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The Scorpion's Triumph

The alliance between the Scorpion, Spider and Lion is a puzzlement to many in Rokugan. Whilst it
is understood that villains will often flock together, as is the case for the Scorpion and Spider, but
the Lion have forever stood against both its now economic allies.

It is a simple matter of perceptions. After the Colony Wars the Lion had within it a new insight into
the Spider. Samurai who do their duty with no complaint all in the name of the Empress and who
have bolstered the Empires numbers in foreign lands. Not only that but their free sharing of their
knowledge of battling those tainted by Jingoku with the clans and the swiftness with which they
expelled the Chuda traitors has earnt them a grudging respect from the Lion.

The Scorpion tell a different tale.

Through careful placement of courtiers the Scorpion has sown gossip and rumours within the courts
of the Lion that the Spider have honour and happily conform to the tenants of Bushido in a way that
the Lion can admire. The reason for this is twofold; it tests the loyalty (the most important thing to
any True Scorpion) of the Spider to the Empress, by letting them in on this great venture on home
soil it will gauge them with agents of the Blackwatch. If the taint appears within the city then the
Scorpion will have its answer. The Blackwatch itself is not well know, for any Scorpion
character not already part of this secretive group to even know who or what they are is a TN
35 Lore:Scorpion skill test.

The second reason is to manipulate the Lion, after all it is delightful to some within the clan to see
their old annoyances run around like buffoons. That said they needed another clan to back their
claims for them, for who would trust the villain to recommend another villain?

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