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Julia Orosz

March 28th, 2017

Adult Journey
Take Home Mid-Term

1) Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is comprised of five parts. The first

part, and most important, is physical and survival needs. This
means that food, water, shelter, and air are the most important
needs for survival. This is the first tier in the pyramid. If this is not
met, then the other tiers cannot be satisfied. The next part is safety
needs. A person needs protection from physical or psychological
threats. Their fears and anxieties need to be dealt with. The next
aspect of Maslows theory is love. Acceptance, belonging, feeling
loved, and feeling wanted are all within this tier. Next is ego and
esteem. Having respect for oneself, freedom, and creativity are
here. Last on the pyramid is the need for self-actualization. After all
of the previous needs have been met, you can do what you must to
fully become yourself. Individuality is developed here.
2) Eriksons nine stages of development start with infancy. In this
stage, a sense of trust in self and others is formed. If these tasks
arent met, then trust issues can form. The theme for this life stage
is hope. The next stage is early childhood. In this stage, autonomy is
developed. If this is not mastered, can lead to shame and doubt.
The theme in this stage is will and purpose. Middle childhood is
next. The task here is a sense of industry. Children expand their
understanding of the world and the develop gender-role identities.
The theme in this stage is competence. Next is pubescence. This is
a time kids find their own voice. They assert themselves, develop
emotional competence, and understand morals. Erikson does not
talk of a theme in this stage. Next is Adolescence. This is a critical
time for forming an identity. They find goals and their lifes
meaning. Fidelity is the theme in this age group. The sixth stage is
early adulthood. In this life stage, adults learn about themselves
through intimacy. The theme is love. They learn intimacy versus
isolation. Next is middle adulthood. Adults in this stage are more
aware of their eventual death. The theme is care. They reevaluate
their lives. In the late middle age stage, they begin to truly help
others and pass on their values. There is no theme for this stage.
The last stage is late adulthood. Ego integrity is achieved here if you
have few regrets. They adjust to loss, death, and maintaining
outside interests. The theme here is wisdom.
3) Injunctions are early messages that we incorporate in our lives. One
example in my own life is when my mother taught me to not put all
of my eggs in one basket. She taught me to not completely rely on
one friend. Because of this, I have always had a large friend group.
Another example is that I was always told to grow up so because
of this, I have always been a very independent and serious person.
4) Your bodily identity is your body image. This is important to adult
development. If you basically feel unattractive or unappealing, it will
have a powerful effect on your life.
5) There are two sources of stress. The first source is environmental.
This is external sources, for example, the stress at the beginning of
the semester, finding a parking spot, or standing in long lines. The
other source is psychological. This would be a circumstance that we
perceive as being threatening to our well-being. Ways to alleviate
stress would b e confronting the problem directly, staying in tune
with reality, and learning self-control.
6) Authentic love enhances those we love and ourselves. This is
important for adult development because it is in Maslows hierarchy
of needs.
7) Heterosexism is the discrimination against homosexuals on the
assumption that heterosexuality is normal. This impacts our
society because homosexuals become subjected to discrimination
and oppression. I was raised to believe you could love whomever
you choose, so when I see discrimination, I always strongly oppose
8) I challenge gender roles by believing that women should have the
same rights and be treated the same as men. I mostly contribute to
gender roles, though. I believe that in an ideal world, I would be a
stay at home mom.
9) Ive learned to establish boundaries among my friends when it
comes to talking about sexual values. I am very uncomfortable
when it comes to talking about the different aspects of sexuality. I
think that this has definitely shaped me as an individual.
10) I am a very artistic and social personality type. I dont believe
that this is a completely foolproof method of determining a career
path because people are usually a big mix of different types of
11) Loneliness results from certain events in life like death of a loved
one, big life decisions, or moving cities. Solitude is usually a chosen
path to examine our lives and gain perspective.

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