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Alexa Iandolo

May 5, 2016
Classroom Assignment

Section 1: Physical Classroom Blueprint (Attached Drawing)

The way a classroom is set up can be very beneficial for the teacher and for the students.

Each item should be placed where it is accessible and used effectively. For my classroom set up,

I started with the placement of the smartboard. I placed it in the front of the room next to the

door. Wherever the students are throughout the room, they are able to see it clearly. Next to the

smartboard, there is a chair on both sides and the easel on the right side. This can be convenient

next to the smartboard for notes during lessons or for creating anchor charts etc. There is also a

bulletin board next to the smartboard. This can be a great place for a word wall, classroom rules,

calendar, etc because it is in a place where is can be frequently used. The square carpet is placed

in front of the smartboard. On the left side of the smartboard, is the kidney shape table and a

chair. The table is placed in the front of the room for centers, activities, etc. It is beneficial for

the teacher who can work there and see the hallway as well as the entire class. The door is on the

right side. The three computers are next to the door. The computers are placed here because the

screens are to be seen by the teacher wherever I am standing in the room. The pencil sharpener is

on the same table as the computers. It is in the middle of the room, so the students can easily get

to it without distracting other students. The students desks are in rows in the center of the room.

Next to that table are the students cubbies and coat hooks. They are in the back of the

classroom, where the students things can be accessed but are also out of the way and off the

floor. On the back wall there is the TV and another bulletin board. On an angle in the back left
corner is the teachers desk. I believe that the teachers desk is best here because it overlooks the

entire room. Another reason I placed the desk in the back is because the teacher should is not

always sitting at the desk. Behind the desk is the metal cabinet. The teacher can store important

files or documents there. On the left side of the room are the windows. Under the windows are

two bookshelves that go along the windows. Each item is placed with consideration for the

teacher and the students.

Section 2: Rules and Classroom Discipline Plan

It is important for all teachers to establish rules and procedures for their classroom. By

having set guidelines, the students will understand what is expected of them. My classroom will

be based on a ticket and sticky note system, which include rewards and consequences. The

students are well aware of this system and follow it very well being that it is implemented daily.

The students and I made a list of promises as the rules and each student signed the sheet and put

a handprint of paint on the promise of rules. This allows the students to have a say in what the

classroom environment will be like. The promise is posted in the classroom on the front bulletin

board. The promise is as follows:

We Promise to:

1. Treat others the way we want to be treated.

2. Raise our hands to share our thoughts or our questions.

3. Always have our listening ears on to do our best.

4. Come to class on time, prepared with all our materials.

My students will understand that these promises are to be followed as they sign and hand

print the poster that will be hung up in the classroom. The students will more likely respect these

promises because they were involved in the process of making them. We will go over each one

and talk about them as we make the poster. As I go over each one, I would model or have the

students role-play for each promise, allowing them to get a clearer picture of what the promise is

saying. This allows the students to understand what each one means and what is expected of

them in the classroom. After the promises are set, I will make a copy of the poster to a regular

size page and give each student a copy so that they can always have it with them to look back at

if they need a reminder.

My classroom will be based on a ticket and sticky note reward and consequence system. This

allows the students to become a little bit more independent and responsible for their own actions.

Individual rewards and consequences are important. They will understand that for the promises

we made, they are rewarded for following them and while they do not they are facing

consequences. The reward system includes tickets (like raffle tickets) and when the student does

something good or if I see the student following the promises, they get to take a ticket, put their

initials on the back and place it is a mini garbage pail. There is a girl garbage pail and a boy

garbage pail. The garbage pail fills throughout the week. At the end of each week, I will pick a

ticket out of each pail and one boy student and one girl student wins a prize, to keep it fair for

everyone. The pails start empty every Monday. The prizes are in another garbage pail, so they

cannot see what they are choosing. There are prizes such as a homework passes, extra recess

time, or a pass for their sticky for the day. If I see that the whole class is having a good day,

everyone in the class gets a ticket to put in the pail. This system allows the students to feel
motivated to win a prize on Fridays each week. The sticky notes are for behavior in class, being

prepared for the class for the day, and being on time. Each day, the students come into class and

place a sticky note on their desk and give themselves the points they think they deserve each day.

For example, if the student is prepared and has good behavior but they were late to class, they

would put two points on their sticky. If they were on time, prepared, and well behaved, they

receive all three points, etc. At the end of each class, the students hand in their sticky to the

teacher and I add it to a chart. On Friday, the points add up to 15 so by adding or subtracting

points for the week is what each student receives as a homework grade. For example, if the

student was not on time on Monday and Thursday, you subtract two points from 15 and calculate

that percentage and put it in the grade book as a homework grade. This allows the students to

stay on top of their responsibilities. It also allows the students to earn their own grades. Other

rewards may consist of verbal praise or a phone call or note home to brag about the great

behavior for the student. This system works really well because it gives the students and

incentive to keep following the promises we made for our class.

My classroom will have a system for the entire class as well. Besides the individual system,

having an entire class reward, that cannot be taken away, can show the students that enforcing

the classroom promises can be rewarded as a whole. The system includes a T-chart on the board

at all times. One side says teacher and the other says students. When the students are all paying

attention, working well on their work, following the promises as a whole, they get a point. If they

are doing the opposite the teacher gets a point. This shows the students that their bad behavior

gives me a point and it reminds them that they are not following our classroom promises. When

the students side reaches up to 20 points, the students get to choose a reward out of the pail and
the entire class gets that prize. This allows the students to feel motivated to reach that 20 points

and not allow me to receive any. This system really allows the students to create an environment

for fun learning. This also allows the students to encourage each other to behave and follow the

promises because we dont want the teacher to get the points instead of us. Just the presence of

me walking over to the T-chart on the board, the students know what it means so they are

reminded with a nonverbal cue to quickly figure out why I am going there, whether it is good or

bad. This system works because being the students are so engaged, I dont even need to stop

what I am teaching, I just need to walk to that side of the board. The students enjoy this system

because they see it as a game try to beat the teacher so they try to keep more points than me on

the board. It allows them to always have our promises in mind and to keep them on the positive


On the other hand, there are consequences that follow bad behavior or forgetfulness of the

promises as a class. The individual consequences affect each students grade so it is up to them

to make sure they earn the most points by following the promises. As a whole, it would be very

unfair to affect everyones grade because of individual students, and the tallies on the board are

for positive behavior that cannot be taken away. While the class is in session, single students

may continue to be disruptive even when I get points on the T-chart. There is a hierarchy of

consequences to be followed regarding the class promises.

1. The first step in the hierarchy would to give the students two verbal or nonverbal

warnings. It would depend on what the student is particularly doing to decide whether it

would be verbal or nonverbal. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for the behavior.

For example, if a student is asking another student a question about the material or asking
to borrow a pencil, there might be a nonverbal warning like a look or if I walk and stand

next to the student talking. The students will understand so I give them a chance instead

of calling them out in front of everyone. It is dependent on the situation I observe


2. The next step would be a reminder of the promises. After giving the same student two

warnings, they may not be taking the hint or may not understand that it is them who is

disruptive so while I am observing this in the class, I may send a general reminder to the

class what our promises were and if you dont remember look on our poster or your

handout. I may even look at them with a third warning so they understand it is them in


3. If the student were to still be disruptive after those warning and reminders, there would

be a teacher-student face-to-face confrontation. I would walk past the student and quietly

whisper to them to see me after class. This makes it more private because I didnt

announce it to the whole class. It also shows the student that they are not following

directions or behaving properly and we need to discuss what it going on. The student and

I will meet and discuss what may have been going on today and why. The student will

also be told that the behavior is unacceptable and we want to remember the promises.

They are also told that they can have another chance but once we get to this point again, I

will be calling home.

4. If the student continues to disrupt the class, they get a call or email home. This would

show the parent that their child is not behaving in class even after many warnings,

reminders, and a meeting between the student and I. The parents would be in frequent
contact with positive feedback of their child or what things may be happening in the

classroom. This time it would be specifically for the misbehavior of the child. I would

create a behavior plan with the parent and talk to the child to explain the next step that

was made up for him or her. The parent may want to come in for a parent teacher

conference and that would be welcomed if wanted.

5. At this step, if the student still is misbehaving, the student will just be sent to the office.

After many warnings, plans, conferences, the student is just not cooperating and needs

consequences from the office or principal, not just my classroom consequences being

they are not working for the student.

As I explain the reward system to my students, I also explained the consequences so they

understand what is coming to them if they dont follow the promises. I try to explain that I dont

like giving consequences because it makes me upset. I tell them that they make their own choices

and there are many ways to earn great rewards but they have to follow the promises for our class.

I tell them how our classroom can run smoothly and with having a lot of fun when we dont need

to give consequences. The systems I have in my classroom should motivate the students in many

ways, like individually adding to their grades and as a whole for getting tallies but all students

are different so there needs to be different strategies of rewards and consequences for all students

to want to do well and succeed in my classroom.

Section 3: Classroom Procedures

1. Entering/Leaving

As the students enter the classroom, they will be lining up outside the door. I will stand in the

door allowing one student in at a time. The students will proceed quietly, sit at their desk, and

start the assignment listed on the board. As the students are leaving the classroom, they will

stand up, push in their chair, and proceed to line up at the door row by row. When I dismiss the

students, they may leave. As the students walk through the halls, the students will stay quiet, in a

straight line, and stay on one side of the hallway. The students will keep an arm length distance

apart to prevent goofing around with others.

I got this procedure from my practicum placement and from Harry Wong. I really liked the way

the students knew exactly what to do and did it without question. The teacher did not have to

remind them of what is supposed to be done. I really liked the way Harry Wong greeted each

student as they walk in the door. This allows for focus and readiness for class.

2. Attention

If the teacher requires the students attention, they would ask to give me five. The students will

yell out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. After repeating this procedure a few times, it will be done silently. The

teacher will say give me five please and silently count to five with their hand. There will be a

give me five poster hanging up in the classroom. If the student wants the teachers attention,

the student will simply raise their hand quietly.

I got this procedure from Harry Wong. I really liked the way this procedure is used. It is

effective, silent and beneficial.

3. Restroom

If the students need to use the restroom, they must raise their hand with the number 2. The

teacher will nod yes or no to the student. As the student is allowed to go, they must get up

quietly, sign out on the clipboard and take the pass with them. As they return, they must sign

back in and place the pass down before returning to their seat.

This procedure is used in my practicum placement. I believe that this procedure is very useful. It

allows the teacher to continue teaching without interruptions. It also tells the teacher where the

student is by looking at the sign out sheet.

4. Pencil Sharpener

The students are given 2 minutes before each lesson to sharpen their pencils. If during a lesson or

activity the student needs to use the pencil sharpener because all their pencils broke, they must

raise their hand with the number 3. The teacher will again either nod yes or no for the student to

get up. If the student gets up to sharpen their pencil, they must walk quietly straight to the

sharpener without distracting any other student.

I got this procedure from my practicum placement. Being that the teacher is giving the students

time before the lesson to use the sharpener, it limits the amount of times the student needs to get

up during the lesson to sharpen a pencil. The students learn to sharpen multiple pencils when

given the time.

5. Computers

The students must sign up to use the computer. There will be a list and as the students need to

use it, they must sign their name in the beginning of the class. If there is free time, the next

student on the list will have a chance to use it.

I observed this procedure in my practicum placement. The students understand that they must

sign up and if they dont they cannot use the computer. Also, it is fair for everyone because they

all have an equal chance to sign up in the beginning of the class.

6. Library

As the students look through the classroom library and want to borrow a book, they must sign the

book out in a notebook. They must write the title, their name and the date they took the book out.

They must have a zip-lock bag to carry the book in to keep it from wear and tear. When returning

the book, they must find where in the notebook they signed the book out and right the date in

which they signed it back in.

This procedure is used in my practicum placement. The teacher is easily able to check the book

to see which student has which book and whether or not the student still has the book or if it is

checked back in. The students also gain more responsibility for the materials they are borrowing.

7. Materials

Each student will have their own pencil case with supplies in it. They are numbered as to match

each individual students class number. Ex: If John is number 1, he would only use the materials

in pencil box number 1. The pencil boxes are stored in the closet. They students are to ask for

permission if they need their box.

This is a personal preference. I believe that it is easier to keep the materials organized using this

method. The students have all the same things in their own boxes so this prevents arguing or

problems over any supplies.

8. Opening/Closing the Day

To start the day, the students will line up outside the classroom. The teacher will stand in the

door greeting each student as they walk in. The students will turn their attendance card, go hang

up their belongings, put their homework in the bin, sit at their seat, write down their homework,

and quietly start working on the daily tasks that are written on the board. At the end of the day,

the students will clean off their desks, to only have their assignment pad open. The teacher will

come around to check if the homework is written down. As the homework is checked, the

student will be able to get up, go get their things from their cubby, push in their chair and stand

next to their desk when ready to leave. The teacher will then call students for either bus, pick up

or after school programs. The students will leave according to how they will be leaving.

This procedure is a personal preference. I have witnessed this procedure in a classroom before

and it worked extremely well. It allows the teacher and the students to be clear on where they are

going and making sure they get there without chaos.

9. Attendance

Each day as the students walk into the room, they must find their name card and flip it from red

to green. When all the students are sitting, completing their daily task on the board, the teacher

can just look at the chart and whichever students names are still red, are the students who are

absent for that day.

This procedure is a personal preference. I have observed this procedure in a classroom. It works

very well and it part of the students morning routine so it is not forgotten.
10. Homework

Each day the homework will be written on the board for the students to write down in the

morning. It will also be checked to make sure that it written down and written correctly. As the

students come in the next day, during their morning routine, is to place homework in the

homework bin. As the students are completing their daily task, the teacher will be taking

attendance and correcting homework. When the teacher is finished, the homework will be passed

back out and to be put in their folders before the lesson begins.

I got this procedure from my practicum placement. The mornings were smooth and effective

using this method.

11. Absent

If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to look in the absent folder. When they are absent,

the teacher will place the missed assignments, notes, or handouts in the folder for the student to

claim when they return. As they complete the missing work, the student must place the work in

the missing work bin as they do with their homework each morning.

I really liked this procedure when I saw it in my practicum placement. It helps the students

remember responsibility for their own work.

12. Finishing Early

If the student finishes assigned work early, they must take out their independent reading book

until the next directions are given. If the student has missing work, they are to work on that

before reading.

I like this procedure from personal preference. I believe that this keeps the classroom quiet for

students who are still working. It also allows other students to catch up if they need to.
13. Organization

To help students with organization, every Monday, the class will do a cleanup. They are to

remove all loose papers and put them in the appropriate folder. There should be no loose

supplies. The folders and notebooks should be behind the books or workbooks in the desk. If

there is any trash, it shall be thrown in the trash can.

This occurred in my practicum placement. This works very well because it gives the students a

clean start to begin each week.

14. Visitors

If a visitor walks into the classroom, the students know to take out their visitors folder from

their desk. In the folder, there is a list of different activities that the students can complete. The

teacher has previously explained to the students that if they are working from this folder when

there is a visitor, there is a chance that one of the assignments will be graded but they do not

know which one. If all the activities get completed with their best effort, the students shall take

out their independent reading books and read.

I got this procedure from my practicum placement. The students knew what to do and were quiet

while working effectively on the activities that were in the folder.

15. Tardies

If a student comes into class late, they are to sign in the tardy log. They are not to talk to

anyone. They are to hang up their belongings, collect anything that was handed out in the absent

folder, quietly go take a seat, and become involved in the lesson. The student must also see the

teacher after class or on a free time.

I liked this procedure from my practicum placement. The students who came in late followed the

procedure quickly and efficiently.

16. Emergencies

If there is an emergency or an emergency drill, the students are to stop everything, stand up and

quickly create a straight line at the door. There is no running or pushing. The students will stay

quiet until the drill is completely over and the teacher begins to talk.

I liked this procedure from my practicum placement. The teacher modeled how the students

should behave. The students followed this model very well. The students took each step


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