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Deadline by Chris Crutcher Chapter 9

Read the entire chapter before doing this assignment.

Read Chapter 9 of Deadline. After reading, write a well-organized summary of the chapter, in the order
that it is told. Show me what is going on, do not simply tell me. Do not include everything but be sure you
include all the important information. Be sure to include the dramatic irony that is in this chapter. Do not label it
but it is very important so include lots of details. Your summary should be Times New Roman, 12 point font
double spaced. It should be one to one and a half pages. Do it on this assignment sheet. Write in present tense
whenever possible. Example in blue:
Chapter nine of Deadline begins when Ben shares a quotation from Robert Burns about the way careful
plans often do not work out. This prepares the reader for what happens later in the chapter.
Bens evening begins when he picks up an especially beautiful Dallas to take her to the homecoming
dance. He is one of the heroes of the homecoming game and there is applause when they walk into the dance. Ben
realizes this is a magical night and wishes it could go on forever. At the same time he feels attached to Dallas, he
also feels as though he is a spectator floating above the dance, watching the two of them. Soon, his brother Cody
enters to enthusiastic applause
Capitalize all proper nouns (names), the first word in a sentence, the pronoun I (and Im, Ill etc.). You shouldnt
have to use first person pronouns. Write in third person narrator.
Check spelling. The changes are not made automatically but most errors are underlined.
Check all punctuation.
Do not start a sentence with the word so. Use the word then very sparingly, if at all.
Proof read! Proofread! Proofread!

Start your summary here

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