smoking, or edibles. The
below example may have been to combat the poisonous after-effectsof being dosed by the
wrong genus “ apocynum cannabinum” However, some acute treatment suggestions would
be to bring the blood glucose levels up by eating something; thus, the selfmedicating act of
“the munchies.”
-“ Best combated by vegetable acids, especially lemon juice, coffe, emetics, cold
applications and leeches to the temples. Probably strychnine and faradization of the
respiratory muscles are the most effective means. By some coffe is said to increase its
effects.” (23).
-“Antidote: Emetic of mustard followed by large draughts of warm water; then,
Strong tea, or coffe. Arouse the patient and keep him in motion” (10).~
-“It’s effectively impossible to give yourself a fatal overdose of cannabis. Still, you
can get too high for comfort, especially if you eat it. If you eat a dose of pot too fast, then
decide you need another before the effects of the first have fully hit you, you can end up “
overstored.” Likewise, if you misjudge the potency of the pot you’re using. Over-indulging in
marijuana tends to heighten the side-effects of the drug.
This include:
● Rapid heartbeat
● Feeling anxious, panicky or paranoid
● Dry mouth
● Nausea and dizziness

*The only cure for too much cannabis is time for your body to clear it out. This might
take a few hours: a good night’s sleep will put you right. However, there are some things you
can do to make it easier on you until it passes.
Remember that you are in no danger. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the signals
that are exemplified at the moment. Let yourself know that this too shall pass. Below are
some ways to cope:
- For some people, it helps for them to talk to someone else.
-_Avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and other drugs “ they won’t make you feel any
better and they might make things worse.”
- Get a cold drink. You may be dehydrated
- Find something to do that calms for example: read a book, watch tv, and take a walk.
- A good night’s rest will help process it out of your system, so resto n” (15).

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Side Effects
Long term side effects:
Insomnia caused from overuse causing dream suppression was noted in the medical
marijuana handbook. The bellow excerpt demonstrates some preliminar studies as well as
notes the repercussion of long term use.
“In some instances, marijuana may suppress dreaming. Studies of sleeping subjects
have shown that THC tends to suppress rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, during which
dream occur. These effects are most apparent at very high doses and may decline with
chronic use. We know of a Freudian psychotherapist who complains that her pot-smokink
patients don’t have enough dreams to report. Former heavy users sometimes report insomnia
and vivid dreams after giving up marijuana. These are withdrawal effects that subside after a
few days or weeks. Some long-term pot smokers who believe they need marijuana to go to
sleep may in fact only be suffering from withdrawal effects due to their heavy usage.
To properly guage the effects of marijuana, it’s advisable for heavy users to abstain for a
month or two to reach a THC-free baseline” (15).

Short-term side effects:

Cannabis can cause some unpleasant symptoms if eaten in too high a quantity or if
one is not suited to the herb, some side effects are noted nicely in the following excerpt from
the Marijuana Medical Handbook:
“ “Unpleasant physical symptoms, including headaches, dizzines, náusea, and
vomiting, which may be secondary to mental anxiety and are most common at heavy doses.
Rarely, few individuals experience such symptoms regularly, like and allergic reaction. Most
frequently, though, adverse physical reactions result from na overdose. Though never fatal,
heavy overdoses are unpleasant and can be temporarily debilitating. Symptoms include
anxiety, panic, excitement, hallucinations, and a Racing heartbeat, proceeding to immobility,
torpor, and unconsciousness. Fortunately, the effects are temporary and wear off after a few
hours of sleep. No antidote is needed” (15).

Constituents / Active Principles:

Terpenes & the use of odors to determine type of medicinal actions
-Limonene is the terpene responsible for the citrus like scent in fruits such as lemon
& grapefruit. It is thought to be enlivening and make one more alert and focused as well as
containing fungicidal properties. It is said that if diferente strains smell similar, they will have
similar reactions in the body” (15).
- Myrcene has a distinct odor that is described “as citrus, clove-like, earthy, fruity,
and green vegetative and mango.” It is thought to be a synergist to THC where the two
molecules combine to “create a stronger experience than THC alone. Myrcene probably
affects the permeability of the cell membrane, allowing more THC to reach the brain” (15).

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- Beta-caryophyllene: “Beta-caryophyllene smells and tastes peppery, with hints of

clove and camphor... It has analgesic qualities but doesn’t have a mental effect...
Beta-caryophyllene is a kind of non-psychoactive cannabinoid analog acting on the
CB-2 rector sites (noted in mice)” (15).
-Pinene – This terpene “ has a piney odor and is a major componente of turpentine. It
is found in pine trees as well as Rosemary, sage, and Eucalyptus. It is thought to help
memory by crossing the blood-brain barrier and inhibiting the activity of the chemical that
destroys an information transfer molecule. As a result, this molecule has a longer time to
work before it is inactivated, resulting in better memory. It also increases focus, self-
satisfaction, and memory. The Skunky odors of some arijuana varieties are created in large
part by analogs of this terpene, which are indications of its presence (15).
- Terpenol: Is described as “smells floral, with hints of lilac and Orange blossom.
Terpenol causes drowsiness, and a desire to rest. It is often found in Cannabis in conjunction
with pinene, which masks its odor. This is what causes some Afghan varieties to have such a
sedative effect. It is useful for sleep problems, as well as being a general sedative (15).
- Borneol: “Smells like menthol or camphor. It is considered calming in Chinese
medicine and helps people relax (15).
- Linalool: Is responsible for the “floral scent reminiscente of spring flowers such as
lily of the valley, but with spicy overtones. It is a componente of lavender oil. It is being
tested for use on some cancers. It causes severe sedation when inhaled... they often have a
citrus or fruity odor (15).
- Plug one: Is responsible for the “minty-camphor odor and flavor used by candy
makers. It is thought to slow the destruction of memory transfer proteins, so memory is
improved. It also helps keep you alert and may counteract the Terpenol and Linalool to some
extent (15).

Historical, Traditional, Ethno-Botanical & Clinical Usage:

Nomenclature issues caused much despair and tainted the historical value of this
plant. The term Indian hemp was na issue that caused many negative side effects and death.
This may be the beginning of the herbal myth that Cannabis can produce death if taken in a
“poisonous dose” could this perhaps be related to the marasmus myth as well? This confusion
reminds me of the need to verify that Scullcap is skullcap and not germander. However, as
the commom name has but vanished this should not be of importance for the current
practitioner or medical marijuana patient. This is especially noticeable since mosto f the
Cannabis product is now grown in the states; no longer being imported from India or even
Mexico for that matter. The Market has driven up quality and no longer accepts the inferior
product that may have been squashed together with seeds, stems and anything else that was
once dubbed schwag. This product form is not even an option at dispensaries nor is it present
in the black Market for it has all but disappeared from a few erroneous sources. The below
excerpt illustrates the need to verify the correct genus correctly.

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

“The continuation in the Br.Pharm. of the name of indian Hemp is unfortunate

beacause of the possibility of its being mistaken for the root of Apocynum Cannabinum,
Which i salso called Indian Hemp. Several mistakes have occured through this unfortunate
confusion of nomenclature”” (42).
- Historical uses/traditional uses in various cultures

Ancients – “ Hempseed was served fried for dessert” (39).

- Arabic
- “Arabs smoke the sun-dried leaf mixed with tobacco in huge pipes” (39).

“Africans smoke the hemp alone” (39).

“A marked feature is an anesthesia produced, and it asserted that the Chinese
formerly performed surgical operations under its use (23)).
-“early as A. D. 220” (39).
-“Cultivate by the Celts” (39).
“Helen is started to have received the plant from a woman of Egyptian Thebes. It is
known in India, as the “increase of pleasure,” the “ exciter of disire,” the “cementer of
friendship, and “the” cause of a reeling gait, “the” laughter mover” (27).

Below is na account by O’Shaughnessy about the uses in India and the peculiar
methods of gathering the precious crystals and trichomes.
“Central India and the Saugor territory, and in Nepal, Churrus is colleted during the
hot season in the following singular manner: Men clad in leather dresses run through the
hemp fields, brushing through the plant with all possible violence; the soft resin aderes to the
leather, and is subsequently scraped off and kneaded into balls, which sell from five to six
rupees the seer. A still finer kind – the Momeea or waxen Churrus – is collected by the hand
in Nepal, and sells for nearly double the price of the ordinary kind. In Nepal, Dr. M’Kinnon
informs me, the leather attire is dispensed with, and the resin is gathered on the skin of the
naked coolies. In Persia, it is stated by Mirza Adbul Razes that the Churrus is prepared by
pressing the resinous planto n coarse cloths, and then scraping it from these and melting it in
a pot with a little warm water. He considers the Churrus of Herat as the best andmost
powerful of all the varieties of the drug” (27).

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- There have been numerous accounts that the men who “assassinated Lord
Cornwallis in India were intoxicated by hemp “(Thornton, History of the British
Empire in India, vol. ii. P. 486, 1848.) as seen in (27).

Egyptian & Asiatics

Even in Egypt, the use of cannabis was well known as was the ability to
extract the most precious of constituents through a mixture of water and lipid soluble
processes; dependent upon the correct amount of heat. In this way they developed
their sort of alchemy; even with the most limited supplies. Are butter, lard, and oil
able to withstand years of oxidation while adhering to the infused constituent
qualities? I question the validity of using old infused butter, lard or oil as a method of
administration. What other agents have made their way into the medium? (See the
world of edible section for a more -in-depth discussion into storing methods for your
infused butter ad other Cannabis preparations). An excellent visual of this process is
excerpted from Jonathan Pereira in the elements of materia medica:
“employ Indian hemp for intoxication, various preparations of this drug are in use. In
some of these, the plant itself is employed, either rubbed up with water and made into
a draught or formed into an electuary. But a favorite mode of using it is to extract the
active principle by some fatty matter (generally butter or oil), by which an oleaginous
solution or fatty extract is obtained. For this purpose, the hemp is boiled in butter or
oil, with a little water, usually until the water is boiled away. It is said that the fatty
extract thus obtained will preserve its intoxicating powers for years. It is usually
mixed up with other ingredients, and taken in the form of an electuary, confection, or
pastille” (27).
Hemp in the form of resinous compounds and historical traces of ash were found in a
tomb in China; where a girl had died in childbirth. The authors extrapolate according to
epidemiological, chemistry and biological evidence they believed that the use of cannabis
was to help ease the difficulty of labor. The cause of death was unable to be completely
determined (15).

In Tibet, a hemp preparation “ Mom or mimea” was supposedly made with human
fat. How they retrieved, the fat is a mystery as well as the source (15).

Russia & Poland

-“Peasants are extremely fond of parched hempseed, and it is eaten even by the
nobility. The oil expressed from the seed is much used as food during the time of the fastsin
the Volga region” (39).
-It is mostly grownfor fiber and seed purposes in Russia and North America (39)

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-Galen and Pliny both used the fresh squeezed juice to treat a variety of ear ailments
such as earwigs or ear pains. Its analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
properties were probably how it exerted effects (5).

Biblibal Mention
“Some scholars believe that Cannabis is the plant kanesh bosm (translated as
“aromatic cane”) which was mentioned in Exodus 30:23, where God directs
Moses to make a holy oil composed of cinnamon, kaneh bosm and kassia” (15).

-“The green plant collected in the spring, and 2 or 3 twigs placed in or between beds,
will, it is asserted, certainly and effectually cause bedbugs to remove from the
room in which they are used” (23).
-Topical uses of the leaf and flower that were traditionally employed in Mexico and
Central America for swollen joints, inflammation, fever, infection, superficial
injuries, burns and rheumatoid or arthritic conditions (5).
Prohibition of Cannabis in 1937 up to present…
The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 ended the medicinal use of cannabis; for a time. In
1941, it was withdrawn from the U.S. pharmaceutical market due to the burdensome
requirements of the law. Various panels were developed to judge the addictive nature,
efficacy, and safety. Over and over this medical substance was found to be “harmless &
potentially useful.”
“In 1971, Presidential Nixon appointed the Presidential Commision on Marihuana and
Drug Abuse, led by Pennsylvania Governor William Shafer. When the commission
unexpectedly recommended the repeal of laws against the adult use of marijuana, Nixon
promptly disavowed their report. Another study by the National Academy of Sciences came
to similar conclusions in 1982, and was likewise ignored by President Reagan”. In the late
1970’s, 35 states developed legislation to look more into the intriguing aspects of cannabis
for medicinal purposes; by developing research programs to find out the truth of the matter
Under the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 Marijuana was “classified as a Schedule
1 controlled substance, meaning that it has high abuse potential and no recognized medical
use. Schedule 1 drugs cannot be used without explicit permission from the DEA and the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), which involves exhaustive paperwork, long delays, and
almost certain refusal”.
In 1976, a compassionate use protocol was put into place for certain conditions like
glaucoma, MS, and rare genetic disease. In 1996, California voters approved the use of
marijuana for ill patient’s, i.e., medical usage (15).

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In 1997, the drug czar commission that the nation institute of health does an intensive
overview of the safety and efficacy of marijuana and its derivatives i.e. cannabinoids. “The
report cautioned against the use of smoked marijuana on account of the respiratory hazards of
smoking but acknowledged that it remained the only good alternative for certain patients with
chronic conditions. The report recommended further research and clinical trials including the
development of non-smoked delivery systems. The federal government ignored the report and
continued to oppose medical marijuana”. After the amendment passed in California many
other states “passed medical marijuana laws of their own: Oregon, Washington, Alaska,
Nevada, Colorado, Maine, Montana, Hawaii, Vermont, Rhode Island and New Mexico.
Canada’s highest court struck down the country’s marijuana laws and ordered the
government to institute legal access for medical users.

Association who have supported outright legalization of marijuana:

The American Public Health Association
The American College of Physicians
The American Nurses’ Association
The American Psychiatric Association
The American Academy of Family Physicians
The AIDS Life Lobby
The Physicians’ Association for AIDS Care
The New England Journal of Medicine
Consumer Reports Magazine (15).

Historical Uses of Cannabis in Women’s Health-

“Ancient world, medieval world and the Far East” (34).
One of the earliest references utilizing a form of Cannabis, in the formula, for female
ailments, was described in ancient Mesopotamia medical tablets from Sumerian and
Akkadian sources dating as far back as 2000 BCE. The Assyrian king Ashurbanipal gathered
theses precious transcripts into a vast library around 7th – Century BCE; later to be unearthed
and translated by R. C. Thompson in 1924. In the translations, a formula calling for hemp
seeds (azul la) and other agents in beer was employed for unspecified female complaints. The
seeds were also employed in, “difficult childbirth, staying the menses when mixed with
saffron and beer, or used rectally using fumigation was described for other ailments” (34).
The Egyptian Pharmacopeia has contained formulas for cannabis since ancient times.
Some applications are, “orally, rectally, vaginally, on the skin, in the eyes and by fumigation”
Other uses from the Eber Papyrus talk of inducing contractions when ground in honey and
placed inside the vagina (34).

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In the Persian Holy book Zend-Avesta, from around 600bce, Psychoactive effects of Banga
were noted by the translator Darmesteter. In the 9th Century Persia, the first Arabic materia
medica named Al-Aqrabadhin Al-Saghir, called for the use of an “intranasal base preparation
of juice from cannabis seeds was mixed with a variety of other herbs to treat a migraine, calm
uterine pains, prevents miscarriage, and preserve fetuses in their mothers’ abdomens” (34).
The plant’s resin was traditionally used as a treatment for miscarriage. (5).
Ayurvedic and Arabic traditional preparations employed Cannabis in aphrodisiac
formulas, pain treatments, and Avicenna recommended seeds and leaves to expel uterine
gasses (34).
In China various applications were used, “Cannabis flowers for use in menstrual
disorders, Seed Kernels for postpartum difficulties and the juice of the root… thought to have
beneficial action in retained placenta and postpartum hemorrhage” as noted in the Pen Tsao
Kang Mu complied via later translated into the Chinese materia medica (34).
Earliest European references come from a translation of the 11th Century old English
Herbarium that indicates the use of Hemp, possibility learned from the Anglo-Saxons, for
sore breasts, “rub the herb, with fat, lay it on the breast, it will disperse the swelling; if there
is a gathering of diseased matter it will purge it” (34).

Potential uses as shown via ethnobotanical, Traditional and

Clinical Usage
-Note to reader: these below uses are neither completely studied nor proven; however, they
are coming from ethno botanical or traditional uses that were translated from ancient texts.
Most of what many authors have done is extrapolate the way the ancients were using herbs
and medicines.
-“Treat anal fissures, as can occur after postpartum” as noted in Syriac medicine (34).
-Cannabis leaf juice is diuretic and used to check discharge in diarrhea and gonorrhea- in
Persian text Makhzan-ul-Adwiya (34).
-Hemp seed oil to help harden and contract the uterus- ibn al-Baytar prescription (34).
-Hemp seeds- drying in nature-inhibit maternal milk production 11th Century Andulian
thought via Ibn Wafid al-Lajmi (34).
-Hemp seeds mixed in potion with other things like lentils and vinegar may produce a
reduction in female genital lubrication according to Tabit ibn Qurra (34).
-Hemp seed oil employed in use of uterine tumors – employed via a 17th century Azerbaijan
physician (34).
-A poultice of leaves and stems mixed with asafetida to treat hemorrhoids and hysteria,
recommended for use via Tibbnama 1712 (34).

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

-“intranasal base preparation of juice from cannabis seeds was mixed with a variety of other
herbs to treat a migraine, calm uterine pains, prevent miscarriage, and preserve fetuses in
their mother’s abdomens”
- In the 9th century Persia, the first Arabic materia medica named Al-Aqrabadhin Al-Saghir,
called for the above applications (34).
- “Cannabis flowers for use in menstrual disorders” – noted in the Pen Tsao Kang Mu
complied via Li Shih-Chen in 1596 – this text was later translated into the Chinese materia
medica (34).
- “Seed Kernels for postpartum difficulties” – noted in the Pen Tsao Kang Mu complied via
Li Shih-Chen in 1596- this text was later translated into the Chinese materia medica (34).
- “Juice of the root… thought to have a beneficial action in retained placenta and postpartum
hemorrhage” – noted in the Pen Tsao Kang Mu complied via Li Shih-Chen in 1596 this text
was later translated into the Chinese materia medica (34).
- The infused herb with fat- used to treat sore breasts- numerous sources reflect on this usage
from the 11th century Old English Herbarium & the supposed 13th century Austrian
manuscript named Codex Vindoboneses 93 (34).
-One translation of the supposed 13th century Austrian manuscript named Codex
vindobonesis 93 yelded that an herbal infused ointment be used to reduce inflammation and
pain in the breasts (34).
- Another translation of the supposed 13th century Austrian manuscript named Codex
Vindobonesis 93, that hemp seeds were eaten in great quantity liberate maternal milk and
treat amenorrhea (34)
- Hemp oil & poultice of Cannabis preparation laid or rubbed on painful sore breasts after
mothers have given birth; In folk German medicine in the late 19th century (34).
-Hemp seed milk “used to treat bladder pains and dropsy” In German folk medicine in the
late 19th century (34).
- Prevent staphylococcal mastitis and cracked fissures on nipples, A complication that can
sometimes lead to mastitis- in Czechoslovakia a study was conducted on an extract of
Cannabis in alcohol and glycerin was used on the nipples (34)
- Root used to treat gonorrhea by the German physician Georg Eberhard Rumpf in Indonesia
- “green leaves of the female plant, cooked in water with Nutmeg, to drink to folks who felt a
great oppression in their breasts, along with stabs, as if they had Pleuritis too” (34).
- Hemp seed oil emulsion in milk was an aid to treat “heat of the urine,” “incontinence of
urine,” and “restraining venereal appetites” as stated in the Edinburgh New Dispensatory in
1794 (34).
- The renal pain of Bright’s disease (34)
- Menopausal headaches (34).

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

- Carminative – seeds and leaves- Leaves purportedly used to treat “uterine gasses” from al-
Mayusi 1877 in the time of Galen (34).
- “Shrink vagina and prevent leukorrhea… an ointment of hashish and tobacco” is employed
in Soviet prohibition in the 1930’s headaches (34).
- German Folklore & childbirth “springs of hemp were placed over the stomach and ankles to
prevent convulsions and difficult childbirth” headaches (34).
- In India- an “infusion of the seeds was used to treat gonorrhea” headaches (34).
- In Vietnam- Pre-birth- Improper placement “21 seed kernels boiled in water help to reset
the neonate into normal position at birth (34).
- “Pregnant women should always have some burnt for her as to have a completely healthy
child” they were also given some to make them brave and “so as to no feel pain” Urban
Africans 1980 were employing these methods (34).
- Abortive properties “strengthen uterine contractions,” (34).
- “Hemp seed, in infusion, has been found very useful in after-pains, and in the bearing-down
sensation accompanying prolapsus uteri” (23).

Recreational Uses:
What Constitutes Recreational Usage?
What is the line between recreational and medical usage? Is it as clear cut as it is
made to seem? Who places these rules upon use? All these questions I have pondered and
find that I have to classify it in my esoteric way. See my below distinction between the two
methods of use as well as what I have extrapolate keep in mind that one can know when they
are applying it recreationally or medicinally; the problem is: Can you admit it to yourself?
The main distinction for recreational use for me is the choice one makes in taking it to
the point of intoxication. Then it seems to be more of a recreational purpose as well as in a
communal or spiritual setting. Intoxication is the goal or the intend reaction when applied
recreationally. Sometimes these self-medicating actions are used to avoid situations,
interactions or other things that are not serving. In this way, they are perpetuating the cycle of
avoidance while being unable to self-reflect in a non-judgmental way. If one finds themselves
in this type of patterning, it may be advantageous to resource out for support from a source
that can look at your usage and find the root of the excess. Thus, growing, self-reflection and
transcendence from self-aggression all become part of the experience. It may also help to
make you more cognizant of your behavioral patterns when your trigger is engaged. In this
way, reflective usage can occur, and a self-distinction between recreational and medical
usage is made clear as well.
In the drug abuse world, a huge underlying point is made clear if you listen closely
and pay attention. What do most drug addiction have in common? It’s the journey

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

or self-love or any compassionate non-judgmental love. Although, the

manifestations of this search may be destructive to self and others it is in its
essence a journey for love, acceptance from self and others and so much more that
is individual and privately revealed when deep self-work is engaged what. This
subject is huge, encompassing and filled with varying views in the professional
and personal realms. (See Resources and suggest readings section- great
authoritative book – Otherwise, law abiding citizens).

I see medicinal usage as a specifically applied Cannabis preparation tailored to the
person and constitution. In this way, it is being used as a specific remedy. No intoxication is
necessary to receive a benefit for most cases, in high doses, it does tend to produce some
intoxicating effects, but the distinction from recreational usage is that the intoxicating is a
side effect of the chosen remedy (See side effects section for more information). As is the
same with most painkillers like Vicodin, codeine, etc., except high doses are not usually
needed if daily doses are taken. For me 1- 3 honey buds, 1-3 drops tincture bid were
sufficient and did not produce intoxicating effects.

Youth & Adolescent Use

Distributor Oppotunities with CannaEssence

Spa & massage Cannabis - Energy Medicine

About the Author

Jamie Lynn started her journey to vital health through a debilitating chronic illness
that resulted in her taking 50 prescribed medications. Jamie was told she would be disabled

Jamie Lynn / Canna Essence Master Flower kit

for life; unable to walk without assistance or live a normal Young woman’s life without
medications and lingering complex problems. After hearing this cleak future, Jamie Lynn was
determined to find “another way to heal and become whole”. To do so, she went to two full-
time schools at the same time to learn as much as she could about human health. She
continued to get thirty more degrees, certifications, licenses and diplomas to enlighten her
PEMS or Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual bodies. Now 16 medication free years later,
Jamie Lynn is na avid mountain climber full of vitality, vision, and vibration.
She uses her experience of hopelessness from diagnoses to help her clientes;
specializing in empowering other to heal through PEMS reconnection. Jamie Lynn felt that
the balancing of her PEMS is what saved her life and allowed her to regain health; exceeding
all the expectations for a powerfully simple way. She wanted to use the most potent tools to
create a conscious, sustainable and beatiful product that would serve humanity and the
planeta like. Therefore, the CannaEssence were created, then used in the clinical trial and
case studies with a focus on chronic conditions like câncer, fibromyalgia, and pain. Jamie
Lynn uses combination with her favorite tools for self-care, cosmetics, and daily
maintenance. She blends them into her total health programs to serve her client’s vital health.
Jamie Lynnhas served as faculty and administration at the North American Institute of
Medical Herbalism and the Academy of Natural Therapy. Jamie Lynn has published four
books, six magazines and is currently in the processo f publishing more books to help people
reconnect to their PEMS through the Cannabis and Bach Flower Plant Spirits using
vibrational imprints, color therapy, and sacred geometry. She presentes workshops in
VibroChromoTherapy, VibroChromoPictography, and Cannabis reeducation.
Jamie Lynn graduated from the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism with
honors holding Clinical Certifications of Herbalism, Nutrition and Bach Flower Essences. As
well as the Metropolitan State College with two Bachelors certifications: Integrative
Therapeutics, Nutrition, and Biology. The Colorado School of healing Arts with certifications
& advanced training in Medical and Oncology Massage Therapy, Neuromuscular &
Structural Massage Therapy, Craniosacral and Lymphatic Drainage Therapies, Healing
Touch, Trauma Touch Therapy, Polarity. Flora Corona a Certification in Quantum Flower
Essences and Color Therapy. Academy of Resonance Therapy with certifications in Quantum
Mechanics. As well as completing apprenticeships and mentoring in energetic modalities
such as Reiki master, Peruvian & Earth-based medicines. Internships in: Teaching, Pre-
Medicine, Gardening, Biofeedback, and Psychiatry.


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