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In this lesson you will study how to..

quantify uncountable nouns.

Look at the pictures. They are all used in home remedies. What do you think they
are good for? Do you use any of them?

Compare your ideas with a partner.

Read the texts and fill in the blanks in each text witch one of the word in the words in
the box.

Be Natural!
In this week's health column, we look at home remedies for common illnesses. If you
need a remedy, why don't you write to us?
Remedy: A simple home remedy for
is to apply lemon juice regularly to your skin to reduce spots and
Also, you can put cucumbers on your face, eyes, and neck for about 20 minutes. You
should do this regularly.

RemedeGrapes are a very effective homeenedy for cough. Grapes make the lungs
strong and eliminate
in a couple of days. Mix a cup of grape juice with a spoonful of honey, and drink it.

Remedy: Garlic soup is an old remedy for the symptoms of
such as sneezing and runny pose. You should have a bowl of soup once a day. You can also
mix five drops of garlic oil with a spoonful of onion juice in a cup ,of water. You should
drink this two to three times a day.

Remedy: Cinnamon is an effective ` remedy for
. If you have pain or irritatcn of throat take one spoonful of cinnamon, and boil
It in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder. Add two teaspoons of honey and drink
it you can also mix two or there drops of cinnamon oil with a spoonful of honey.

Did You Know...

that the ancient Egyptians used garlic as a natural remedy? Surf the Web!
Want to knov more about home remedies? Go to http:// www.home-rernedies-for-you. com/
Culture Note
Garlc is supposec to protect against vampires. Does it work? Let's hope we never have to
find out!

Choose the correct option.

The remedies for the illnesses mentioned in the texts are easy / difficult to
3 Read the texts again and write whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
a) Garlic is good for a sore throat.
b) If you have acne, you should put iemon juice on your face.
c) Honey and grape juice help to cure a cold.
d) Mix cinnamon, honey, and pepper for a sore throat.
3 Discuss with a partner: Which of the remedies would you NOT like to take?

Reread the texts on the previous page.

Circle the ingredients mentioned to make home remedies.
Find and underline the words that express a quantity of something and draw an arrow to the
ingredient they refer to.

Which of the ingredients you circled are countable nouns and can have a singular and
plural form? cucumber,
o Which of the ingredients are uncountable nouns and have one form?
lemon juice, grape juice,________________,garlic soup,
_______________ pepper powder cinnamon oil
Look at the words you underlined and complete the expressions .
A______________of honey /onion juice A_____________of water
A______________of pepper A_____________of soup
A______________of garlic oil /cinnamon oil
Choose the right option.
We use a quantifier followed by the word of to express a quantity of
countable / uncountable nouns.
Go to the Language Reference section (page 172) to check your answers.

Here are some of the e-mails sent to the magazine. Read them and choose the correct

a) Dear teen fashion.

Can you give me a good home remedy for a headache?

Teen fashion replies:

A headache? No problem! Just squeeze the juice of three or four lemons into a
spoonfuL / cup of tea and drink it.

a) Dear teen fashion.

Do you have a bnatural remedy for a tootche?

Teen Fashion replies:

Okay, for a toothache, mix a pinch / bowL of pepper and a quarter of a drop / spoonfuL of
salt, and brush your teeth with it!

b) Dear teen fashion,

What can I do for a stomachachae? Please send me a remedy.
Thank you.

Teen Fashion replies:

Try massaging your stomach with a mixture of two or three drops / pinches of garlic oil and
half a cup of soya bean oil. You can also drink a spoonfuL / bowL of honey and lemon
Find out about home remedies for these illnesses. You can ask your relatives or search the
a backache an earache hiccups indigestion
Write a prescription for each. You can make your remedies as unusual as you like.
Example: For a backache, mix two spoonsful of orange juice with a cup of tomato juice,
and put it on your back...

Work in groups of four. Read out your remedies and compare them. Who has the most
unusual remedies?

Stage 4

In your project groups, work together and brainstorm different ways of preventing illnesses.
Choose the best five or six ideas. Think about how you can express the ideas as advice or
Example: You should wash your hands before you eat.

Learning te Leam

Try and find listening material to use outside the classroom, for example songs. It's okay if
you don't understand every word as long as you understand the main idea. If you have
problems understanding something, ty repeating it a few times or listening to short pieces.

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