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Peculiarities of Cuban rice

In Cuba or Cuban culture, they dont even call it Arroz a la Cubana its just Fried Egg with Rice,
and it is one of the favorite foods of the kids and moms, because it is a very rich and simple dish.

The Cuban rise is served almost everywhere in the world whit some possible variations, it is a
popular and simple but delicious dish. Work it is easier and faster than you think it does not require
complex preparations or too many ingredients, resulting in a dish much like adults and children. If
you have little time to cook and not many ingredients this dish is for you and definitely it is a dish
that can be eaten any day of the year.

This is a popular dish in Spain and In the USA people can easily order at Cuban
restaurants for less than 5 $

In our country it is known as rice with egg and is very popular in Bolivian food too

Nutritional information
Rice is one of the most popular in the Mediterranean diet. Rice is a great source of complex
carbohydrates and contains very little fat. In this recipe we accompany with fried egg, banana and
tomato sauce.

The egg will provide us protein and fats, and vitamins, such as B12, and minerals such as iron.

To accompany the rice with fried plantain, the energy value of the dish is going to be increased, so it
is a very suitable recipe for children and athletes, and generally for those who tend to do physical

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