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1 ab initio : From the beginning.

2 bona gestura : Good behaviour

3 causa sine qua non : An indispensable cause/condition

4 de jure : By right; rightful; independently of what obtains in fact

5 en autre droit : In the right of another

6 facsimile : (Make it like) An exact copy

7 idem per idem : An illustration or proof

8 imputatio : Legal liability

9 judicium dei : The judgment of God. Trial by ordeal

10 lex fori : The law of the place of action

11 mea culpa : By my own fault

12 ne plus ultra : The topmost performance, achievement

13 pari materia : In equal materials

14 quaere : Inquire

15 ratione soli : By reason only

16 scribere est agere : To write is to act

17 terminus a quo : The starting point

18 ut infra : As cited below

19 vadium : A pledge or security

20 veritas est justitiae mater : Truth is the mother of justice

21 a coelo usque ad centrum : In principle, the extent of the right of the
22 a fortiori : Much more, with stronger reason.
23 a la : After the manner of.

24 a posse ad esse : From possibility to reality.

25 absque hoc : Without this.
26 absque tali causa : Without such cause.

27 act in pais : Judicial or other act performed out of court and not a
matter of record.
28 acta jure gestionis : Commercial acts.
29 acta jure imperii : Governmental acts.

30 bona gestura : Good behaviour

31 cadit quaestio : The matter admits of no further argument

32 caeteris paribus : Other things being equal
33 casus fortuitus : A matter of chance damnosa hereditas : An
inheritance which was insolvent
34 damnum absque injuria : Loss or damage for which there is no legal
35 damnum sentit dominus : The owner suffers the damage

36 de die in diem : From day to day; continuously

37 de executione facienda : Writs of execution

38 de hors : Outside of; unconnected with

39 de jure : By right; rightful; independently of what obtains in fact

40 en autre droit : In the right of another

41 en route : On the road : let us go; march
42 en ventre sa mere : In the womb of its mother. A child not yet born
43 ens legis : A legal being, entity
44 enure : To operate or take effect
45 eo instante : At that instant
46 eo nomine : In that name, by that name, on that claim
47 fait : A deed
48 fait accompli : An accomplished act
49 fait justitia ruat caelum : Let right be done, though the heavens should
50 falsa demonstratio : An erroneous description of a person or thing in a
written instrument
51 falsa demonstratio non nocet : A false description does not vitiate a

52 felo de se : One who murders himself

53 grammatica falsa non vitiat chartum : False grammar does not vitiate a
54 gratis dictum : A mere assertion unsupported by evidence

55 habeas corpus : This means you have the body

56 hac lege : With this law, under this condition
57 hereditas : Inheritance
58 hereditas jacen : Inheritance not taken up
59 heres : The universal successor of a deceased person
60 leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant : Later laws abrogate
prior contrary laws
61 lex dilationes semper exhorret : The law always abhors delays
62 lex domicilii : The law of the place of a persons domicile
63 lex est dictamen rationis : Law is the dictate of reasons
64 mala fide : In bad faith
65 mandamus : We command
66 me judice : In my opinion
67 mea culpa : By my own fault
68 mens legis : The spirit of the law
69 ne plus ultra : The topmost performance, achievement

70 necessitas inducit privilegium quoad jura privata : Necessity gives a

privilege as to private rights
71 necessitas non habet legem : Necessity knows no law
72 necessitas publica major est quam privata : Public necessity is greater
than private
73 pacta sunt servanda : Contracts are to be kept
74 pactum illicitum : An illegal compact
75 pactum nudum : A pact without consideration
76 qua : As; in the capacity; character of; in virtue of being
77 quaere : Inquire
78 quaeritur : The question is asked
79 quando acciderint : When it happens

80 raison detre (Fr) : Reason for existence

81 ratio legis est anima legis : The reason of law is the soul of law
82 ratione materiae : By reason of subject-matter
83 ratione soli : By reason only

84 salvo jure : Saving the right

85 sans frais : Without expense
86 sans recours : Without recourse
87 scribere est agere : To write is to act
88 terminus a quo : The starting point
89 terminus ad quem : The limit to which, the finishing point
90 terra firma : Firm ground
91 ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum : Where ones right is uncertain, no
right exists
92 ut infra:as(stated or shown) below:used in a book text etc.
93 ubi remedium, ibi jus : Where there is remedy, there is a right
94 ubi supra : In the place of above (mentioned)
95 vadium : A pledge or security
96 venditioni exponas : That you expose for sale
97 venire facias : Cause to come
98 verbatim et literatim : Word for word, letter for letter
99 verborum obligatio : A verbal obligation; contracted by means of a
question and answer
100 veritas est justitiae mater : Truth is the mother of justice

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