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Parts of Speech

-The job a word does in a sentence-

Noun Names a person, lady, road, tree, love,
place, thing, or idea dream, pencil, Bob
Pronoun Takes the place of a he, she, it, you, we
Adjective Describes a noun new, shiny, fat,
Verb Expression action or ran, flew, trips, was,
a state of being is, show
Adverb Describes or modifies quickly, repeatedly,
a verb, an adjective, precisely
or another adverb (often end in -ly)
Conjunctions Connect words, and, but, or, however,
phrases, and clauses moreover
Interjections Express surprise or Ouch! Eek! Ow,
other emotions Yikes! Hooray!
(often have an
exclamation point)
Prepositions Establish a over, around,
relationship between through, during,
the noun and the according to,
rest of sentence above, beside
Articles Help define nouns the, a, an

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