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10-1 International Issue Presentation Project

In groups of 3-4 you will present on a historical globalization issue that affected Canada.

You may choose from:

a. The Quiet Revolution
b. Residential Schools
c. The Indian Act
d. Red River Resistance/ Rebellion
e. Internment of German and Ukrainian Canadians in the First World War
f. Internment of Japanese Canadians in World War II
g. Mercantilism and the fur trade in Canada

You are responsible for your peers learning the information.

Your presentation must be between 8 and 10 minutes long.
The presentation will include:
a. Who was affected by the issue? Who created the issue? Who fought the
b. What was the issue? What did the issue cause? What legacies did the issue
c. Where did the issue happen?
d. When did the issue happen? When was it concluded? Does it still have effects on
society today?
e. Why is this an issue? Why is the issue important to Canadian history?
f. How did Canada respond to the issue at the time of first occurrence? How is
Canada responding to the issue now? How should we as individuals respond to the
issue? How does the issue still affect Canadian society?

The presentation must be clearly communicated. The presentation will include a handout with
some facts for your classmates. You may present your information in a variety of ways, but let
the information be the focus, not the pageantry.
You can create a video, a slideshow, a poster, a radio program/ podcast, a play that you
will perform, or another form of presentation with prior approval.
You will have three days to collect information and create the project, and there will be two days
of presenting.

Put forth your best effort, and have fun with it!

Groups: Nolan, Liam, Jenna Carleton, Brianna

Katie, Hayden, Brooke, Deeanna
Jennifer, Rhea, Kieran, Isabelle
Brendan, Seth, Tyler, Chantel
Amber, Krishna, Talon, Jenna Campbell
Malithi, Hali, Leena, Atab
Ryley, Lachlan, Jade, Emily

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