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Civil war reviews

Captain America: Civil War wants to be great. But for the most part it isn't. The film
is an overstuffed 2 and half hour film that has one too many ideas thrown into the
mix. It is essential a cash grab of the BVS variety. But why can't people see this?

Now this is a Captain America as the title suggests. But in the end a more fitting
title would read: Bucky VS Ironman: Dawn of who's the Captain's Bestie. The reason
I say this is the film felt disjointed to the point of it being a joke. It felt like two
separate films weaved together to try and make a film that makes sense. But it
didn't It's one half a Captain flick/ the other half a mini Avengers film. But they both
drown each other.

It's clear this is a film Marvel wanted to make, but why on earth rush into it? One
film could never service this iconic plot line. It should have been gradual, and while
we did see Cap and Tony tense up in Ultron, this is where a strain in their
relationship should have been definite and it should have still been in effect at the
beginning of this film.

For the most part of the Airport sequence there was no real danger. It was a
carefully orchestrated scene that showed these films are for young cinema-goers.
Even when one character is looked to be written off "BAM" they are back, giving
everyone some cheep laughs at the end of the film.

Now from a writing and filmmaking point of view and dare I say it, this film has
worse interconnecting scenes then The Amazing Spiderman 2. Re-shoots are
obvious, editing is subpar, cinematography lacked style and was evident to be a
"quick" point-and-shoot at the action affair. Such a disappointment.

But yes this film has it's fun moments (the same cannot be said for BVS). But they
can't help a film tailored to a certain demographic that leaves out those looking for
a film that doesn't kill a few brain cell upon leaving the cinema. The laughs are
hardly inspirational writing and forced, so forced.
Rating: 8.1 /10
At the root of that is Civil Wars greatest strength and the reason it makes all
thought of the recent Batman v Superman debacle evaporate on contact. The
Russos film has an unshakeable faith in these decades-old characters: theyre not
wrangled into standing for anything other than who they are, with no gloss or
reinterpretation or reach for epic significance required. This is the cinematic
superhero showdown youve dreamt of since childhood, precisely because thats
everything and all it wants to be.
Rating : 75%
Rotten Tomatoes
Marvel has seriously outdone themselves once again. Civil War is a near-flawless
cinematic experience that neatly packages one of the most pivotal story lines in
comic book history. Rating 89%

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