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Pop Culture Literacy

April 11th 2017

Benjamin Betts
Julio Zambrano
Word: (PoS); Definition; Connotation.
I.e. Sentence<word>.
1. Zeus: (Noun); the chief god of the Olympian pantheon. An archetypical

character which is central to all conflicts in the story, especially through

meddling on their part.

I.e. Emma in Emma by Jane Austen is a typical Zeus character.
2. Loki: (Noun); the devil figure of the Aesir Pantheon. An archetypical trickster

character, especially one who shapeshifts and causes conflicts.

I.e. Pan is a typical Loki in the Greek myths.
3. Anti-hero: (Noun); a protagonist character that lacks redeemable qualities. A

I.e. Deadpool is probably the most loved anti-hero in DC comics.
4. Lick: (Verb); to rub the tongue over something, typically in order to taste,

moisten, or clean it. An instance wherein a quick bit of money is made

through typically illicit means.

I.e. Daniel sold me weed and made a lick.
5. Gas: (Noun); an air-like substance that expands to fill whatever space

available. High quality marijuana.

I.e. One hit of that gas and I was baked.
6. Band: (Noun); a loop of material often used to hold something together. A

court ordered ankle monitor worn by people to ensure they abide by the

conditions of their release.

i.e. After my cousin was released from prison he had to wear a band.

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