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Your Name: Fengyi Ye

Your Tutor Group: 10GA

Counselling Fundamentals

1) What questions do you have regarding college admissions?

Does participating in community service or being skilled at any musical
instruments get extra points for college entry score? Can it be a priority of
being admitted by a college? How much and what grade should I get for
IGCSE/IB if I want to go to a quite good UK university?

2) Who do you know that went to university? Where? What did they study?
My brother, he is going to study at UC Santa Barbara in America.

3) What are some of the qualities that universities look for in a candidate?
Passionate in the course, able to think more and willing to learn more,
confident, cooperative, resilience, good personality, outstanding qualities
and high scores.

4) What are some of the criteria that universities use to evaluate a

IGCSE, IB scores, improvements made over years.

5) What does it mean if a university is more specialized?

When a university focuses on a particular area of academic subject and
being professional at it.

6) Which countries are you interested in possibly studying in?

UK and probably Italy.

7) Name three places to conduct research.

London, Oxford, Milan.

8) Where can you find free test prep materials?

Online and ask teachers for revision papers.

9) What are your summer plans? What would you like to do next summer?
I will get back to Italy to visit my old school teachers as well as friends this
summer. I would like to learn few more musical instruments, such as guitar
and drum. Apart from this, I want to be specialized in piano and art, which
are two of my favorite things. Next summer I would prepare for IB by doing
some research on some of university colleges and decide what my path
should be in future.

10) What is one area you would like to improve on over this term?
To get good score at every subject.
Get homework done more quickly and efficiently without being
Play piano or do something useful when I have free time instead
of surfing on the net.

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