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Standard 5 Strategic Operations

Being continuously aware of the school budget is of the highest priority. From allowances of
monies for the everyday running of the campus (copies, teaching resources, leadership, travel,
etc.) to custodial cleaning supplies, the principal oversees the yearly allocated budget for the
campus. Once the campus receives their allocation, the monies are placed into specific fund
codes. On our campus, the largest portion of monies is placed in the general funds of each fund
code so that it can be moved if need be. The campus secretary manages the budget with final
approval from the principal.

Facilitating team meetings which involved reviewing CBA data and lesson plan preparation,
brought team members together to share their input on meeting curriculum requirements to
ensure student success. Common assessments were discussed for math, science, and English
Language Arts. Minutes were taken during the planning time and made available to each team
member. The practice of keeping the minutes of the meeting holds everyone accountable for
implementing lesson plans that adhere to the district curriculum map and any strategies discussed
through the reviewing of assessment data. Coming together weekly assures team members are
all on the same page working to ensure student success.

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