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Making Suggestions

• Work in pairs.
• Discuss and make suggestions for these work problems
• Explain your suggestions

1. Focus on the positive

Affirmations are only cheesy if you want them to be. There are probably

many benefits to your boring job, such as the paycheck, health coverage, or

decent commute. While it's important to take steps to better your situation, it's

equally important to focus on the good of where you are right now.

2. Get up and exercise

A boring job isn't going to get better with eye strain or muscle cramps. Every

20 minutes, take a break, rest your eyes, and consider a brisk walk (even if

it's just around the office). Every three hours, make time for a 5-20 minute

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Making Suggestions
brief workout (there are plenty you can do in your office). Endorphins =


3. Spread happiness

The quickest way to happiness is to be a harbinger yourself. Smile, connect

with colleagues or clients, and fake happiness until it becomes real. It's

surprisingly simple.

4. Start the day right

Plenty of sleep, waking up naturally, and ensuring you're not rushed can

make all the difference. When you arrive at your "boring job", you're

bringing a good morning with you. Identify what makes you happy, then

make room for it in the morning.


Physical Activity and Nutrition

Research indicates that staying physically active can help prevent or delay
certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and
also relieve depression and improve mood. Inactivity often accompanies
advancing age, but it doesn't have to. Check with your local churches or
synagogues, senior centers, and shopping malls for exercise and walking

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Making Suggestions
programs. Like exercise, your eating habits are often not good if you live and
eat alone. It's important for successful aging to eat foods rich in nutrients and
avoid the empty calories in candy and sweets.

Environmental Quality
Even though pollution affects all of us, government studies have indicated that
low-income, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in areas where
they face environmental risks. Compared to the general population, a higher
proportion of elderly are living just over the poverty threshold.

2. Get to know their perspective.

Sometimes getting to know your challenging co-worker's perspective can make it easier
to get along with them. After getting to know them better, you may realize that their
background and life experiences shape their behavior and point of voice. Although you
deserve to be treated with respect, this insight may help you understand the way they
see things.

3. Focus on your positive relationships.

Rather than dwelling on this co-worker, shift your focus to those you enjoy being
around. Make an effort to form positive relationships with your other co-workers. Casual
conversations with uplifting people throughout the day can make you feel happier at
work. Consider asking one of your favorite co-workers to do something fun outside of

4. Talk to your supervisor.

When this person begins to break company policies or is negatively impacting your
work, it may be time to bring up the issue to your supervisor or human resources
department. Document this co-worker's adverse behaviors so you have proof of what
they have been doing. Your supervisor or human resources department is supposed to
find ways to resolve this conflict and make you feel safe and respected at work.

5. Accept their personality.

You may find that this co-worker isn't doing anything wrong, but you simply don't enjoy
their personality. This is a normal part of life as you find people you enjoy and people
you want to avoid. Learn to accept that you need to get along with this person. Try to

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Making Suggestions
find things you enjoy about their personality and give them a chance to show their good

4. to much excercise in university.

Too much exercise can leave you feeling fatigued and even depressed. It can affect your sleep

and your appetite causing you to feel even more fatigued. If your workouts don't make you feel

energetic, you may need to switch up your fitness plan by lowering your intensity or even changing

what type of exercise you do.

Study long hour.

Because you are not serious about your goal. When you go to study you just only focus on your
life goal. I know when we go for study many types of bloody topics are starts runing our mind
and its distract us from study. So when you go for study 1st remember your parents who were
spending money on your studies and you know its very hard to earn money for all parents. And
you also think about your dreams.Every student have their dreams and also they want to
compelete their dreams. So every time when you sit on your study table 1st think about these
thing and also forget all the past and future at the time of study and just focus on your study. And
make a timetable and follow every day and at the time of study forget everybody dont think
about any thing regard your books and your study material.
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1. Manage your time

When your workload increases, it's more important than ever to practise
effective time management. One of your time management main goals should
be to recognise your priorities and focus on them, so that the most important
jobs get finished before their deadlines. That could mean you'll have to put
jobs that aren't high priority to one side, or even drop them altogether.

Get lots of other tips on boosting your efficiency and productivity by reading
our article 5 things you should know about time management.
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Making Suggestions
2. Wipe out bad work habits
Lots of little things you do during the day may add up to a major waste of your
time, such as reading junk email, surfing the internet and chatting with co-
workers. You may also think you're using your time wisely by doing lots of
preparation and research for a project. But in reality, what you may be doing is
putting off starting the work itself.

Identify all your time-wasting habits by writing down everything you do during
your working day for a week. You'll soon see how much more time you could
devote to realising your deadlines if you cut out or changed those small

3. Make a list of everything you have to do

If you tend to work on several things at the same time, a to-do list is essential.
So write down all the tasks you have to do and rate them 0-5, where 0 is the
least important and 5 is top priority. Once you've done that, work through the
tasks on your list one by one, concentrating on the higher-priority tasks first.
Making a list can also help you recognise that you have too much to do in too
short a time. If that's the case, concentrate on the next steps.


Tip #3 – Track time 

Knowing how much time you spend on your tasks gives you a sense of control
– and tracking time on all your tasks helps you gain and maintain this control.

Your best bet is to track time as you work on tasks – each time you start
working on a task, start the timer, and then stop it once you’ve finished the

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Making Suggestions
Tip #4 – Avoid distractions 
Sure, avoiding distractions is easier said than done – especially when it’s half
past 10 at night, and your family is watching a new episode of Modern Family
you’d love to join in on.


1. Make Friends Quickly

When you don’t have a trainer by your side, your saving grace will be a few go-to
co-workers who you can approach with your questions. 

3. If You Can’t Find What You Need—Ask

As I struggled during my first few weeks on the job, I’d watch my boss bustle
from meeting to meeting without a glance toward me, and I couldn’t help but
think, “Does she even know she has a new employee?”

Here’s what I quickly learned: Instead of pouting at your desk, waiting for your
manager to come ask if you need something, take the initiative to approach her. 

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