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Audrea Wright

108 Bowleys Quarters Rd * Baltimore * MD * 21220 * (443) 797-7196 *

February 6, 2017

Dear, Nurse Recruiter

I am writing in hopes of becoming a member of the nursing team at your hospital. While my preference
would be to obtain a position on your Medical Intensive Care Unit, I am flexible, and willing to work
any position available. I am able to work weekends and nights, as well as any other shift needed of me.

Before entering college I received my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) license, giving me plenty of
experience in the health care field. My background in the medical field hints at my passion for helping
others, and this passion has led me to pursue a career in nursing. I am currently a student at Shenandoah
University, and I will be completing my four-year program in May of 2017 and receiving my Bachelors
of Science in Nursing. The clinical experiences offered at Shenandoah University include my current
preceptorship on the ICU at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital, an experience that granted me an even
greater base of knowledge and skill. The knowledge gained at the clinical, along with all of my previous
clinical experiences has truly allowed me to become a well-educated and experienced care provider in
the medical field.

In addition to all of my skills and knowledge I will also bring my leadership and organizational skills
gained from my previous jobs and extracurricular activities to my new employer. Coordinating my
schedule to fit course work, clinical experiences, a work study job, and tennis at Shenandoah University
has required dedication, time management, and often, even a sense of optimism. My peers, clinical
instructors, and previous job employers have all commented on my ability to take charge and handle
difficult, stressful situations with ease and efficiency.

I believe that my experience and overall dedication to not only my goals, but to our shared goals, would
be a great asset to your nursing team. I would strongly be open to schedule an interview with you, and
can be reached at (443) 797-7196. Thank you so much for your time and consideration in advance. I
greatly look forward to hearing back from you


Audrea Wright

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