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Play and Learn Institute

Use of English Practical Work

3rd year

1. Underline the sentences in which the Past Continuous is used. Use a colour pencil or pen.

2. Write full answers.

a. What were Liz and Neil doing when the other car crashed?

b. What did Liz and Neil do when the other car crashed?

c. What were the people in the car doing when Liz and Neil got there?

d. What did they do when they got to the car?

e. What did the people in the campsite do when they saw the accident?

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Past or Past Continuous.

4. Make sentences using the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .

5. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb form. Use the verbs from the box.

Pat the bathroom with a hairdryer in her hand when she ..a crash. She
..out of the window and decided to ambulance.

Jennifer the kitchen, her hands in a bowl of flour, when she ..a small boy climb into a lorry.
She out of her house and ..him out.

6. Answer.

1. What was Pat doing when she heard the crash?

2. What did Pat do when she looked out of the window?
3. What was Jennifer doing when she saw the boy?
4. What was the boy doing when Jennifer saw him?
5. What did Jennifer do when she ran out of the house?

7. Work with a classmate and ask him/her these questions.

1. What were you doing at 8 oclock last night? ..

2. What were your friends doing when you got to school this morning?
3. What did you do when you got to school this morning?
4. What did you do when you got home after school?
5. What were your family doing when you got home yesterday?

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