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Interpersonal Conflict: A conflict involving you and another person/group of people

Escalatory Spiral: When conflict becomes out of hand. A pattern where behavior affects
perception of other party which affects the perception of the relationship.

Intent does not equal Impact: Your intent during a conflict will not match the other
persons perception of your intent.

Compromise: Some wins and some losses for both parties in conflict resolution

Topic Goals: Goals surrounding content/ externally objectifiable issues

Relational Goals: Who are we in relationship to each other?

Identity Goals: How can I protect my self-identity in this situation?

Process Goals: How should the conflict be conducted?

Power Currencies: Much like money, this depends on the amount of value placed on your
resources by the other person in the relationship

Integrating: Collaborating to come up with a successful solution to the conflict that is

beneficial for all parties

Obliging: Accommodating to other individuals needs during a conflict

Dominating: Using aggressive behavior to get what you want in conflict.

Avoidance: Denial of conflict, changing topics and joking instead of addressing conflict.

Threat: When the source of the comment controls the outcome, and the comment is
perceived by the recipient to have negative outcomes

Promise: When the source of the comment controls the outcome, and the comment is
perceived by the recipient to have positive outcomes

Compassion: Considering our feelings and the feelings of the other individual in the

Coalitions: A private bond forms when some individuals of a group are closer to one
another than others.

Isolate: Person left out when coalitions form

Conflict triangle: When individuals feel that they are a low-power person in a conflict and
attempt to form a coalition with another person to gain power

Negotiation: Settling a conflict with discussion and mutual agreement.

Bargaining range: A point that will not be passed during negotiations

Counseling: Helps individuals resolve conflict, but one of the individuals may not want to
participate. Resolution is not final and individuals are not legally bound to decision.

Mediation: Assists in resolving conflict and both individuals participate. Resolution is not
final and individuals are not legally bound to decision.

Adjudication: A judge and the legal system is involved in solving disputes. Decision is
legally binding.

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