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Colegio Privado Familia de Nazareth

Examen de Regularizacin
Nombre y Apellido:__________________________________________________________________
Curso: 2do Ao Turno: ___________________________________
Profesor/a: ________________________________________ Disciplina: _______________________
Fecha: _______________________________
T.P.:___________________ P.C.:_____________________________________Calif.:___________________________

1.- Write the letter of the numbers that match the words (Escriba la letra de los numeros segn corresponda)2P

.1.five dollars and seventy cents a. $8.19

.2.six dollars nineteen cents b. $5.17

.3.eight dollars nineteen cents c. $5.70

.4.five dollars seventeen cents d. $6.19

2.- Change to plural forms these words (Escriba la forma plural de estos verbos)1P

Base = dish = lunch = orange =

3.- Change to questions these affirmatives sentenses(Cambie a forma de pregunta estas oraciones afirmativas)2P

a) Yes, you are eating

b) No, I am not eating

c) Yes, she is eating

d) No, they are not eting

4.-Write answers to these questions according to the paragraph ( Escriba respuestas de estas preguntas de acuerdo al

It is 07:05 Mr. Jones and Ms. Peterson are eating breakfast in the dining hall. Ms. Jones is eating eggs and toast.
He is drinking coffee and orange juice, too.Ms. Peterson is not hungry. She just eating an apple and drinking tea. They are
both drinking water.

a) Where are Mr. Jones and Ms. Peterson?

b) What is Mr.Jones eating?

c) What is Ms. Peterson eating?

d) What is Mr. Jones drinking?

c) What is Ms. Peterson drinking?

5.-Write the indefinite article a or an (Escriba el articulo indefinido segun corresponda) 2P

.box .word question alphabet

.example .egg .fish

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