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Customer Management Intern

Business Presentation
Interviewee: Dominic DeSerio
October 30, 2015
1. Before I get started
a. Thank you!
i. Amazing opportunity
ii. Rolls-Royce hospitality
2. Question
a. What recent global events or changes have an impact on Rolls-
Royce as a business?
3. Change of Lifestyle?
a. John Rishton steps down after a rough year (job cuts and
canceled orders)
i. Discouragement for employees?
b. Warren East steps up
i. Brings excitement, experience, and much success
1. Stellar resume at ARM
a. Arguably one of the biggest corporate successes in
the UK
2. Doesnt need this job for the money
a. His head is in the right place
3. An engineer running an engineering company
a. It just makes sense
4. CEO = Intern
a. Team Moral: The foundation of success
i. Rolls-Royce is a huge business with many employees
b. Personal example
i. South Carolina 1,000 year flood (hurricane Joaquin)
1. Breached damns, flooded streets, and lack of clean water
a. No school for a week
2. Scared Residents
a. Going the extra mile to make them feel better
c. If I was given the opportunity to work for Rolls-Royce
i. Going above and beyond the call of duty
5. Questions?

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