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News release

For release : April 9, 2017

Contact : Ted Potrikus

President and CEO

State Senate Republicans to New Yorks Main Street:

Amazon is more important than you!

ALBANY, NY Retail Council of New York State President and CEO Ted Potrikus
today issued the following statement after state Senate Republicans rejected Governor
Andrew Cuomos plan that would have given New Yorks retailers an equal sales tax
footing with billion-dollar dot-coms and other out-of-state competitors:

State Senate Republicans caved to the clichd histrionics and whining of

out-of-state dot-coms worth billions of dollars and ignored the very real
concerns of brick-and-mortar stores struggling in their own districts.

The Senate Republican Conference made its position clear: theyd rather
have cardboard boxes on their doorsteps sent from out-of-state merchants
than level the sales tax playing field for the stores in their districts that
today, at least employ so many New Yorkers. So the next time they call
us to ask why this-or-that store closed in their district or why they cant
attract stores to their dwindling downtowns, well remind them of their
vote today.

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Retail Council of New York State 258 State Street Albany, New York 12210

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