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For the past century, there has been intense debate concerning marijuana's effects on the

brain. In their investigations of marijuana users, scientists have discovered both benefits and
drawbacks. I shall discuss the marijuana's recognized adverse effects on the body in this essay.
I'll be talking about a number of things. These symptoms include blurred vision, poor
coordination, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, difficulty thinking and solving problems,
and issues with memory and learning. The most often used substance in the US is marijuana.
When administered, its effects start to take effect right away and can persist for one to three
hours. The effects start to manifest after a longer period of time when consumed in food, such as
brownies, however

Synthetic marijuana, also known as "fake cannabis," is a mixture of chemicals placed on

what appears to be incense and sold in glitzy packets, frequently to teenagers and young people.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, is comparable
to how it feels, although many users report stronger, frequently harmful consequences.A study
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that was released on Monday in the journal
Pediatrics claims that young people who use fake weed are also more likely to use other drugs or
alcohol, to act violently, and to engage in high-risk sex.

A synthetic opioid 50–100 times more potent than morphine is called fentanyl. Fentanyl
was created as a pharmaceutical and is used as a skin patch to relieve cancer patients' pain.
Fentanyl is also diverted for abuse due to its strong opioid effects. To make heroin more strong
or to pass as highly potent heroin, fentanyl is sometimes added to it. Many people mistakenly
think they are buying heroin when they are actually buying fentanyl, which frequently causes
overdose deaths. Fentanyl that is made covertly is mainly produced in Mexico.

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