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Senior Project Reflection

My Project demonstrates that I am a scholarly, skilled, and humane student.

Scholarly because before my project began, I was familiar with the choreographic,
creative, and technical side of dance as the performer. I am knowledgeable on many aspects of
dance as the artist, and through my project I was able to become scholarly in another aspect of
dance. I researched the importance of a directors job and all that they must be in charge of.
Through my findings as well as personally taking on this role, I now feel capable to speak with
authority and knowledge on the idea of performing as well as directing.

Skilled because I was able to use my knowledge as a scholar to demonstrate my

abilities as a dancer and as a leader. I used my knowledge of the technicalities of dance during
auditions and preparing to create a show order. My experiences in leadership roles provided me
with the skills to be in a directing position. I also used many unexpected skills throughout my
project including fixing technical difficulties as well as using math! I was able to use my skills in
many aspects to assist the Dance Department Director in making the auditions and show
preparation run quickly and efficiently.

Humane because I was able to be a leader and direct people but still be compassionate
and demand the attention of the students in a way that called for mutual respect and was not in
any way degrading. I worked hard to insure that none of my directions to my peers came off as
bossy or entitled. I treated the other dancers just as I wanted to be treated which earned me
their respect in return. I even helped a few dancers out with some mistakes during auditions
during a few stressful occurrences!

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