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SKYPAK SERVICE SPECIALISTS LIMITED Regd. Off: Gala No. 202, Shah and Nahar Industrial Premises Co. Op. Soc. Limited, Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli , Mumbai - 400018. Tel. No. 022 24927617 CIN: 64120MH1982PLC026811 30" May 2016 To, Tho Secretary, ‘The Bombay Stock Exchange, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towors Dalal Street ‘Mumbai- 400001 SUBJECT : BOARD MEETING OUTCOME BSE CODE :523846 Deer Sir, ‘This i to inform you thet the Board Meeting of the Company was held today ie. May 302016 al the registered of the company. The Board considered and approved the following: 1), Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEB! (Listing Obligation and Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 2015 the Audited Financial Results for Year ended 31*™March, 2016 Please acknowledge and take on record the same, ‘Thanking you FOR SKYPAK SERVICE SPECIALISTS LTD, Que DIRECTOR ‘Avomep raanev. ResULTS P08 Te QUARTER ENDED SY MAREN, 216 wa, FR Gaara | Gana] te | Yom ‘need nad ‘nce Mate Tara Sines "aoea[raoseal eae ln omreeton wn sateen xperna era] a I) Ger expenses Ay tam excatig 10K te Ween eg in ase [nin cress be se pay lexconts of comin peations [tomar of onion aerators as] patos tom operators blr other come, mane cot sad Ta} — a [ceoteal tems Go) [Pro ows em einer aces er francs cote an eceponst | an] ai ema I |e cid pee | es) (604) a2] [Pts wom nary ates tra) oan] as 1. Pmt Len) om rary cis ane 24 wml 2. arora non oat time sagrae) 3. cert for) ote prog (4082 cae] je steinoss @sber scenes tine eet is. et rom foe) ater taee minor aetna she of rt? Tam] loo) of seaanen (sortaiey aa |r. pto Egy share cool soace] aon | acewoue Reto |e Rees ecg reson resins uss] soca |i-treeetemaena |toeeesca ottec 2s now exces tame (exo) cows levioee Ones | PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLONG fran le recesogs er smonhaong lc Fce vue pers 90) mora ot Pomocr gop ehaabteg i Pstgestamcores Inbar sates Zearage eat otal aig pad ot [earasan otras (8% onl areca ote Cem [binewenambece | Reterst eer Peet thre [sao ll sarin of bone ax ponte Dou) [ecenag of urn (2 tao nar cpio Cons seara| “saan (2005) e000} 005 sresaos| «7s.s06] 751205 ocors| 1008] 100s04] ozs] eons] soo. carr] tear 1761908 e000 (AL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 31 WARCH, 2 RYPAR SERVICE SPECAUITS MUTED ‘Standalone Salama of Acts and ios - I Famer lear AND LABTES sister ca maa] — aa Reserves ond Sue Teszaan| fisenos| Money recxved sal sie wars = iar epaton soem aint = = Li Tas te was] ae 1) Det Tax Laie oa) wesa| za Seg fob Leeper a = “Sap Toa Nance a mal ws [fal snot em paras Tabs b) ree psities a8 hire Si ‘oar 1s] sneiem pours “A "Sabo Coro iis amas t [STAC GOUT AND WARTS wis | as Fad sas] — ae 2 ces on cana 5 2 hoe estan 35] oa 1 tara To ses nt | 1G non = Curent Assets el - Sime : Dries : dns ee | as ch eae eg ERE s0| $370 — [ahem wor ad ean arzsz| — aa (st ert este = Sa Toa Coe Aaa ae) ae Tee axise | e023 fy Pr ep 2 the shove ven have taen reviewed by he Aut Care ad hove been apres bye Baa of Delors ah epecve masing Rl on 2s0520°6. 30057010 The rents th quater ened 3a arch 2016 Fave boon sje ig reve byte Audios th canoany certs i any oo of the egant ar hereoe acts under AS-17* Segment Reparing rte. «ron fn ot ene ne cared rand ase and aah she on oa, |For typo Semvice Speci Lined mei ee loroscr Jose: soca zo16 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS PAMS ot Not 56 Unit~ DX Bol Nag Behind aya Babu Math Dtbancewar~ 751002 Gydsvacdazce “flee No Oot 25008 EMAIL :jcemirSogmalcn, pare raom OX PAMS & ASSOCIATES Auditor's Report On Quarierty Financial Results and Year to Date Results of SKYPAK ‘SERVICE SPECIALIST LTD Pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 To Board of Directors of ‘SKYPAK SERVICE SPECIALIST LTD. We have audited the annual financial results (‘the statement’) of SKYPAK SERVICE ‘SPECIALIST LTD. for the year end 31™ March 2016 attached herewith, being submitted by the company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.These quarterly financial statements as well as year to date financial results have been prepared on the basis of the interim financial ‘Statements which are responsibilty of the company. Our responsibilty is to express an opinion ‘on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial ‘statements, which have Prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard 25-"Interim Financial Results “and Accounting Standards specified under ‘section 133 of Companies ACT 2013 fespectively read with the relevant rules issued there under ,and other accounting principles generally accepted in India We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and pérform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial results are free of material misstatement(s). An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed as financial results. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. {In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us the statement: () fs presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and (i) give a true and fair view of the net profiloss and other financial information for the year ended 31% March 2016 For PANS & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants liane, MR. Mishra, oA Partner M. No.063698 FRN: 316079E Mumbai 30” May 2016 Offices at Cuttack, Purl, Joda and New Delht FORM A {for audit report with unmodified opinion) fame ok be company ‘SRYPAK SERVICE SPECIALISTS LTO. | “Anncal financial Statements forthe year ended | 31" March 2016 Type of Anan vation | Fe bien Tobe signed by- © CEOManaging Director «cro. » Auditor of the company ‘audit Commitee Chalemman Tin Modified [Not Applicable + que

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