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D e fi n i t e A r t i c l e : " T h e "

The article "the" is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun
is specific or particular.
"The dog in the garden is mine"


Names of most Names of rivers, oceans and
countries/territories: seas
Examples: Ecuador, Italy, Mexico Examples: The Nile, the Pacific
The Netherlands, the United
Kingdom, the Philippines, the Unit
ed States, the Republic of Ireland
Names of cities, provinces, towns, Points on the globe
or states: Examples: the Equator, the
Examples: Miami, Manab, North Pole
Pichincha, California
Names of streets Geographical areas
Examples: Amazonas Ave., Examples: the Middle East, the
Washington Blvd., Main St. West, the Far East
Names of lakes and bays: Deserts, forests, gulfs, jungles,
Examples: Lake Titicaca, Lake San and peninsulas
Pablo Examples: the Sahara, the
Exception: With a group of lakes: Persian Gulf, the Black
The Great Lakes Forest, the Iberian Peninsula,
the Amazon
Names of mountains Buildings,
Examples: Mount Everest, Mount monuments, landmarks
Fuji Examples: The White House,
Except with ranges of mountains: the Middle of the World, the
The Andes, the Himalayas Statue of Liberty
Names of continents: Ethnic groups
Examples: America, Europe Examples: The Incas, the
Mayas, the Huaoranis
Names of islands Earth, moon
Examples: Easter Island, Examples: The Earth, the
Madagascar moon, the sun
Exception: With island chain: the
Galapagos Islands, the
Bahamas, the Canary Islands
Schools, institutes, universities Schools, institutes, universities
that begin with a proper noun that do not begin with a proper
Examples: Polytechnic University, noun
San Francisco de Quito University Examples: The University of
Chicago, the Medical Institute
of Minnesota
Titles (With proper nouns) Titles (Without proper nouns)
Examples: Queen Elizabeth, King Examples: The queen, the king,
Lear, President Correa the president

Omission of Articles

Some common types of nouns that don't take an article are:

1. Names of languages and nationalities
Chinese, English, Spanish, Russians
2. Names of sports
Volleyball, soccer, baseball
3. Names of academic subjects:
Mathematics, Biology, History

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