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BIOL 1010-03


Unit I: Evolution


+Australopithecus Afarensis

-Charles Darwin

+The origin of species

+The theory of evolution

>Natural selection

-How did live arise?

+Ingredients for the origin of life

>Basic elements and basic organic compounds

>Complex biomolecules capable of replication

>A membrane enclosure

>Selection and evolutionary change

+Were building blocks of life present

>All elements are made in the interior of stars

>Many carbon bases molecules: CN, CH3, CO, CO2, amino acids, and
precursors of nucleotides brought to earth by asteroids and comets

>Early oceans were a chemical factory for rich array of organic


+Most common elements in living organisms

>C, O, H, N

>Ca, P, K, S

+Solar system formed 4.5 to 4.6 BYA

+Earths surface cooled sufficiently for oceans to form by 4 BYA

+First fossil evidence of life is 3.7 to 3.8 BYA

+Stanley Miller Experiments

+In 1953, a Stanley Miller sets up an experiment to mimic early Earth

environment in a flask. Used heat and a sparking device to mimic lightning. Found
organic compounds, amino acid and building blocks life.

+Organic Compounds




>Nucleic acids

+Ingredients for the origin of life

>Basic elements and basic organic compounds

>Complex molecules capable of replication

+Was RNA the original self-replicating molecule

>Ancient viruses use RNA as genetic material, not DNA. Some are still
common such as influence and hepatitis C.

>Only RNA can initial DNa replication

+DNA needed to make proteins but proteins needed to make DNA

>enzymes(proteins) catalyze reaction essential for cell

>Protein thought to be only molecule capable of catalysis

>RIBOSOME: catalytic functions discovered

>Altman and Cech found RNA that can catalyze chemical reactions,
called ribozymes

>Certain ribozymes called RNA replicases were also found to catalyze

their own synthesis

+Lipid Bilayer

>Normal bilayers have phospholipids have a hydrophilic head and

hydrophobic tail.

>When exposed to H2O it forms 2 layers sheet with tails pointing

towards each other
>All cells have lipid bilayers.

+Formation of the protocell

>Self assembly of membrane

>Permeability of membrane

>Division of protocell

+How do protocells evolve


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