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Assignment Title: Paper 1

Write well-organized and cohesive essays
Explain and support original claims using textual evidence
Draw original conclusions based on textual analysis

Due Date:
Documents must be either .doc or .docx file types.
You must submit electronically to Sakai Assignments by 11:55pm on 1/31.

Scoring Rubric:
See attached document for scoring guide

This is an individual assignment. You may work with a tutor through the Rutgers Writing
Centers, but aside from that, no outside help should be used. Your work must be your
Minimum of 5 pages

Karen Ho, Biographies of Hegemony (New Humanities Reader)
Cathy Davidson, Project Classroom Makeover (New Humanities Reader)
Susan Faludi, The Naked Citadel (New Humanities Reader)

Think carefully about how Susan Faludi used the words stripping and remolding in
The Naked Citadel. In her discussion of the fourthclass system, she claims that The
Citadel hopes to strip each young recruit of his original identity and remold him into
the whole man (75). For paper one, I want you to consider another important term in
this quotation: identity. Using the connections you made between Faludis terms and
the terms in Davidson and Hos essays, consider the following question: to what extent is
an individuals identity influenced, shaped, or otherwise impacted by the institutions with
which he or she comes in contact?

Questions to Get You Started:

What is an identity? Do the authors define it? How are you defining it? Is it stable? Does
it change?
What form does influence take? Influence, shape, and impact are pretty generalized
terms. How can you make them more specific?
What kind of contact will you be considering? Physical? Cultural? Economic? Are
these kinds of contact connected?
o Remember that these questions should inform your thinking, but should not be
answered as a list

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