Test 123

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Nanocomposites are a promising new class of advanced materials that are made of two

or more components in which at least one of them has one or more dimensions (width, length,
thickness) in nanoscale. Polymethacrilic acid based nanocomposites exhibit enhanced optical
thermal, mechanical and electrochemical properties compared to the conventional composites

The synthesis of high-performance dental composites made from an organic matrix

and inorganic filler/reinforcing agent has attracted interest both for research as well as for the
applicative purposes. This can be explained by combining the advantageous properties of
inorganic nanoparticles with those of organic polymers.
Nevertheless, producing polymer nanocomposites with optimal properties is a
challenge for the researchers due to surface energy differences between nanoparticles and
polymers. Thus, nanoparticles surface modification is many times required especially for
biological properties to overcome the incompatibility issue and to improve interactions
between inorganic nanoparticles and polymer which leads to a good nanoparticle dispersion
as well as better properties for polymer nanocomposites.
Traces of unreacted monomers lead to side effects and poor properties of the final
products which are not acceptable in the medical field.
Nowadays, dental composites have been accepted as the restorative material of choice;
as compared to dental amalgams, the composites have better aesthetics, less safety concerns
and have demonstrated good clinical results.
Dental composites consist of resin matrices and different inorganic fillers.
Calcium phosphates are mainly used as bone substitutes in biomedical applications
due to their biocompatibility, low density, chemical stability and their compositional
resemblance to the mineral phase of bone . Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the prime component of bone
cements because it can be characterized as osteoconductive, biocompatible, noninflammatory,
nontoxic, nonimmunogenic agent and bioactive, hence the ability to form chemical bonds with
living tissues. However, the poor strength of HA restricts its clinical applications under
loadbearing conditions.
Methacrylic acid is a colourless, viscous organic compound with the chemical formula
C4H6O2 whose use in dentistry was poorly investigated so far. In order to use
poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) in dental applications, is mandatory to reinforce the polymer
with ceramic particles. Also, the incorporation of hydroxyapatite to PMAA can confer
bioactivity to the composite.
Nanocompozite sunt o clas nou promitoare de materiale avansate, care
sunt realizate din dou sau mai multe componente, n care cel puin unul
dintre ele are una sau mai multe dimensiuni (latime, lungime, grosime) n
nanoscala. Acidul Polymethacrilic pe baz de nanocompozite prezint optice
proprieti termice, mecanice i electrochimice mbuntite comparativ cu
materialele compozite convenionale. Sinteza compozitelor dentare de inalta
performanta realizate dintr-o matrice organic i agent de umplere anorganic
de ranforsare a atras un interes att pentru cercetare ct i pentru scopuri
aplicative. Acest lucru poate fi explicat prin combinarea proprietilor
avantajoase ale nanoparticule anorganice cu cele ale polimerilor organici.

In zilele noastre, compozitele dentare au fost acceptate ca material de

restaurare de alegere; comparativ cu amalgame dentare, compozitele au
estetic mai bun, mai puine probleme de siguran i au demonstrat
rezultate clinice bune. Compozitele dentare constau din matrice de rin i
materiale de umplutur anorganice diferite.

Fosfai de calciu sunt utilizati n principal ca nlocuitori de os n aplicaii

biomedicale datorita biocompatibilitatii lor, densitatii sczute, stabilitatii
chimice i de compoziie a acestora asemnatoare cu faza mineral a osului.
Hidroxiapatita (HA) este componenta principala a cimenturilor osului,
deoarece poate fi caracterizat ca osteoconductiv, agent biocompatibil,
neinflamator, non-toxic, nonimmunogenic i bioactiv, prin urmare,
capacitatea de a forma legturi chimice cu esuturi vii. Cu toate acestea,
rezistena slab a HA limiteaz cererile sale clinice, n condiii de fundaie.

Acidul metacrilic este un compus incolor, vscos organic cu formula chimic

C4H6O2 a cror utilizare n stomatologie a fost prost investigata pn n
prezent. Pentru a putea utiliza polimetacrilatul de metil (PMAA) n aplicaiile
dentare, este obligatorie consolidarea polimerului cu particule ceramice. De
asemenea, ncorporarea hidroxiapatitei la PMAA poate conferi bioactivitate

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