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Is finding a work-life balance something that you

struggle with?

The first thing to understand about work-life balance is

that most people have the wrong idea of what that
actually means. They think that their whole life should be
balanced. That they should have a little bit of work and a
little bit of play and a little bit of time on the weekends, in
order to improve their quality of life.

When thinking about your quality of life, you have to ask


What do you really want to do with your life?

If the answer is that you want to be really successful in

your career, you have to start a little earlier, you have to
work a little harder, and you have to work a little later.

How Do You Manage Your Time?

Heres an interesting discovery:

Almost all successful people work 6 days a week.

Average people work 40, maybe even 30 hours a week.
Now aside from actual time spent at work, the real
problem comes down to what you accomplish while
youre at work.

Most people spend 50% of their time doing non-work

related activities while theyre in the office.
Browsing social media, checking email, taking long
lunch breaks, and chatting with co-workers are all
examples of time-wasting behaviors. When these
activities turn into habits, it becomes harder to get all of
your work done in order to focus on other aspects of
your life.

Heres the key to achieving work-life balance: Choose

to manage your time.

Choosing to manage your time effectively is the starting

point of overcoming previous programming and
eliminating mental blocks to time management. You
must decide, right here and now, to become an expert in
time-management in order to improve your quality of life.

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