2018 Policies Final...

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2018 Policies Final

The Watch Tower act

Watch Towers Each watch tower is made up of several elected officials, one per city in the county, that
have following jobs,
If an officer shoots a citizen the Watch Tower votes on whether or not the officer should be
taken to trial.
If a complaint about an officer is filed the Watch Tower reviews the evidence and votes on
what action should be taken.
If further regulation is needed Watch Tower can vote to pass further restrictions that apply
to that county only.
All police union contracts must be approved by the watch towers.
All police must be approved by the watch towers.
If Watch Tower councilmen are corrupt
With a majority vote a request is sent to state senate. If a majority of the state senate votes
in favor of the councilmen being impeached than the person can be removed.
Terms and limitation
Three years
No Term limit
18+ to run
Body Cam All cops must were body cams
DE-militarize No knock The officer must show why the police need a No Knock waiver (e.g., violent
the police history of the suspect), The officer must give names and descriptions of armed suspects as
well as a statement showing the connection between the address in question and the
criminal activity. The officer must add the following waiver, Furthermore, for good cause
shown, I waive the statutory precondition for non-consensual entry
Ban police from purchasing military weapons with federal grants.
Ban Stop and Ban Stop and frisk
Out of county Police departments cannot investigate their own officers.
prosecution No officer may be put on trial in their own counties.
Ban civil Ban civil forfeiture
Training DE-escalation tactics
Procedural justice
Relationship-based policing
Community interaction
Crisis intervention, mediation, conflict resolution, and rumor control
Appropriate engagement with youth
Appropriate engagement with racial minorities
Appropriate engagement with LGBTQ, transgender and gender nonconforming individuals
Appropriate engagement with male victims of sexual assault/Domestic violence
Appropriate engagement with individuals who are English language learners
Appropriate engagement with individuals from different religious affiliations

Appropriate engagement with individuals who are disabled

Academic Rights Protection Act

Ban campus speech codes for public collages. Note: This does not apply to the prevention
of intentional targeting and bullying of another student(s)
All rape reports to the university must be reported to the police.
The alleged perpetrator of any crime cannot be punished until he/she is found guilty in a
court of law. Note: They can be removed from campus if an investigation is currently
ongoing. This removal cannot be permanent unless the student is found guilty.
Public collages may not create safe spaces.
No activity may exclude people based on, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion
or lack thereof.
Trigger Warnings must not be enforced by the collage. Note: This does not prevent
professor for giving trigger warning but leaves the professors to decide what's best for
his/her classroom.
Public collages must not institute quotas based on arbitrary characteristics.
If a possible lecturer gets signatures from at least 10% the student body the collage has no
right to prevent lecturers from speaking on campus. This is with the exception of people
Having a history of Inciting violence
Having a history of slander
Having a history of targeting students/staff based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion or lack

All classes must have complete transparency with all assignments and lecture made public.

Sex workers rights act

Prostitution Age 18
Licensing Workers license
No STDs or HIV
Must have an adult's mental capacity
No history of sexual assault
Manager's lenience
Must have an adult's mental capacity
No history of sexual assault
Consumer license
Must have an adult's mental capacity
No STDs or HIV
No history of sexual assault
Condoms Condoms must always be used.
STD/HIV testing Prostitutes and Consumers must be tested once a month or their license will be revoked.

Health care All brothels must provide health care
Wages 15 dollars per hours
Attorney The worker's must be represented by an attorney. Note; This does not prevent managers
from having an attorney.
Safe House Safe houses must be provided for workers who are being abused.
Sex workers help A helpline must be provided for sex workers.

Gun responsibility Act

Gun Classes At the age of 17 citizens can get a learners permit. They then must take a gun
class in order to obtain a license.
Registration All guns must be registered.
Ban high- No high-capacity magazines may be sold in Washington state.

Automatic Voters Act

Automatic All voters must be automatically registered
Voting for all No crime is enough to take away someone's right to vote.

Criminal rights
Drug Minors guilty of non-violent drug offenses must be sent to rehab.
for minors
Ban solitary Solitary confinement is banned in Washington State
Focus on Abolish sentencing for non-violent offenders. They should be released once
rehabilitation they are deemed rehabilitated. Note: Set maximums are allowed but not
over minimums.
Ban the death No executions are permissible in Washington state

Secular rights act

Employment Employment discrimination based on a lack of belief must be treated no
discrimination differently from religion based discriminate]ion.
Hate crimes Violence against the non-religious is a hate crime.

Finance Management
Require finance All high school seniors must take a finance management class.

Institute a Institute a 10% cooperate tax rate that doesn't apply if you make less than
corporate tax rate 800.00K.

Childhood Defense Act

Marriage Reform In order to get married a person must meet the age of eighteen.
Consent Reform Age of consent is 18 with an exception if the people participating are no more
than 36 months apart and have both turned 13.


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