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1050 BC- A century or so after the arrival of the Philistines, Hebrews, occupying

hilly regions in the Land of Canaan, combine their forces for the first time and confront
an army of Philistines near the Philistine outpost at Aphek, and they lose the battle.

1010 BC- The Hebrew David conquers and subjugates Amorites -- also known as Canaanites.
David has acquired some Canaanite culture and is a man of his time

612BC- The Medes and Chaldeans overrun Assyria's capital, Nineveh. Its walls are
970 BC- King David is succeeded by his son Solomon.
broken by siege engines that Assyria introduced centuries before. Assyrian communities,
more than two thousand years old, are obliterated.
928 BC- Around this year, King Solomon dies. 

547BC-  A Persian, Cyrus II, is expanding his empire and overthrows King Croesus
853 BC- King Ahab of Israel, allied with the
of Lydia, in Asia Minor.
Phoenicians and with Damascus, defeats the empire-
building Assyrians at QarQar in Syria.
517BC-  Darius extends Persian rule through the Khyber Pass to the Indus River.
The Persians still rule in Egypt, Asia Minor and everywhere in between, including Jerusalem.
815 BC-The city of Carthage, on the coast of
North Africa, is founded by Phoenicians from the city of
Tyre. 499 BC- In Asia Minor, Greeks begin a rebellion against Persian rule.

776 BC-The first Olympics

486 BC- Darius the Great dies at around the age of seventy-two.
730BC- Nubians again invade Egypt
480 BC- Xerxes, son of Darius, marches an army through Thrace and into mainland
721BC- Assyria overruns Israel, disperses the Israelites and
Greece. The Persians are trying to extend their empire too far.
takes thousands as slaves. Israel as a nation vanishes.

700BC- Aryan migrations into the Ganges Valley are over or 336 BC- Philip II is321  In India, competition between kingdoms produces one
coming to an end. dominate power under Chandragupta Maura, founder of a new dynasty. assassinated.
Alexander becomes king.
623BC- A Chaldean army drives north from around Sumer
and expels the Assyrians from Babylon. 301 BC- Chandragupta abdicates in favor of one of his sons and withdraws with a
Jainist sage to a religious retreat. There, while appealing to God for relief from a drought, he
fasts to death.
201 BC-  Rome defeats Carthage. Hannibal finds refuge with the
Seleucid king in Syria, Antiochus III. Rome considers itself ruler on the
Iberian Peninsula (Spain). 267 AD-302 AD Diocletian banned Christians from the
Roman Army.
149 BC- Rome begins a third war against Carthage, a war
that Carthaginians do not want. 363 AD Persians capture Mesopotamia.

148 BC- Rome crushes a rebellion in Macedonia. 410 AD Goths destroy Rome

1 BC- Augustus Caesar has laws passed that he 476 AD Western Rome dies.
hopes will reduce inter-breeding between Romans and
non-Romans. He is encouraging marriage. Romans
believe in the family, and they agree that adultery should
be illegal. They believe that the virtue of their women
helped win favor for their city from their gods. And they
continue to be disgusted by criminality.

100 AD The Japanese have pushed into northeastern

Honshu.  They have driven back those called Ainu, and a
little mixing between Japanese and Ainu may has been
occurring, accounting perhaps, in years to come, for the
greater hairiness of the Japanese compared to the
Chinese. Kushans have migrated from Bactria into
northwestern India. At some unknown date around these
times, a Kushan named Kanishka has established an
empire. He is a Buddhist. Buddhism has been changing
from a way of life to a religion. The Buddha, Siddhartha
Gautama, has been elevated from a teacher to a god,
said to be the latest of a series of his incarnations.

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