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It may appear that you have to think about what is gong to be said but don't think about it just

read it.... it
itself will expand the mind to understand it as it is the very foundation of mind itself after reading it you
will just get it but not know why.......

Mind references the past WHEN thoughts are engendered (or displayed) in the mind by experience (that
is, via perception), regardless if they are perceived internally or externally)

The above may seem to be an obvious or meaningless statement, however let us look closer at it..

There is a memory composite of who we think we were in the past.... (i do not mean he is IN the past i
mean the thought about who we were in the past) This memory composite is reconfigured moment by
moment as new experiences are added to it as more experience is added each moment that we live.

This means that the mind is existing AS the past --- yet because our perception as to who we were in that
past is flawed if we are unrealized then that memory "me" is NOT the complete Self.

However that past-self influences every decision we make as well as every new perception that we have.

This means Realization is hidden by the past hence our future is configured by our entire mental construct
of who think we are.

Think of a child laughing at a shadow puppet thrown onto a wall by the light of a torch.

This shadow is our mental cognition of what the future will be.

Without doubt, we know that the self we were in the past suffered .... We are terrified that the future will
be the same so the desire to change it appears as IDEA in the mind. We are not referring to AN idea we
are referring to IDEA itself.

This ideation . Is the source of inspiration it is the driver of the thirst for more and more knowledge,
more and more and more of everything.

The existence of the memory-ME IS the PAST itself(the memory which tells me that I existed before
NOW is the past) other than that there is NO Past at all; thus also there is no future either in that case
there can only be the NOW

The past is a shadow recorded in the neuron structures of the brain, the future is imaginary; so Time does
not exist.

An objection might be raised that if the past is a shadow recorded in the neuron structures of the brain how
could the past exist before the I that appears in the brain in my head existed; as it obviously did since
my parents existed before my brain did?

Take that back to the 1st level of evolution or time in the sense of the evolution of life and it can easily be
seem that the phantasm began long, long ago and was reflected or disseminated as ALL mind\brains in the
Cosmos. This simply means that the delusion of Time and hence of all diverse natures of beings exists in
this NOW
The only thing then, that exists is consciousness that is conscious of this shadow in itself This of course
has been said to be the super-imposition of the Not-Self onto the background of the consciousness.

It also means that the so-called consciousness is itself a shadow; because without that shadow nothing is
perceivable; it means that without Time consciousNESS is impossible.

Time is hence proven to be consciousNESS!

Seeing without labelling or describing that which appears to be outside you, makes it appear that the
outside is real even though it is not labelled; yet perception is impossible whether named, labelled or not
named or labelled, as Time is a pre-requisite for ConsciousNESS.

The flow of light particles or waves such as sound waves, or pain from a blow being perceived make it
appear to be real. e.g a Sound can be heard but not recognized; we can be struck by an unknown or known
object yet feel pain. All of these let-us-call-them sensed events; give rise to the idea that Time is real.

The sensed event makes it seem that Time has passed, but what has occurred is that the sensed event has
reconfigured the past-shadow world (read that as Memory ME) recorded in the brain-neurons that is
displayed as if it is the REAL me but isnt.

The re-configuration would also require Time as it would be a change in the past shadow-construct over
Time no matter if caused by a shift in vibration, light or atomic reconfiguration.

The last paragraph simply means that (just as Mr Einstein said: space and time are co-dependant and arise
simultaneously.... however it is a perception or deduction that can only be proven mathematically (the
mathematical construct is also a perceived or deducted or conceptual reality reflected in a mind that is
Time-bound as an infinite dimension cannot be defined mathematically)

The question that arises from this is:

Does the past exist or NOT exist?

From the above it means that the entire memory of our lives and the entire history that the human species
thinks was the past is not the past at all, but that it is simultaneously existing in the NOW.

What makes it seem like it is real is that existence is constantly re-configured to expand in multi-
dimensional directions away from the current event

It is rather like an ongoing atomic explosion in every dimension both inward and outward at the same
instant to produce the three-dimension world our senses perceive; yet from the above description it can be
seen that due to the limitation of the senses we are ignorant of this fact.

Just as ripples expand from a stone dropped into a pool... of course there is then no getting away from the
fact that Time must pass for these ripples to exist

It means that the ubiquitous -- CONSCIOUSNESS IS ACTUALLY TIME ITSELF!

It is CONSCIOUS in the NOW (right NOW) all the way back to the origin of itself.. yet..

It is in the act of being conscious IN NOTHING as it is ALL that exists..

The Self is THAT NO Thing in which all things are occurring simultaneously!

The past is like the shadow you see in your eyes when you close them after seeing a bright light, the NOW
is the source of that light the future is the effect of that light . THIS means everything is LIGHT.

EVERY THING is light. But love is the source of Light itself! Because there is some sort of
conscient beingness that perceives this play of consciousNESS. But there ARE NO THINGS AT ALL as
it is ALL ONE THING appearing in different configurations of light\consciousNESS... we could call them
fragments .. but due to the ubiquitous and contiguous nature of Light\consciousNESS there cannot be two
things .... which of course means there are not two things to give diametric or dimensional vectored being
or presence to any THING...

That perceiver could be thought to be part of the past OR TIME also but in its own case Time does not
pass as it is conscient all the way back and forward all the time in the NOW - Right NOW! Yet all
events happened NOW in infinite directions all at once RIGHT NOW - So Time is done for and OVER!

Hence that conscient ONE is the Self. and as such is beyond what we know as space .... and also Time

Thusly it can be seen that the state of The Self is not a state opposed to some other state.. its reality is
outside of any physically knowable or expressible idea, or conception.

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