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Philippine Normal University

National Center for Teacher Education

College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Department of English

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Literature

Year Level: First Year High School

Subject Matter: God said, I Made a Man by Jose Garcia Villa

Presented by:
Maria Elena A. Gayamo
IV-13 BSE English

School: Las Pias East National High School

Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Mae Christine S. Diana
Department Head: Mrs. Noralyn T. Lava
School Principal: Ms. Phondora S. Capistrano

College Supervisor: Prof. Acua

January 10, 2011
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Identify the images and sense impressions used in conveying the message of the
Show understanding of the theme through making a poster, and
Discover Philippine Literature as a means of having a better understanding of man
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic / Content
God said, I made a man by Jose Garcia Villa
B. References
English Communication Arts and Skills I. pages 405-406
C. Instructional Materials
Costume and props for the author interview (Jose Garcia Villa), Gods Seven-day
Creation and Theory of Evolution poster, copy of the reading text, poster-making rubric
III. Procedure
A. Routine
B. Pre-reading
1. Unlocking of difficult terms
Students give the definition of the following idiomatic expressions (underlined
phrases) derived from the poem:
a. Man, with the help of science, has taken chances to have the measure of Gods
b. The man, uncomfortable with his wifes unreasonable jealousy exclaimed, I am
sick and tired of these argumentations. Hold your peace even for two minutes!
2. Author Interview
One student pretends to be Jose Garcia Villa, and answers a two-question interview
with the teacher.
a. Could you give some highlights on your writing career?
b. What was your inspiration in writing the poem, God said, I Made a Man?
Students may also raise further questions to the author after the brief interview.
3. Making interpretations: Science and Faith
The teacher presents a poster depicting Gods Seven-day Creation and Charles
Darwins Theory of Evolution. Students note of the images used in the posters in
giving their individual interpretations.

Seven-day Creation

C. While Reading Darwins

Poetry Aloud with Comprehension Theory of Evolution
Teacher reads the poem twice, and students look for the answers for the following
a. Who is the person talking in the poem?
b. What does he/she talk about?
c. But so bright he, (line 3)
In the third line, God describes His creation being so bright. Does bright refer to
literal meaning or does it connote a figurative meaning? Then so, how would you
picture the man?
d. What images do lines 8 and 9 evoke in your mind?
e. What do these images reflect about the man? Would you consider it as a sign of
rebelliousness to his Creator?
f. What was Gods reaction to the behavior of the man of gold?
g. Base on the images used, what is the message (theme) of the poem?
D. Post Reading
1. Valuing
a. In what ways does man turn against his Creator?
b. Relate the story of Adam and Eve to the poems theme: Mans rebellious nature
can be concealed through a noble quest for wisdom.
2. Discussion
Images and Sensory Impressions
Elements used in poems in order to rouse one or all of the five senses
Visual (seeing)
Auditory (hearing)
Olfactory (smelling)
Gustatory (tasting)
Tactile (touching)
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or
vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements,
although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are
designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters may be used for
many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of
events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups
trying to communicate a message.
Posters are colorful and inspiring works of art that draw student's attention to
the subject being taught. Posters don't have to be just wall decoration. Posters
can be used to highlight vocabulary being taught, visually organize student's
work or be turned into learning games that help to teach and reinforce skills
being taught in the classroom.
The art of poster design requires, above all, a very clear expression of the
idea or product being advanced. It must be visible at a distance and
comprehended in one glance, so that lines are generally simple and colors
few and bold. Lettering is kept at a minimum.

IV. Evaluation
Making a Poster
Form eight groups. Elect a leader, who will monitor each members contribution to the group.
Decide on who will draw, color and make finishing touches to your groups poster.
Be guided by the assessment rubric for evaluating a poster as you prepare for your task
output. Present your poster to the class.
V. Agreement
Think of your personal encounter with God. Have you tried testing Him (for example,
blaming God for the mishaps in your life)? What was His answer to you? Recount your
experience on a crosswise.

By Jose Garcia Villa

God said, "I made a man

Out of clay-
But so bright he, he spun
Himself to brightest Day
Till he was all shining gold,
And oh,
He was handsome to behold!
But in his hands held he a bow
Aimed at me who created
Him. And I said,
Wouldst murder me
Who am thy Fountainhead!
Then spoke he the man of gold:
I will not Murder thee! I do but
Measure thee. Hold
Thy peace!' And this I did.
But I was curious
Of this so regal head.
'Give thy name!' 'Sir! Genius.'"

Poster-Making Rubric

Group Number: _____ Date: _______________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Required Elements The poster All required All but 1 of the Several required
includes all elements are required elements elements were
required elements included on the is included on the missing.
as well as poster. poster.
Labels All items of Almost all items Many items of Labels are too
importance on the of importance on importance on small to view OR
poster are clearly the poster are the poster are no important
labeled with labels clearly labeled clearly labeled items were
that can be read with labels that with labels that labeled.
from at least 3 ft. can be read from can be read from
away. at least 3 ft. at least 3 ft.
away. away.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the relate to the relate to the
and make it easier topic and most topic. topic.
to understand. make it easier to
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms terms of design, attractive though messy or very
of design, layout, layout and it may be a bit poorly designed.
and neatness. neatness. messy. It is not

TOTAL: ___ / 20

M. A. Gayamo adapted from

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