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Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime


Md. Jakir Hossain, ID: 2009-2-10-309

Tasmia Zahid, ID: 2009-2-10-061

Taslima Abedin Preya, ID: 2009-2-13-024

A. K. M. Ezazul Haque, ID: 2009-2-10-285

Laigy Anam, ID: 2009-2-13-025

East West University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for Eng 102 (13)

Golam Rabbani Shihab


21st April 2010

Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime


Child sexual abuse affects all strata of Bangladeshi society. Children are vulnerable from

a very young age, with the risks for boys diminishing in their mid-teens as their physical strength

increases. Overall, girls are much more at risk and children with disabilities are particularly

vulnerable, as they are perceived to be easy to be victims. There are different types of child abuse

in different countries. In many ways, a sexually abused child is abuse twice, by the perpetrator

physically, and second by society, both psychologically and socially. The matter becomes even

more traumatic because the child and his family have to observe forced silence on the matter.

It may cause lots of bad effects among our children. We can reduce it by taking same steps.

Especially Parents & Government can play main roll for reducing child abuse. It should be stop

for our better society. The government of Bangladesh too appears to be recognizing the growing

problem and has introduced tougher laws to prevent it, though its effective implementation is yet

to be seen. We need such are society where the child get enough freedom which they actually

deserve. Moreover we have to ensure an environment where they get the proper care & facility to

grow up them completely and properly. We can say that child abuse is not only wrong but also

its immoral.
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime


1. Introduction 04 Md. Jakir Hossain,

2. Definition 04 ID: 2009-2-10-309

3. Main Victims 05

4. Reason behind Child Abuse 06

5. Types of Child Abuse 06 Tasmia Zahid,

5.1 Neglecting Minors 07 ID: 2009-2-10-061

5.2 Physical Abuse 08

5.3 Sexual Abuse: 08

5.4 Substance abuse: 09

5.5 Abandonment: 09

6. Effects 10 Taslima Abedin Preya,

ID: 2009-2-13-024
7. Recommendation 12 A. K. M. Ezazul Haque,

8. Institution Working against Child Abuse 13 ID: 2009-2-10-285

9. Case Study: 14 Laigy Anam,

10. Conclusion 16 ID: 2009-2-13-025

1. Introduction:
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

Child abuse is the physical or psychological/emotional mistreatment of children. The

main victims of child abuse are broken family children, sex workers children, street children and

child labor. In Bangladesh, There are different types of abuse in our society which may always

not recognize. Child abuse has a great impact on Childs health. In Bangladesh, it is in creasing

day by day. It is really shocking for us. Now a days children are not safe both in home and

outside. Some steps could be taken to prevent child abuse. Currently in Bangladesh, There are

many institutions that are very much active to make awareness among the people. Its should be

our oath to make a safe place for children.

2. Definition

Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment,

sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in

actual or potential harm to the childs health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a

relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Child abuse is the crime of harming a child in a

physical, sexual or emotional way. (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8 th Edition). All

types of abuse and neglect leave lasting scars. Some of these might be physical; however

emotional scarring has long term effects in the Childs life. Most child abuse occurs in a childs

home. For this reason, we can not know all of these abuses. Child sexual abuse is a hidden type

of abuse, which occurs both home and outside. It is very complicated form of abuse because of

its guilty.. In this country, children are vulnerable. Girls are much more at risk and disabled

children are also vulnerable. Bangladesh is very poor so that many child works as a labor and

some work as a maid, they are abused. Children are scared for this reason. They have a bad idea

about society. In some cases, they can not grow with suitable environment for them. At the day
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

of March 19, 2010, I got news from Daily Prothom Alo that is about child abuse. One teacher

tortured his student for color pencil. It is really shocking. Our government gave an

announcement that teacher can not torture his students. If he or she torture, he will be punished.

3. Main Victims

As far as we know from the aspect from Bangladesh. The major categories are broken

family children, Lack of family unity, sex workers children, street children and child labor etc.

Parents who got divorce and do not look after their child properly; those children are one of the

major victims. Those children are one of the major victims. They have no shelter from their

parents, so that they are one of the major victims. The children of our local prostitutes who do

not have a positive environment to grow up also face this kind of abuse. Our society neglects

them so that they are very much abused. The children who lives in street or work specially as a

maid in the home, they are also victims. They dont have a positive environment and positive

looking from our society, so that they are abused. Bangladesh is very poor country. Government

can not provide all of basic needs to us, for this reason children have to involve works. However

child worker is prohibited. Government can not be strict because of their lacking. In that case

children are abused when they work in the street or inside the home. Female child are very much

affected by sexual abuse. They are not safe even in their home. Male children are also abused by

sexual harassment from same sex as well as another sex.

4. Reason behind Child Abuse

Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

There are many reasons of child abuse. Poverty is one of the main reasons. From the

aspects of Bangladesh we do not have enough facility from our government. In this case major

number of members involve in working, so that they are abused in their work place. Another

thing is that in some cases children are used as a prostitute in that time they are sexually abused.

They are sold by businessman. Sex discrimination is one of the other reasons. We divide male

and female child, then some people do wrong behave with them. Our society does not show a

positive behave for female child. They are very much neglect in our society. Most of the people

in Bangladesh are not conscious about family planning. For this reason, they produce a large

number of children and they can not look after them properly. In this case, their child may be

abused. Another thing is that most people are not aware about children. They do not give a

proper guide line to grow up children. In this reason Childs do not know what should they do?

They are not aware about internal and external threats of child. Early marriage is one of the other

main reasons of child abuse. Most of the people in Bangladesh are illiterate. They do not know

the effects of early marriage. They give marriage their female child so that the children are being

abused. They are abused physically and mentally in their father in laws house. They abused for

dowry also. It is really shocking news because in the rural area, it is increasing day by day. Some

times they do not know family manner so that they are mentally tortured by her husband as well

as the member of that family.

5. Types of child abuse

The paper aims to improve our understanding about the prevalence and determinants of

child abuse in rural Bangladesh. Data from the 1995 sample survey of 4643 children aged 10-15

year in 150 villages were used. Findings revealed that 21% of the children were in the labor force
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

although the Bangladeshi laws prohibited child labor. The prevalence of child abuse and

exploitation was widespread in Bangladeshi villages as 2.3% of all children were physically

abused, 2% were financially exploited, 1.7% was forced to involve in inappropriate activities,

and 3% were forced to work for long hours. The prevalence of physical assault was much higher

among younger children although the probability of other types of abuse was higher among older

children. Boys were more exposed than girls to abuse of any kind. Poverty was also significantly

associated with child abuse. Multivariate analysis suggested that the out-of-school children and

the children of illiterate, landless and unskilled laborers were more likely to be abused than

others when age and sex of children were controlled. Maltreatment is also termed as child abuse.

Child abuse may be sexual, physical or emotional in nature. Depending on various factors and

situations, child abuse mars a child for life and may impede their progress and lifestyle. The

types of child abuse are described below:

5.1 Neglecting Minors

Child abuse is quite simply neglect by parents for their children. It can also come out of

mere neglect of the various needs of children as they grow up. A child may not have the

amenities and/or toys that their friends have. This kind of child abuse has a intense impact on the

child, as the child may grow up to be anything from an introvert to a person at war with the

entire society for no particular reason. Almost eighty percent of persons having experienced child

abuse are at the risk of developing severe psychiatric problems. A majority of these children also

face trauma and other disorder like the reactive attachment disorder. Some children may also

face depression and anxiety. Child abuse can be caused by parents, guardians, relatives or even

friends of the child. Any failure to provide the necessary commodities of a child life, more
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

importantly food, clothing, shelter and medical care is termed as neglect. Further, if the parents

or guardians refuse or fail to provide the child with the financial support they require, it can be

termed as neglect. A number of child abuse cases have been found to have occurred in

institutions revolving around kids, like schools, residential schools, churches and even in

government agencies.

5.2 Physical Abuse

Physical abuse also plays an important part in deciding how the child grows up to be.

Isolated cases of physical abuse cannot be termed as child abuse. Physical abuse can be repeated

injuries and beatings, kicking, burns and other forms of torture. Physical abuse is one of the most

easily recognized child abuses as it is can be easily made out by the markings and bruises on the

body of the child. State and other laws say that any non-accidental physical injuries to the child

or other actions that result in physical impairments in the child are physical abuses.

5.3 Sexual Abuse:

The abuse that maybe mars the child's psychology to the greatest level is sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse is considered to be exposing the child, or making them partners in sexual or sex-

related acts. Sexually abused children are typically inclined not to disclose their experiences due

to feelings of guilt and shame, bonds of dependence upon the perpetrators and / or their inability

to understand the sexual meaning of the abuse. Obviously, this situation is further aggravated if

the perception and attitudes of adults toward children discourages girls and boys from expressing

their feelings or experiences, either positive or negative. In that case children who are sexually
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

abused are even less likely to share their trauma with their parents, teachers or relevant

authorities. Conversely, adults who value childrens opinions and create an inclusive

environment for children to express themselves will enable children to disclose all types of

information freely without fear and ridicule, even in case of sexual abuse. Sexual Abuse and

exploitation of children has become a widespread phenomenon throughout the world.

5.4 Substance abuse:

Substance abuse is also a type of child abuse under the law. If any manufacture or use of

a controlled substance abuse takes place in the presence of the child, it is termed as Substance

abuse. The manufacture may take place either in the presence of the child or premises occupied

by the child. Substance abuse also incorporates selling, distributing or giving drugs and alcohol

to the child.

5.5 Abandonment:

Abandonment is also maintained to be a type of child abuse. If the identity and

whereabouts of the parents are not known to the child, it is considered as a case of abandonment.

Abandonment also means that the child has been left by the parents in situations where they can

face physical harm, or if the parents have failed to keep in contact with the child for a large span

of time.

6. Effects:
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

Children suffering abuse develop a range of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive

behaviors. There are various types of effects of child abuse on children. We can see many

physical complications because of child abuse. Some effects of physical child abuse include

stomachaches, migraines, gut problems or other physical symptoms not directly caused by the

abuse these are psychosomatic indicators. Abused kids often feel exhausted, starving, or sick

most of the time. One possible effect of physical child abuse is passive aggressive behavior.

Child abuse is one of the main reasons of depression among children. Anger turned inward leads

to feelings of depression, and 80% of depressed teenagers don't get help. They're more likely to

suffer another bout of depression in their early 20s, and abuse drugs and alcohol. Victims of child

abuse are also suffering from isolation. Abused kids are less likely to make friends and more

likely to be rejected by their peers. An effect of child abuse is skipping school without anybody

noticing, stopping eating without anyone caring, or spending time with people doing things

better left undone (these can be consequences of neglect). Abused kids health, achievements,

and adulthood are affected by sexual and physical child abuse and not "just" by feelings of low

self-worth. Abused kids are more likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and

post-traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms of physical child abuse don't end when the bruises


Being abused doesn't mean a child or adult will automatically have an unhappy life.

It's not the abuse that can ruin everything it's how individuals deal with problems that make or

break their future. Sexual abuse of children and youth is shrouded in secrecy, guilt and fear.

Offenders use intimidation and threats to keep the child from telling, but the number one reason

children and youth don't tell is that they are afraid they won't be believed. Though there is

widespread under-reporting of child molestation by both male and female victims, males are
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

much less likely to disclose. In addition to distorting children's thoughts, abuse also forces

children into a position of having to "hide the family secret". This prevents children from having

real relationships and has life-long effects. And because our ability to form healthy social

relationships is learned, abused children are deprived of many skills necessary to navigate the

social world. Their entire concept of a relationship is distorted. This leads to problematic

relationships in life and even on the job. Another disturbing aspect of abuse is the experiential

restraint it puts on children. If a child fears doing anything new because of the chance that it will

lead to a violent attack or because an abusive parent keeps extremely tight control over them, the

child will lose his or her sense of curiosity and wonder at the world and will stop trying new

things and exercising his or her mind. That child will never achieve his or her intellectual

potential. There is a long list of outcomes for children experiencing abuse. They range from

mild, almost unnoticeable personality effects to full-blown breakdowns in healthy functioning.

The point is that abuse increases a child's risk of developing a number of health and

psychological problems.

Others effects may be Academic difficulties; Aggressive behavior; Alcohol and other

drug abuse; Anxiety; Attention problems; Bad dreams; Bed wetting; Behavior problems; Chronic

pain; Compulsive sexual behaviors; Concentration problems; Dangerous behavior such as

speeding; Dehydration; Depression; Dissocialize states; Eating disorders; Failure to thrive; Fear

or shyness; Fear of certain adults or places; Frequent injuries; Insomnia; Learning problems;

Lying; Malnutrition; Panic attacks; Physical symptoms such as headaches and stomach aches;

Repeated self-injury; Risky sexual behaviors; Running away; Self neglect; Separation anxiety;

Sexual dysfunction; Sleep disorders; Social withdrawal; Stealing; Stuttering; Substance abuse;

Suicide attempts; Thumb-sucking or any age-inappropriate behavior etc.

Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

7. Recommendation:

Child Abuse are, sadly, not uncommon in Bangladesh. To create a suitable society for our

children to grow up, we have to take some steps. These recommendations are described below:

We have to open our eyes to this fact. We have to make a positive environment where Parents

can understand their child and Children can discuss problems without any hesitation. We all

have to join hands to make an effort to spread this message by verbal, written and practical

means. Law should be strict about it

We have to create a suitable environment for children to live freely. We can raise awareness

at various levels-starting from the family to schools.

Many children face sexual harassment and, in most cases, the perpetrators are close relatives,

like uncles or cousins. Mahmuda Islam, Professor at Dhaka University's Social Science

Department, says, "Children are sexually harassed mainly by close relatives in the family or

neighbors. This is one of the reasons why a majority of such incidents are not made public."
Our social attitude must change. We should also teach children about the dangers they may

face. Parents and other family members can attribute to reduce child abuse. They have to give

space to their child to talk freely. Sometimes children feel confusion about what they should

do if they are abused. Children should be encouraged to discuss problems with their parents.
We can create a protective environment for children in partnership with governments,

national and international partners including the private sector, and civil society. People

among our society, have to come forward to prevent this child abuse. Government, NGOs

and international organization can work together to understand the context of abuse, identify

signs of abuse and provide sensitive and empathic care. A range of approaches including

residential care, psychotherapy and community-based programs have been found useful.
Law should be stringent and strict about it.
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

8. Institution Working against Child Abuse:

Currently in Bangladesh, There are many institutions that are very much active to make

awareness among the people regarding child abuse in Bangladesh.

Many national organizations are working in the very root level of child abuse. Breaking

the silence is a non-profit, non-political registered Non Government Organization (NGO) in

Bangladesh. It is established in 1993. Its main purposes are to make awareness and to create a

positive environment and protective behavior in the society. Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar (Child

Rights) Forum, established in 1990, is an apex body of 200 NGOs of Bangladesh working in the

child rights sector. The vision of Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum is to establish a healthy,

child-rights enriched society, free of abuse, exploitation and discrimination for the disadvantaged

children of Bangladesh. Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) is a national legal aid and human rights

organization, established in 1986. Their goal is to establish the rule of law based on the

principles of equality, democracy, human rights, justice and gender equity. Bangladesh Institute

of Human Rights is established in 1992. The Areas of expertise are Child labor and working

children, Children and education, Children and health, Children and participation, Children and

violence, Children in conflict with the law, Children with disabilities, Children working and

living on the street, Gender and girls, Individual cases of violations, Minority or indigenous

children, Reporting to and monitoring the CRC, Rights based programming, Sexual exploitation

of children.
Some international institutions also recognize Bangladesh as a alarming zone of child

abuse. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an international organization who cares

about children right. They arrange funds and provide financial help to the victims. It was created

by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946; The International Labor

Organization (ILO) is created by United Nations that deals with labor issues. It survey about

child labor and their right.

Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh monitors

all this NGOs, Govt. and international organization.

9. Case Study:

Alleged abuse of a child maid by the RAB officer in Dhaka

Name of victim: Shila Begum, the daughter of Mr. Badshah Ali, the permanent resident of

Krishana Pur village, Puthiya police station, Rajshahi district, Bangladesh

Alleged perpetrators:

1. Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat, Sub Inspector of the RAB-1 in Dhaka

2. Ms. Nipa Begum, the wife of Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat

Date of torture: Around 24 May 2007

Place of torture: Uttara in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable

source regarding the alleged abuse of a child maid by the officer of the Rapid Action Battalion-1

in Dhaka and his wife on around 24 May 2007.

The victim is Shila Begum, who is a minor living in Krishana Pur village, Puthiya police

station, Rajshahi district, Bangladesh. About 9 month ago, she was hired as a maid by Ms. Nipa

Begum, the wife of Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat, who is the Sub Inspector (SI) of the Rapid

Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka. On or around 24 May 2007, Nakshi, the daughter of Ms. Nipa

Begum, allegedly broke a spice blending stone but she falsely accused Shila for the damage. For

this petty matter, Ms. Nipa Begum allegedly struck Shila's head with a cutting instrument

(known locally as a chhunni) and also pressed ! a lighte d candle light to her chest. It is also

alleged that the RAB SI Alamgir kicked Shila with his boots. Shila fell to the floor and her hand
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

was broken. On 24 May 2007, Ms. Nipa Begum allegedly took Shila to the Puthia Bazar at

Rajshahi and left her without paying her any salary or providing any medical treatment. Shila

was rescued by her neighbor who took her to her father Mr. Badshah Ali. After that, she was

admitted to a local health complex and her condition improved after getting proper medical

treatment. The marks of torture are still visible on her body.

Mr. Jasim Uddin, the Officer-in-Charge of the Puthia police station, confirmed that the

victim's father lodged a complaint about the incident on 26 may 2007. The First Information

Report (FIR) has been reportedly forwarded to the Dakhhinkhan police station. However, the

AHRC has been informed that there has been no development of the investigation into the

incident to date. The two alleged perpetrators, Ms. Nipa Begum and Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias

Shaukat have not been arrested. Meanwhile, when she was contacted by a human rights

organization, Ms. Nipa Begum claimed that Shila was tortured not by her and her husband, but

by her father. She also refused to reveal her residential address. There is an allegation that after

the victim's father lodged a complaint at the Puthia police station, the concerned RAB official

and his wife exerted pressure upon a local journalist, human rights activists and police officers

by various ways to escape their responsibility. When interviewed by the local human rights

group, Shila could not remember the specific date of torture. However, she reported that she was

ill-treated several times from April 24 May 2007.Shila's father, quite naturally wants justice for

his daughter and punishment for the alleged perpetrators.

10. Conclusion
A book on child abuse could not have been written one hundred years ago. If an

investigator from the 1970s were to be transported back to the nineteenth century so that he

could survey the family scene with modern eyes, child abuse would be clearly visible to him.
Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

Abused children in particular are believed to have a much greater than average risk of

developing emotional and behavioral problem as a more long standing consequence of parental

treatment. In conclusion, placing structural barriers at the centre of any analysis of child abuse

prevention is crucial for understanding the constraints on prevention. At the very least,

identifying in practice, raises community awareness of the relationship between child

maltreatment and other social forces and provides the professional and wider communities with

issues for further consideration when developing prevention programs. Child abuse is not only

wrong but it is immortal. Our children are the future leader of the next generation and need to be

treated like that. So it should be our motto that, save our children to save.


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Child Abuse in Bangladesh: A Silent Crime

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