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Kyle Stringham

ISM- Period 7

"Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Injuries and Arthritis." StemCell

ARTS. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

The human body possesses countless amounts of specific cells that make up the body and its
New cells are reborn after dying and are birthed by the stem cells in the body no matter what
type of cell it is.
When tissues are injured, cells die faster than they can be created which makes the body
structure weak and less functional.
There are multiple types of stem cells, however only the ones found in the bone marrow are
taken for injection to another site.
Labral tears are an option to be injected without having to commit to a surgery.
The injections are completely non-surgical and allow for surgery to be pushed farther back in the
needs list.
Stem cells allow for damaged tissue to heal up back to its proper degree of functioning.
The back of the iliac is the easiest taken stem cells for injections to other regions of the body.
All injection or harvesting procedures are done under ultrasound or x ray in a simple doctors
office region.
The harvesting process is not painful and is very well tolerable by the patients being extracted
Harvested stem cells are taken to a lab where they are made concentrated and ready for injection
after 5 days.

This source informed me of an alternative that in its entirety skips all surgical processes and
allows for the stem cells to do all of the healing while working to create a stronger shoulder.

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