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Exercise Workout Session 19

Warm-up (Yoga Style Mobility Warm Up)

1. Raise hands up straight
2. Squat down to lowest point
3. Front bend and legs extend straight
4. One leg step back
5. Warrior 2 Pose
6. Front leg become straight, lean forward
7. Cartwheel down, one hand raised to the sky
8. Front leg bent, twist and turn arm and hand back up towards the sky
9. Push back down, front bend
10. Repeat steps 3 to 9 with other leg
11. Come back up, hands raised up straight, repeat steps 2 to 10 until 5 minutes is up.

2x4-Set Exercise
1. Single leg Butt Kick (for each side 20 times)
- Lie on side, use butt muscle only to raise leg sideways upwards
2. Single-legged bridge (1st set straight leg; 2nd and 3rd set bent leg and hold w/ hands)
3. Dog Bird + Weight
- Do 5 times (1st set )Dog Bird (8 times on 2nd and 3rd set), and then hold weight
in hand for 20 seconds
4. Single-legged Triceps Dumbbell Kickback
- Hold dumbbell above head, arm curled. Use other hand to hold elbow spot to
prevent elbow from wobbling.
- 3rd set drop set. In this set, both legs on ground, but heavier weight
5. Hamstring Toe-Touch
- Raise both hands up, then stand on one leg, and bend forwards with other leg
kicked straight back like a T-shape
- For 2nd and 3rd set, for the even reps, spread arms to the side like flying
6. Side Planck
- 1st set: Use straight arm to support myself instead of elbow
- 2nd and 3rd set: Legs on heightened bench
7. Planck on ball
8. Triceps Extension while lying on Bench
- 3rd set is Drop set
9. Triceps Dip at the beginning, then followed by Back Crawl.
10. Inchworm + Upward Dog (Stay for at least 1 second in each position)
- Crawl with hand standing until to high planck
- Roll feet until body is in cobra position but only feet are touching
- Roll back up to high planck position
- Crawl back up to standing position using hands

Cooldown (Stretch Shoulders)

1. Downward Dog
2. Left leg straight
3. Hand straight, head to mat, shoulder across under head, other hand raised straight

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