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Prostitution is legalized on the ground that the women who

become prostitutes are exercising their individual freedom and
there is nothing we can do about it. We cannot tell people what to
do and what not to do. Some people consider prostitution as a
profession. But is that the actual case? Most of the people might
not support prostitution because their beliefs do not permit it.
There are the people who are too blinded by faith to see things
from objective point of view. Very few people could resist their
temptation to visit a brothel if they are given easy access to. But
they will demand the closure of brothels but have little regard for
the people living miserable lives in each brothel. There are pious
because they do not have way to commit this sin. This does not
undervalue the fact that some people are out there who will not
visit brothel for ethical and religious prohibition if though they are
given easy access to. From religious point of view, prostitution is
forbidden as far I know. Lets think prostitution from different
perspective, which is not brining any religious explanation for the
topic. I do not see any logic behind the existence of brothel under
government protection. I think the government has arguments in
favor of its decision. The most compelling argument that can be
made against prostitution is that the choices most of women
make to become prostitute are not independent. They are
indirectly forced to choose prostitution as their profession. No
one, if given other options, will choose prostitution.

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