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The Client:

Team Building Event for 30

Store Managers

The Brief: DATE: July 2016, Ashtree Farm

TIMINGS: An early start for this one! 08:15 16:00
A day combining several mini-
The Wright Event decided to divide the group into four teams and provide
meetings and presentations them with three different team building activities to meet both the clients
interspersed with time outside specific requirements.
in our activity areas completing
a selection of team building ITINERARY:
activities. Maximum
08.15 Delegates arrive at Ashtree Farm for tea, coffee and bacon rolls.
participation time, minimum
08.45 Client meeting commences
downtime to avoid anyone 09.15 Client development session
being able to take a back seat. 10.15 Tea/Coffee break
10.30 1st round of Team Building activities
11.15 Client presentation No1
11.55 Client presentation No2
12.30 BBQ Lunch served
Objectives: 13.00 Client in-house group activity
13.30 2nd round of Team Building activities
To get everybody working 14.15 Tea/Coffee break
together more closely as a team 14.30 3rd round of Team Building activities
15.15 Team Building Grand Finales (all teams come together for
rather than individuals.
15.50 Client/The Wright Event summary and round up
16.00 Client departs at leisure
The venue and the event met
with our needs perfectly. The
whole team were left buzzing
after the event and as a team
building event it achieved
absolutely everything we had
hoped it would.

Richard Hayes T: 01732 529511
Sainsbury's, Regional Store Manager.

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