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Strength: A plug is removed from a full bath (300/300)

I think I deserved that, a nice, warm bath. After lifting seven Rhinos for repairs, five
Land Raiders and eight Valkiries, one after another, for repairs it takes its toll on you, Astartes
or not. After all, we do still sweat and I am not sure all the Techpriests will be able to cope
with the stench eight full body Astartes produce.

Training in Mars sure is different to what one expects. It is not all learn what this
piece does, how to repair a Plasma Pistol, or how to make Bolter Rounds. It is more along the
lines of lifting heavy objects while the Techpriests inspect them, and speak in that noise they
call a language. Five years gone, and twenty five years left of training and none of us have
learnt anything, and even the Marine Errant is complaining about the lack of actual training.
Tempers are starting to rise, and I don't think I will be able to hold the Carcharodon down,
even with the help of the Flesh Tearer. Their strength and ferocity are something we should
be glad to have on our side.

You would think that water is a commodity in Mars, but they use comets passing by.
But guess what, we are the ones carrying the comets once they land to the water purification
plant, by hand, but at least is the eight of us carrying it. It can take us up to a full Terran day,
but I think it is worthy, as we are so close to Terra itself, it makes me proud to be so close in
spite of the manual work.

On the other hand, tomorrow we will fast... maybe we will be getting the first set of
bionics, after all, and the first step into becoming full-fledged Techmarines.

Intelligence: A syringe is prepared and an injection administered (299/300)

I am on the operating table, yet again. This time aboard a rather beautiful ship: the
Dame of Destruction. New parts to be integrated into my mechanical frame, this time they are
my design. I have told the Magos Biologis how they are to be implanted and the timing for
them. As the anaesthesia is administered, my head starts to swim...

My memory takes me to my first three implants, the Secondary Heart, the

Ossmodula and the Biscopea, the first steps to becoming a full Battle-Brother, and protector
of Mankind. I feel proud that Hestan allowed me to go through the screening process in the
first place, and Chaplain Xavier saw I was spiritually fit. It hurt a lot, I thought I was going to

Now my memory takes me to my first day as a Scout. Vulkan, was I cocky. I thought
of myself as invincible and able to kill every enemy of the Imperium, I had to be held down
by Captain Mir'San, until I calmed down and he explained our goal, which was not to kill the
enemies of the Imperium, but to protect Mankind from its enemies. It took me a day to
understand the meaning of his words, but after that, I started to take his advice to heart...

I start to wake up from the anaesthetic sleep. Apparently the surgery has gone
swimmingly, no incidents and the implants have melded as they should. I guess I cannot
complain about the time I have spent on Mars carrying all those weights, through the harsh
hypno-training and the bionic surgeries that now allow me to walk unprotected on the
vacuum... And now I am being summoned for an investigation on a Deathwatch Station. I
guess there is no rest for the wicked, after all...

Fellowship: A hand of cards is revealed (300/300)

An Emperor, a High Priest and an Assassin... That is another round that I've lost to
Jonah, whose bed I temporarily hijacked yesterday... I still feel terribly sorry for the scare he
got when he found me sleeping on his bed. Every so often he still calls me 'My Lord', but I
have done nothing to be called that, I am simply another human (albeit gene-modified) that
protects the rest of Mankind.

I find it weird how people seem to regard us is awe considering we once were like
them. In the battlefield I expect any Battle Brother next to me to help me, which in the end, is
what we do: we protect each other, nothing more. And we still have feelings and drives, as a
normal human would.

Salamanders are one of the odd ones out. We mingle with the rest of the population,
we protect them from Saurids, Dactylids and Gorladons. In the battlefield, we protect them
from Xenos and the Great Enemy. It is not a duty, it is simply that we do not want them to
suffer in vain because of our Fallen Brethren and the sadistic pleasures of the Dark Eldar.

I wonder if Kendra and Ishmael are worried that I have not appeared yet. I hope they
are alright. Reminds me, Kendra and I ought to go to the forges to see if she wants any new
bracelet or necklace, or if we should do one for Ishmael. I probably should take him to the
forges too and teach him the same way as He'stan taught me. Probably Torchbearer Squad

I got to ask someone where my bedroom is, I can't always be sleeping in someone
else's bedroom...

A Golden Throne, an Emperor, a Primarch and an Inquisitor. Damn, I lost again...

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