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Halea Stairs

2nd Grade
Local and Historical Figures

This is a picture of Rosa Parks getting arrested after her refusing to move for
a white man. You can see that Rosa, a black woman, is being arrested by a
white police officer. Although, she is being arrested she remains calm and
does not show any frustration.

I would use this picture in my unit whenever talking to my students about

Rosa Parks and her bus boycott. I will show my students how Rosa got
arrested, remained calm, and stood up for herself even though the rest of the
world thought she was wrong. This picture will also let students see how the
whites were up at the top, being police officers, and the blacks were down at
the bottom, getting arrested.
This is a picture of the first president of the United States, George
Washington. This shows Washington on his horse ready for battle, before he
even became president. This picture depicts the clothing style back then in
addition to how they did not have guns, but they fought with swords
whenever they were in battle.

In my unit I will use this picture whenever I first start talking about George
Washington. This image will show students that he was not just the first
president of the United States, but he was also a soldier. This is not just the
regular picture that most presidents get taken, it depicts how Washington
fought for our country before even knowing that he was going to be the
leader of it.
This is a picture of the town of Greensburg. It shows how Greensburg looked
back in 1901. You can see the houses, churches, rivers, and other buildings
in the town of Greensburg. I will then pull up a picture of the town of
Greensburg now to compare how it all changed in over 100 years.

In my unit my students will be talking about local historical figures. So, with
this picture I can show them the area they are in, Greensburg, and what it
looked like before and what it looks like now. I will tell them how their local
historical figures run the town and what they did to help the city of
Greensburg flourish into the town it is today.

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