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Why Marijuana Must Remain Illegalized

Marijuana, also known as “Nugs”, “Ganja”, “African bush” are only a few of the street names given to
the drug. The terms refer to various forms which compose of dried flowering composites that includes
seeds, stems and leaves derived from the Cannabis plant. The predominant mind-altering chemical
found in the plant is called tetrahydrocannibol (THC), it is responsible for the psychoactive properties
when any form marijuana is ingested. THC being a key psychoactive substance is responsible for the
disruption of the brain which cause depression, suicidal thinking, and hallucinations which are only a
few of the side effects that can occur. In spite of the possible side effect, there are also benefits that
result when taking or using medical marijuana, including a reduction of blood pressure, increase in
appetite, and a state of relaxation.

The United States has deemed marijuana a Schedule I Controlled substance which has high abuse
possibilities, and possession of the narcotic is in fact, illegal. People want it to be legalized for their
own personal benefit, but many will lack the knowledge of the negative consequences that can be
brought about to our society—such as an increase in drug users and addicts, cognitive and physical
impediments, thus it puts public safety into question.

As a Pharmacy Major, my motivation is to be able to broaden my expertise on a popular substance

used recreationally and for medical purposes. In order to provide justification for my stance, citing,
researching and employing deductive reasoning that marijuana should be not legalized throughout
the United States and be taken off the Schedule I classification. With the brain still developing in
adolescence, an alteration in the reward system of the brain mechanisms can allow other drugs to be
engrossing, leaving room for trial of other substances. Marijuana is a gateway drug, which means that
it’s not completely addictive itself, but it prompts the utilization of other drugs, such as cocaine, and
heroin, and alcohol. Users could be associating themselves with people who also sell drugs, use
them, which increases existing users, and non-users to have a further interest on engaging in its use,
with or without reason to experiment with various narcotics.

Legalization of marijuana will allow individuals to think it’s appropriate to use this drug at any given
time, as well allow one to get high more prevalently, which then can lead to and increase drug abuse.
With people having access to marijuana, it would permit more individuals to be less cautious about
how much they use, because it’s legal, and there’s no restriction on its possession. Employing the
drug at a young age, allows you to develop disorders which can be affiliated with dependence, which
means people would undergo withdrawals all times they don’t take the drug in one form or another.
The youth that could be more susceptible to becoming substance abusers/addicts can resort to
marijuana first because it’s easier to come into contact with in comparison to other illegal drugs.
Education will be impacted, having teenagers dropping out, declines in overall classroom
performance, and a lack of obtaining a degree in a post-secondary institution. (“How Does Marijuana
Use Affect School, Work, and Social Life?”, 2018). Thus, the increase in drug addicts and users, is
unfavorable for our society, and should be a virtuous reason to illegalize the drug.

There are 60 chemicals involved in cannabinoids, the chemicals itself contribute and therefore lead to
the cognitive and physical hindrances of marijuana. Within the many methods of consumption such as
inhalation, oral, or topical use. the chemicals involved are able to pass into the blood stream and
reach the brain in a matter of minutes. Currently, I have a Drugs and Behavior class, our professor
lectured about marijuana and experiments conducted on animals, and humans who have been using
any form of marijuana, which have been taken to prove the exposure to THC underlies notable brain
complications such as having difficulties with motor coordination, judgment, learning and memory,
because it impedes natural chemicals in the brain from functioning normally, resulting in an imbalance
in the Endocannabinoid System.

For example, attempting to drive after a smoke of a marijuana cigarette can be just as dangerous as if
one was under the influence of alcohol. It can slow down critical ability and refluxes while on the road
by requiring a longer time to process the surroundings and responding to emergency situations. This
type of situation is destructive to the community, which opens gates for car accidents, injuries, and
deaths. Furthermore, a New Zealand study that was conducted found consistent marijuana usage in
adolescence resulted in an average loss of 6-8 IQ points when participants were examined in
adulthood. (“Marijuana.”, 2018).

In addition, the most prominent impacts were on young people whose brains are developing,
maturing, and building new connections-- thus the narcotic retards growth of neurological connections
that are supposed to be established in young adulthood. The study was able to exhibit the essential
day-to-day abilities will be impaired, increasing anxiety, panic attacks, and consistent mood changes
if recreational use persists. Psychiatrists warn against the use of marijuana because the long-term
cognitive consequences are irreversible. As a result, if a psychiatrist would warn against it, it’s
another principled reason to add it as a reason to illegalize marijuana.

Cannabinoids in marijuana cause malfunctions in the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and

neurotransmitters. Consistent usage allows for the normally functioning organs to transform into that
of damaged ones. For example, an individual could be going through depression, sleep disorders,
anxiety, or put into a place of psychosis, they will then resort to marijuana to self-medicate because it
can be a narcotic that will allow for the symptoms they feel to temporarily terminate. However, one
use isn’t going to provide a lasting effect, instead, each time they start feeling a symptom, they resort
to marijuana. Which leads to consistent exposure, harming the lungs, and heart.

The Journal of the American Heart Association has published a study noting severe cardiovascular
disorders materializing with the use of marijuana. (Walia 2017). From an animal study reported to
CBS news, (Thompson 2016), cannabinoids effects on the cardiovascular system elevate heart rate,
damage blood vessels which can heighten the likelihood of clogged arteries. When rats took a puff of
the marijuana for one minute, a significant deficiency came about with their arteries carrying blood
less effectively for 90 minutes, leaving a 30-minute time for recovery.

A one-minute inhalation exhibited the quick, and unbefitting effect of the depressant.Therefore, the
substantial consequences that marijuana provides to mental and physical health predicaments that
result in long term risks for the body, isn’t worth being in any individual’s hands. Studies being
conducted on populations within young ages to adulthood, and even animals have been able to show
the same long-term results persisting, whether it’s cognitive changes, lung and reproductive system
damage, and adding more addicts/users to the country, are amongst a few of the agreeable reasons
to keep it illegal.

Medical marijuana is used to treat the symptoms which come with illnesses by using the unprocessed
extracts of the marijuana plant. It was prevalently prescribed to patients to control chronic pain which
can occur after their surgeries, if bones were broken, and when other medication side effects soon
became unbearable. Benefits arise with medical marijuana when they are known to being safer than
opiates such as Codeine, Hydrocodone, or Fentanyl, the doctors I worked with at the Pain and Spine
Unit at Presbyterian Hospital particularly preferred to prescribe it based on appropriate conditions the
patients would possess, such as allergies to other medications, those with problems with their kidneys
and ulcers would fit under the requirements to be granted a prescription. It can allow people to live a
more fulfilling life. A Harvard publication written by a MD (Medical Doctor), expounds the phenomenal
effects marijuana can work to supplement, such as functioning as a muscle relaxant which can
reduce tremors involved in Parkinson’s disease.

Additionally, for veterans who may have PTSD, combing back from combat, the prescription of
marijuana has alleviated individuals from pain and reported improvements from therapists.
(Grinspoon, 2018). Though the advantages as provided to people are beneficial, if medical marijuana
was “safe”, then the Food and Drug Administration would have approved it a long time ago, but they
do not have much scientific evidence of the safeties of the drug and how potent it is for medical
purposes. The FDA carries out large clinical trials to be able to demonstrate if drugs are safe or not,
and thus the FDA has not been able to prove that it even is. (“What's Wrong With ‘Medical
Marijuana’?” 2014). Just because doctors have the right to prescribe it, if a federal agency
disapproves of it, it should stay prohibited.

Conclusively, marijuana which has been viewed to be a depressant, and a Schedule 1 drug shall
remain illegal, because it results in long-term psychological and physical destruction to the body, a
rise in drug addicts and users, and a risk to public safety. Ultimately, the long-term effects will catch
up to an individual, and have high chances of shortening one’s life span. It’s most commonly used
and abused, and several are unaware of the costs it can come with. Moreover, to understand the
other side of the spectrum, medical marijuana is in existence to alleviate one from suffering—mental
or physical. Despite the convenience it can provide, it doesn’t mean it should be legalized because
there could be individuals who can fake illnesses, get prescriptions from the doctor, and utilize the
narcotic for erroneous motives. Hence, marijuana must remain illegalized for the benefit of the United
States and its citizens.

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